






Arakas Island Quests

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Quests Index (Click on your choice to move to the Quest)

Both Paths Good Path Go to
  • Errand
  • Merchant Letter
  • Quest Prologue
  • Quest for Gold, The LH Dragon
  • Chaotic Sword
  • Raven's Dust Quests
  • Tomb Raider
  • Sunrock Diamond
  • Stoneheim Quests
  • Decaying Bat Wings
  • Trust Quest
  • Oracle Walkthrough
  • Goblin Fever
  • Add-on Quests
  • Book of Feylor
  • Evil Path
  • Karma Tips
  • Bluish Liquid
  • Stone of Life
  • Black Market
  • Windhowl Shield
  • Nightsword
  • Yellow Powder
  • Demonblade
  • Runic Scripting Kit
  • Balork's Evil
  • Scroll of Enchantment
  • Blessed Chainmail
  • Jarko's Spellbook

  • Errand (Both Paths, Good & Evil)

    Near Lighthaven temple, there is an NPC (dressed in red clothes) called Lighthaven Samaritan. Talk to him and he will ask you if you have any questions to ask. Answer "Yes" and then say "Errand". He will give you your first quest, to kill 15 rats at the temple dungeon. Kill them, then return to him and say "Errand" again. You will rewarded with 2.500 Experience Points.

    Note: When you are level 1 it's a little difficult to "handle" rats. At the first level of the temple dungeon (in a room to the west), you will find an NPC called Nevanis. Say "Heal" to him and he will cure your wounds. Stay near him and whenever you need help, just say "Heal" to him.

    NPCs involved: Lighthaven Samaritan, Nevanis (optional)
    Quest Reward Synopsis: 2.500 Experience Points

    Quest for Gold, The Lighthaven Dragon (Dark Fang) (Both Paths, Good & Evil)

    At Lighthaven town, near the cemetery you will see a dragon named Dark Fang (can't miss him, that's for sure :-]). Say "Gold" to him and he will give you 200 Gold Pieces. Until you reach your 6th level of experience, you can say "Heal" to him and he will cure your wounds.

    NPCs involved: Dark Fang
    Quest Reward Synopsis: 200 Gold Pieces

    Tomb Raider Quest (Both Paths, Good & Evil)

    Talk to Dark Fang (the Lighthaven dragon) and say "Tomb Raider" to him. He will assign you to kill Tomb Raider. You can find him at the cemetery mausoleum.(Also known as the Arakas Tomb) Kill him and return to Dark Fang. Say "Tomb Raider" to him and you will be rewarded with 5.000 Experience Points.

    Note #1: An easy way to kill Tomb Raider is to let the Mummies hit him. When he becomes "red" attack him and kill him.
    Note #2: If someone else has killed the Tomb Raider, you must wait about 30 minutes before he reappears.

    NPCs involved: Dark Fang
    Mini-Bosses involved: Tomb Raider
    Quest Reward Synopsis: 5.000 Experience Points

    Decaying Bat Wings Quest (Both Paths, Good & Evil)
    At level 2 of Lighthaven temple dungeon you will find Undead Bats. Kill them until you find Decaying Bat Wings. Take them and go to the Lighthaven mage tower (North-East from Lighthaven, follow the path upwards). There you will find an NPC named Uranos. Say "Work" to him and he will tell you about a component that he needs. He will also tells you to find Marsac Cred and ask him about the component. Go to Windhowl town and find Marsac Cred (he is at the Windhowl mage tower) and say "Uranos" to him. He will say that the component is Decaying Bat Wings. Go back to Uranos and say "Decaying Bat Wings". You will be rewarded with a Skull Dagger and 2.500 Experience Points.

    Note #1: You can say "Decaying Bat Wings" directly to Uranos (it isn't necessary to visit Marsac Cred)

    Note #2: There is a chance that Uranos will not take the wings. That happens because someone has done the quest recently. If this happens to you, leave and return to Uranos later.

    NPCs involved: Uranos, Marsac Cred (Optional)
    Quest Reward Synopsis: 2.500 Experience Points, Skull Dagger (12 Str, 43 Int, 15 Wis)

    Merchant Letter Quest (Good Path)

    At the Lighthaven Bank (south from the temple) find Kirlor Dul. Say "Work" and then "Register" to him. He will ask if "you want to register". Answer "Yes" and he will give you a registry letter, which you must deliver to one of the two merchants in Lighthaven. If you choose to give the letter to Sigfried you will be rewarded with Experience Points and if you give the letter to Rolph you will be rewarded with Gold Pieces. In any case, go to one of the merchants and say "Letter". They will give a letter that you must deliver to Lord Sunrock at the city of Windhowl.

    Attention: this is a timed quest, so go directly to Windhowl.

    When you arrive, find Lord Sunrock (he is located at the house north of the temple entrance). Say "Report" and he will thank you and reward you with either 750 Gold Pieces or 6,000 Experience Points -- Depending on who you started the quest with.

    Note #1: You must be at least 5 level to start this quest.
    Note #2: You can do this quest twice, once registering with Rolph and once with Sigfried.

    NPCs involved: Kihlor Dul, Sigfried / Rolph, Lord Sunrock

    Quest Reward Synopsis: 750 Gold Pieces (if you choose to register with Rolph) or 6000 Experience Points (if you choose to register with Sigfried)

    Black Market Quest (Evil Path)

    At the Lighthaven Bank (south from the temple) find Kihlor Dul. Say "Work" and then "Register" to him. He will ask if "you want to register". Answer "Yes" and he will give you a registry letter, which you must deliver to one of the two merchants in Lighthaven. If you choose to give the letter to Sigfried you will be rewarded with Experience Points and if you give the letter to Rolph you will be rewarded with Gold Pieces. In any case, go to one of the merchants and say "Letter". They will give a letter that you must deliver to Lord Sunrock at the city of Windhowl.

    Attention: this is a timed quest. So move on :-)

    Instead of going to Windhowl, go to the Thieves' town (through Brigands cave) and find Asarr. Talk to him and say "Report". He will thank you and tell you to report to Lord Sunrock fast, before he notices something. Go back to Windhowl and find Lord Sunrock (he is located at the house north of the temple entrance) and say "Report" to him. He will thank you and reward you with 750 Gold Pieces or 6,000 Experience Points. Leave and continue leveling. After you level up twice return to Lord Sunrock. Talk to him and he will accuse you for betraying him.

    Attention: If you return the Diamond he will forgive you. If you want to continue the Evil Path don't do so!

    Leave and go back to Asarr. He will apologize -cause Sunrock learn it- and he will ask if want to "chicken out" or not.

    Attention: Do not answer "Yes" if you want to stay at the Evil Path

    Say "No" to him (-17 karma) and he will send you to find The Lurker at Windhowl. Go to Windhowl and find The Lurker (located south of the temple) and say "Market of Shadows". He will direct you next door to Ttayh Mark. Say "Black Market" and you will now have access to the world-famous black market :-)

    Note #1: The Black Market is open only at night time.
    Note #2: The items that you can find at the Black Market are not the same every day and are different to every user.

    NPCs involved: Kihlor Dul, Sigfried / Rolph, Lord Sunrock, Assar, Lurker, Ttayh Mark
    Quest Reward Synopsis: 750 Gold Pieces (if you choose to register to Rolph) or 6000 Experience Points (if you choose to register to Sigfried), gain access to Black Market

    Chaotic Sword Quest (Good Path)
    If you have started the Black Market quest but you regreted doing so, you can still follow Good Path. After you have been accused from Lord Sunrock for betrayal, go to Asarr and say "Merchandise". He will ask you if you want to "chicken out" or not. Say "Yes" and he will offer you a Box of Jewels. Buy it and give it to Lord Sunrock. He will forgive you and give you a Chaotic Sword.

    NPCs involved: Assar, Lord Sunrock
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Chaotic Sword (53 Str)

    Sunrock Diamond Quest (Good Path)
    There is a chest near Lord Sunrock. Open it and you will find a diamond. Take it and talk to Lord Sunrock. Say "Diamond" to him. He will thank you and reward you with 400 Gold Pieces.

    Note: You can do this quest as many times as you want

    NPCs involved: Lord Sunrock
    Quest Reward Synopsis: 400 Gold Pieces

    Goblin Fever Quest (Both Paths, Good & Evil (+ karma))

    NW of Lighthaven, find a yellow goblin named Dorken Rotsmell. Kill him and one of the following NPCs will get sick

    1. If Geena is sick from Goblin fever

    Geena is located in Halam's Inn (LH Tavern). Talk to her and she will tell you that she is sick. She will ask you to find Mushn who is located at the WH Fields. Find him and talk to him, he will give you a Healing Leaf. Go back to Geena and click on her. She will take the leaf and thank you. She also tells you to speak to Halam for your reward. Click on Halam and he will give you a Girdle of Courage or a Ring of the Bear.

    2. If Kalastor is sick from Goblin fever
    Kalastor is located at a house in the Lighthaven square. Talk to him and he will ask you to find the Lurker at Windhowl. Go to Windhowl, find The Lurker (located in a house south from the temple) and talk to him. He will offer you an Elixir of Purity for 800 Gold Pieces. Buy it (say "Yes") and return to Kalastor. Click on him and he takes the Elixir. He will thank you and reward you with (1500 + (200 * current level)) Gold Pieces.

    3. If Murmuntag is sick from Goblin fever
    Murmuntag is located at the Lighthaven square (a friendly Orc). He will ask you for a pouch of yellow powder. You can find yellow powder by killing Araf Kul or Roshnak Tul, both located at Arakas Orc camp.

    Attention: Araf Kul and Roshnak Tul are difficult for low levels. We recommend that you don't do this quest until level 15. And get some potions :-)

    The yellow powder is a little difficult to be found and maybe you will have to kill him more than once in order to find it. When you find it, return to Murmuntag and click on him. He will be cured and reward you with (1000 + (100 * current level)) Experience Points.

    Note #1: An easy way to kill Araf Kul and Roshnak Tul if you are a fighter (or if you use melee combat) is to approach him slowly, killing all the Orcs that you find in your way. Don't hesitate to backstep a little bit, if you are overwhelmed. First clear the whole area and when he is alone, attack him. On the other hand, if you are a mage, use an earth/fire based spell for the damage and Lesser Drain for recovering your lost HP.
    Note #2: You can do this quest as many times as you want.

    NPCs involved: Geena / Kalastor / Murmuntag
    Mini-Bosses involved: Dorken Rotsmell, Araf Kul / Roshnak Tul (Optional)
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Girdle of Courage (26 Int, 28 Wis) or Ring of the Bear (20 Int, 23 Wis) if the Goblin Fever hits Geena / (1500 + (200 * level)) Gold Pieces if the Goblin Fever hits Kalastor / (1000 + (100 * level)) Experience Points if the Goblin Fever hits Murmuntag.

    Book of Feylor Quest (Both Paths, Good & Evil)
    At Arakas Druid Camp, find an NPC called Lantalir Rainmist. Talk to him and he will mention that he is searching for a Book of Feylor located at the Ruined City. To reach the Ruined City you must pass through the Labyrinth. But before you begin your trip, be sure to have an "Iron Key" in your backpack. Go through the Labyrinth and find the exit to the Ruined City. Search for a locked chest (located NW from the entrance). Your iron key will open the chest and you will find the Book of Feylor. Go back to Lantalir Rainmist and say "Book of Feylor" to him. He will reward you with a Sapphire Bracelet and 2.500 experience points.

    Note: You can do this quest as many times as you want.

    NPCs involved: Lantalir Rainmist
    Quest Reward Synopsis: 2.500 experience points, Sapphire Bracelet (33 Int, 33 Wis)

    Bluish Liquid Quest (Both Paths, Good & Evil)
    At Arakas Druid Camp, search for an NPC called Dunikus Hornwind. Say "Work" to him and he will tell you that he can make a "Bluish Liquid" if you bring him a "pink leaf" and an "apple". You can find Pink Tree's Leaf by killing Araf Kul and you can buy the Apple from Fali (Lighthaven potion seller) for 5 Gold Pieces. When you collect them return to Dunikus Hornwind and talk to him. He will ask if you want him to make you the Bluish Liquid. Answer "Yes" and you will get it.

    Note: You can do this quest as many times as you want.

    NPCs involved: Durnikus Hornwind
    Mini-Bosses involved: Araf Kul (optional)
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Flask of Bluish Liquid (Heal potion +100 HP, 5 uses)

    Stone of Life Quest (Both Paths, Good & Evil)

    You can accomplish this quest in many different ways.

    1st way: Before you start this quest be sure that you have a diamond in your backpack (take it from Lord Sunrock's chest). Go to Arakas Druid Camp and find an NPC called Yrian Earthsong. Say "Name", "Work" and he will tell you about the "Stone of Life". Tell him "Stone of Life" twice and he will say that the stone has been stolen and you must find it and return it.

    Attention: Say "Stone of Life" to him once and repeat it after about 15 minutes. Note that this is a timed quest and if anyone else has started the quest, Yrian will not give the quest to you.

    He will tell you that maybe an Orc has it. Go to the 3rd level of Jarko's Cave and find the Renegade Orc Leader. Say "Stone of Life" to him. He we tell you that a Troll stole it from him. Go to the Troll's Lair and find Mhorgwloth the Troll. Say "Stone of Life" and he will tell you that he likes shiny rocks. Say "Diamond" and he will trade the Stone of Life for your Diamond. Go back to Yrian Earthsong and say "Stone of Life". He will thank you and reward you with a Twisted Dagger.

    2nd way: When Yrian Earthsong mentions that the Stone of Life was stolen, go to the Thieve's Town and find Asarr. Say "Stone of Life" and he will tell you that he does not trust you. Say "Trust, ""Job", "Yes", and he will tell you that he is looking for Lord Sunrock's diamonds. Go to Lord Sunrock's residence at Windhowl. At the chest located near Lord Sunrock you will find a diamond. Pick it up and go back to Asarr. Say "Reward", "Yes". He will thank you and tell you that when he is ready to teach you, he will call you. Until version 1.21, Asarr never trains you on the technique that he mentions. Say "Stone of Life" and he will tell you that has stolen it from the Troll and he will sell it to you for 1.000 Gold Pieces. Say "Yes" to buy it and go back to Yrian Earthsong. Say "Stone of Life" . He will thank you and reward you with a Twisted Dagger.

    3rd way: When you find the Stone of Life (either from Mhorgwolth or Asarr) instead for returning it to Yrian Earthsong, go to Lighthaven and find the NPC Araknor (located behind the Lighthaven temple). Say "Stone of Life" to him and he will reward you with a Shadowblade.

    Note #1: You can do this quest as many times as you want.
    Note #2: If you take the stone of life to Jarko and say "Stone of Life", he will remove it from your inventory, but give no reward.

    NPCs involved: Yrian Earthsong, Assar (Optional), Mhorgwloth (Optional), Renegade Orc Leader (Optional), Araknor (Optional)
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Twisted Dagger (30 Str, 50 Wis, 30 Int) for the first 2 ways / Shadowblade (68 Str, 19 Int, 21 Wis) for the 3rd way.

    Windhowl Shield Quest (Both Paths, Good & Evil (-karma))

    At Windhowl, search for an NPC called A Wounded Guard (located at the first house at the left as you enter the town). Speak to him and he will tell you that a Troll wounded him. He will also ask you to kill the Troll. Go to Troll's Lair (west from caves) and find Mhorgwolth the troll. Kill him (-2 karma) and return to Windhowl . Say "Troll" to the Wounded Guard and he will reward you with a Shield of Windhowl.

    NPCs involved: A Wounded Guard
    Mini-Bosses involved: Mhorgwloth the Troll
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Shield of Windhowl (60 End, 26 Int, 23 Wis).

    Yellow Powder Quest (Both Paths, Good & Evil)

    In order to find a pouch of Yellow Powder, you must kill either Araf Kul or Roshnak Tul (located at Arakas Orc Camp). The drop of yellow powder is rare and you may need to kill them more than once in order to find it. Once you find it, go to the Lighthaven mage tower and find an NPC named Lothan. Say "Yellow Powder" and he will reward you with a Ring of the Initiate, Gloves of the Duelist, or 850 Gold Pieces.

    Note #1: An easy way to kill Araf Kul and Roshnak Tul if you are a fighter (or if you use melee combat) is to approach him slowly, killing all the Orcs that you find in your way. Don't hesitate to backstep a little bit, if you are overwhelmed. First clear the whole area and when he is alone, attack him. On the other hand, if you are a mage, use an earth/fire based spell for the damage and Lesser Drain for recovering your lost HP.

    Note #2: You can do this quest as many times as you want.

    NPCs involved: Lothan
    Mini-Bosses involved: Araf Kul / Roshnak Tul
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Ring of the Initiate (23 Int, 24 Wis), Gloves of the Duelist (45 End, 27 Int, 33 Wis), or 850 Gold pieces.

    Runic Scripting Kit Quest (Both Paths, Good & Evil)
    At the Lighthaven Mage tower find Iraltok. Say "Runic Scripting Kit" to him and he will ask you to bring him a pouch of yellow powder, a flask of goblin blood, a feather, a diamond, a vial of spider venom and 1000 Gold Pieces.

  • You can find yellow powder from Araf Kul or from Roshnak Tul
  • Flask of Goblin Blood from Goblin Subchief/Warchief/Warlord & Count Hemogoblin
  • Feather from Goblin Chieftain/Warchief & Orc Shaman
  • Spider Venom from Dark Spiders
  • Diamond from Lord Sunrock's chest

  • Also, consult the items chart for more information and drops

    When you collect all the above items return to Iraltok and say "Make Runic Kit" .

    Note: You can do this quest as many times as you want.

    NPCs involved: Iraltok
    Mini-Bosses involved: Araf Kul / Roshnak Tul
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Runic Scripting Kit.

    Nightsword Quest (Evil Path)

    At Lighthaven town, find an NPC called Jagar Kar (he is the Powerful Blow trainer, located in the house at the left of temple entrance). Say "Sword of Fury" and he will mention that he is looking to find one. Find a Sword of Fury (Goblin Warlords drop it), and return to Jagar Kar. Say again "Sword of Fury" and he will trade it for a Nightsword.

    Note #1: In order to do this quest, you must first complete the Black Market quest.
    Note #2: You can do this quest as many times as you want.

    NPCs involved: Jagar Kar
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Nightsword (65 Str, 30 Int, 25 Wis).

    Scroll of Enchantment Quest (Both Paths, Good & Evil)

    To make the Scroll of Enchantment you will need a Runic Scripting Kit. Go to the Windhowl Mage tower and find a NPC called R'yleth Cth. Say "Buy" and buy a "plain scroll" for 11111/your lvl gold pieces. Now go to Lighthaven and find the NPC Araknor (located east from the temple). Be sure to carry in your backpack the "Runic Scripting Kit" and 500 gold pieces. Say "Blank Magic Scroll" and "Yes". Now you have to enchant your Blank Magic Scroll. Find a "Human Bone" (Araf Kul drops it) and with the "Runic Scripting Kit", the "Blank Magic Scroll" and 4000 gold pieces go to the Windhowl Mage tower and locate an NPC called Marsac Cred. Say "Scroll of Enchantment" and "Yes" and he will scribe the scroll.

    Note: You can do this quest as many times as you want.

    NPCs involved: R'yleth Cth, Araknor, Mersac Cred
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Scroll of Enchantment.

    Blessed Chainmail Quest (Both Paths, Good & Evil)

    To start this quest you must be at least 16 level. When you reach the appropriate level go to Lance Silversmith (located in a house east from Goblin camp). Say "Blessed Chainmail" and he will ask for:

  • 1 Scroll of Enchantment from the Enchantment Scroll quest.
  • 1 Chainmail Armor, buy from Taliron (20777 GP).
  • 5.500 gold pieces

  • Also, consult the items chart for more information and drops

    When you collect the above items, go back to Lance Silversmith and say "Make Blessed Chainmail".

    Note: You can do this quest as many times as you want.

    NPCs involved: Lance Silversmith
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Blessed Chainmail Armor (80 End, 40 Int, 53 Wis).

    Demonblade Quest (Evil Path)

    To start this quest you must be at least 16 level. When you reach the appropriate level go to Lance Silversmith (located in a house east from Goblin camp). Say "Demonblade" and he will ask for:

  • 1 Scroll of Enchantment from the Enchantment Scroll quest.
  • 1 Chaotic Sword from the Chaotic Sword quest, also dropped by Dune Raiders.
  • 1 Demon Skull, dropped by Griroesh.
  • 1 Necklace of the Black Heart, dropped by Bane Blackblood.
  • 8.000 gold pieces

  • Also, consult the items chart for more information and drops

    When you collect the above items, go back to Lance Silversmith and say "Make Demonblade".

    Note: You can do this quest as many times as you want.

    NPCs involved: Lance Silversmith
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Demonblade (213 Str)

    Jarko Spellbook Quest (Both Paths, Good & Evil (+ karma))

    1st way: At Windhowl talk to Lord Sunrock and say "Jarko". He will mention that he wants his spellbook. Go to Jarko Caves at 3rd level and search for Jarko the Necromancer (he looks like a human mage). Kill him and take the spellbook that he will drop. Take it back to Lord Sunrock and say "Spellbook". He will reward you with a Golden Ring and 300 gold pieces.

    2nd way: When you kill Jarko and pick up his spellbook go to Lighthaven and locate the NPC Araknor (he is behind -east- the temple). Say "Jarko", "Spellbook" and he will reward you with a ring of darkness or a ring of confidence and the ability to learn some necromantic spells later from Blindman (Xanth) (become his apprentice, consult the notes on the end of the Spells Chart for more information).

    Note #1: An easy way to kill Jarko if you are a fighter (or if you use melee combat) is to wait until Jarko go to a corner of his room and then attack him. Many of his summon will appear at the other side of the wall and will not disturb you in your work :) On the other hand, if you are a mage, use an earth/fire based spell for the damage and Lesser Drain for recovering your lost HP.
    Note #2: You can do this quest as many times as you want.

    NPCs involved: Lord Sunrock(Optional), Araknor(Optional)
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Golden Ring (22 Int, 26 Wis) and 300 gold pieces (for the 1st way)/Ring of Confidence (17 Int, 31 Wis) or Ring of Darkness (0 reqs), Blindman (Xanth) will teach you some other spells later (for the 2nd way).

    Trust Quest (Good Path (+ karma))

    At the 4th level of the Lighthaven temple dungeon, you will find a demon named Balork. Kill him (+4 karma) and with his last words upon dying he "marks you" (with the "Balork Mark"). Now go to Old Hermit (through Brigand's cave) and say "Trust". He will say that you have to earn his trust and he will direct you to his daughter Mirak Nira (located near the entrance of Windhowl temple). Talk to her and say 3 times "Old Hermit" and then "Trust". To earn her trust you must kill 100 goblins (not counting the goblins you have killed so far). Go to the Arakas Goblin Camp (best place to find a lot of Goblins) and kill 100 of them. When done return Mirak Nira and say "Trust". She will reward you with a ring of trust (+8 karma).

    Attention: If you equip the Ring of Trust, the Old Hermit will not let you advance in the Trust Quest, but you will not be stuck permanently - to fix it, you have to go back in the quest and kill Balork again. So, it is not a bug, it is a test of trust - if the player equips the ring even if he got warned not to do it, they fail the test of trust and have to re-start the quest..

    Head to Old Hermit and say "Trust". He will take the ring and reward you with an Amulet of Precision and 4000 experience points. Say "Miracle", "Wizardry" and he will tell you about a mage named Liurn Clar who lives at Windhowl. Head to Windhowl and find Liurn Clar (located at the mage tower). Say "Portal" and follow the instructions. He will ask for 10000 gold pieces and sign some papers (so that he is not responsible for anything that happens during your trip...that's comforting). Say "Send", "Yes" (you must be at least 25 level) and he will teleport near the fountain of Silversky.

    NPCs involved: Old Hermit, Mirak Nira, Liurn Clar
    Mini-Bosses involved: Balork
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Amulet of Precision (27 Int 26 Wis), 4000 experience points, access to Raven Dust

    Balork's Evil (Evil Path (-karma))

    In Lighthaven, locate Kalastor (in a house near the square) and say "Balork". Now go to the 4th level of the temple dungeon and find Balork. Say "Evil" and he will give you the password (nightingale).

    Attention: Once he gives you the password, Balork will attack you. Don't kill him, just run away.

    Go back to Kalastor and say "Nightingale" and he will ask you to perform some missions. Say "Mission" and he will ask you to go to Edgar Gimplestratten and collect some money he owes Kalastor. Go to Edgar (located south from the square) and say "Kalastor". He will attack you, so kill him (-4 karma). Upon his death, you will receive the money that he owes to Kalastor. Go back to Kalastor and he will ask if you brought him the money. Say "Yes" (-19 karma) and he will mention that he has some more missions for you.

    In order to get your second mission you must have finished the Black Market quest. When it is done, say "Mission" to Kalastor and he will direct you to an old friend of him, named Shadeen. He will also tell you that he lives at Raven Dust island and he will send you to find Liurn Clar (located at Windhowl mage tower). Find him and say "Teleport". Liurn says that Lord Sunrock will not let him and he mentions something about an Orc at the north that maybe can help. Go to 3rd level of Jarko Caves and find an Orc called Renegade Orc Leader. Say "Teleport", "Scribble-papers" and he will tell you that he will trade the scroll with a "big glum sword". * you must be in mission for Kalastor for this to work*

    Attention: If you answer "yes" without having the sword, he will attack you.

    The Orc Leader is looking for a Gloomblade. Go to Lance Silversmith (you must be at least 16 level) and say "Gloomblade". He will ask for a Nightsword, a Ring of Darkness, a Scroll of Enchantment and 10000 gold pieces.

  • You can find Nightsword from Nightsword quest
  • Ring of Darkness from Griroesh or from the locked chest near Griroesh
  • Scroll of Enchantment from Scroll of Enchantment quest

  • Also, consult the items chart for more information and drops

    Collect all the above and go back to Lance Silversmith. Say "Make Gloomblade" and head to Renegade Orc Leader. Say "Scribble-papers", "Yes" and he will give you a Scroll of Silversky.

    Note: Rumors says that the password which Balork gives you, is random. We tried it many times and always we get the same password. (We say it, Souldust says it, so it's over :P)

    NPCs involved: Kalastor, Balork, Liurn Clar, Renegade Orc Leader, Lance Silvermith
    Mini Bosses involved: Edgar Gimplestratten
    Quest Reward Synopsis: Scroll of Silversky

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