In this chart we list all (we hope) abbreviations that are used in T4C (T4C=The 4th Coming :P). We have split them in Chatting/Item/Monster/Spell/Location & Game abbreviations. Follow the links below to move to the relevant section. Special thanks to battlestar, XanThor, Lothlorien, Chichiri and Doomy for their precious help building this chart.
Chatting abbreviations
Item abbreviations
Monster & NPC abbreviations
Spell abbreviations
Location abbreviations
Game abbreviations
Chatting abbreviations
aamof: As A Matter of Fact
afk: Away from keyboard
afk faf: Away from keyboard for a few
afk fas: Away from keyboard for a second
alt: Other characters
atm: at the moment
bib: www.t4cbible.com :)
Bible: www.t4cbible.com :)
bbiab: Be back in a bit
bbiaf: Be back in a few
bbfn: Bye Bye for now
bbl: Be back later
bbs: Be back soon
board: Message board
BQ: Be quiet
brb: Be Right Back
brt: Be Right There
BM: Battle mage
btw: By the way
bykt: But you knew that
cmiiw: Correct me if I'm wrong
cya: See you
eol: End of Lecture
eos: End of story
fyi: For Your Information
gd: Good day
gg: Good game
g/l: Good luck
gl: Good luck
gj: Good job
gn: Good night
gtg: Got to go
HB: Hurry back
hubby: Husband
I.C.: I see
IMHO: In my humble opinion
IMO: In my opinion
info: Information
j/k or jk: Just kidding
jk: Just kidding
l8r: Latter
lag: short (or long) disconection in the server or your net
lvling: Gaining xp to gain a level
lmao: Laughing my a$$ off
lol: Laugh out loud
ltw: Lead the way
KOTC: Kiss on the cheek
m8: Mate
mb: Message board
mule: A character that usually has high str so it can carry that player's items that he/she does not wish to carry (quest items, items not able to be used at the moment, collections etc)
n/m: Never mind
nb: A new player to the game
newb: A new player to the game
newbie or newb or noob or noobie or nb: A new player to the game
nm: Never mind
noob: A new player to the game
noobie: A new player to the game
np: No problem
nvm: Never mind
omg: Oh my god
omw: On my way
otoh: On the Other Hand
palada: Palidin
palli: Palidin
pally: Palidin
ppl: People
puter: Computer
r: are
Red plug: short (or long) disconection in the server or your net
ROFL: Rolling on floor laughing
ROFLMAO: Rolling on floor laughing my a$$ off
sheets: Print outs from helpful web sites
sry: Sorry
TM: Tank mage
ttfn: Tata for now
ttyl: Talk to you later
ty: Thank You
tyvm: Thank you very much
u: you
yw: You are welcome
w8: Wait
warr: Warrior
wad: What
wat: What
wb: Welcome back
wif: With
wtf: What the f***
wtg: Way to Go
WTH: What the hell
Item abbreviations
AB: Ancient Blade
ABA: Ancient Broad Axe
ACOP: Arcane Circlet of Power
AMS: Ancient Morningstar
AP: Ancient Plate
BLC: Black Locust Composite Bow
BOH: Blade of Heroism
BS: Bluestone Armor
BS Ring: Bloodstone Ring
CAR: Chipped Azure Ring
CBS: Crimson Bastard Sword
CCOS: Cat-Clawed Ornated Staff
Chalice: Golden Chalice
CoA: Cloak of Armageddon
CoD: Cloak of Deceit
CoFR: Cape of Fire Resistance
CoR: Cloak of renewal
CotA: Cloak of the Archer or Cloak of the Ages
CoV: Crown of the Visionary
CSoM: Crystal Sword of Might
DJC: Crown of the Death Jester
DPF: Diamond Power Focus
Drach: Drachen items (helm, robe, staff)
EotT: Eye of the Tiger
EPF: Emerald Power Focus
FBR: Flowing black robe
GB: Goblin Blood
GEET: Golden Emerald Encrusted Tiara
GoS: Gauntlets of Shocking
Grail: Grail of Purity
Hero Blade: Blade of Heroism
HoC: Helmet of the Clairvoyant
JRoS: Jade Ring of Sorcery
Kitty stick: Cat-Clawed Ornated Staff
LBoS: Leather Belt of Survival
LBoD: Lost Blade Of The Dragon
LBoTD: Lost Blade Of The Dragon
LHoD: Lost Helm of the Dragon
MMS: Mithril Morningstar
MoE: Mantle of the Elements
MoiB: Mantle of Infinite Blessings
MoTS: Morningstar of the sun
QS: Quickstrike
Reds: Red books
REROP: Rune-Etched Robe of Protection
RHA: Rusted Hand Axe
RMD: Runed Malachite Diadem
RoD: Ring of Darkness
RoF: Ring of Faith
RoH: Robe of Hell/Heaven
RoPF: Ring of Pure Faith
RotL: Ring of the Lion
RPF: Ruby Power Focus
SPF: Sapphire Power Focus
rsbs: Red Spell Books
Sac dagger: Sacrificial Dagger of Bleeding
sdob: Sacrificial Dagger of Bleeding
SoF: Sword of Fury or Soul of Flare
SotA: Shield of the Ages
SSoP: Silver Spoon of the Prophet
SSR: Spider Shaped Ring
SV: Spider Venom
SWR: Shimmering white robe
TB: Tidal Blade
WS: Windslash
Monster abbreviations
Big Red Guy: Balork
Demon: Balork
B's: B'Thastan, B'Thonian, B'Thurkan
BL: Bloodlust
Bugs: Kraanians
Cents: Centaurs
DJ: Death Jester
FG: Forest Guardian
Girlyman: Gluriurl
GluGlu: Gluriurl
Gluri: Gluriurl
Gman: Gluriurl
Gob: Goblin
Greens: Kahp Leth Skraugs
Lich: Makrsh P'tangh
Liche: Makrsh P'tangh
LoTS: Lord of the Shops
Mages: Skraug mages
Milies: Kraanian Millipeeds
P10: Makrsh P'tangh
Pitanga: Makrsh P'tangh
Pman: Makrsh P'tangh
Pootie: Makrsh P'tangh
Pten: Makrsh P'tangh
Purps: Moontug Skraugs
Red Guy: Balork
Reds: Moontug Skraugs
sents: Undead Sentinals
Tangh: Makrsh P'tangh
tara: Tarantula
TP: Time Protector
Worms: Bloodlust
Wormie: Bloodlust
Spell abbreviations
Barr: Barrier
EQ: Earthquake
ES: Earthen Strength
MCS: Minor/Major Combat Sense
MS: Mana Shield
Prot.: Protection
RoF: Rain of Fire
Sanct: Sanctuary
Shield: Mana Shield or Mana Surge
Spell up: Protection, Barrier, Mana Shield, Mana Surge, Minor Combat Sense, Major Combat Sense, Bless, Earthen Strength
SS: Stone Skin
s skin: Stone Skin
Surge: Mana Surge
TU: Turn Undead
VoA: Vortex of Air
WoR: Word of Recall
Location abbreviations
AR: Arakas
Bug isle: Island SW of Hermit Antonian with kraanians, wasps, and snakes on it
Cents: Centaurs spawn location
CV: Cursed Valley
DC: Druid Camp
Doggies: Wolves spawn location
E realm: Etheral Realm
FoNR: Forest of No Return
GC: Goblin Camp
Gob x: Goblin Camp
Hallway: Room in oracle realm before portals to chambers to oracle
heavy-t: Tarantula Field (Near at NPC Evelyn)
L room: Room in oracle realm before portals to chambers to oracle
LH: Lighthaven
Mads: Madrigan's House
Merc's: Mercenary camps outside of LH
Millie lake: Spawn north of lake with Kraanian Milliepedes
O realm: Oracle Realm
Puppies: Major wolf spawn area
Raiders rock: North of Windhowl
RD: Raven Dust
SC: Stonecrest
SH: Stoneheim
Spiders: Arachnofiend/Necrospider area south of Green Skraugs
SS: Silversky
SSK : Silversky
t1: Lighthaven
t2: Windhowl
t3: Silversky
t4: Stonecrest
t-field: Tarantula Field (Near at NPC Evelyn)
t-lake: Tarantula pond
WH: Windhowl
woofies: Wolves spawn location
Game abbreviations
AC: Armor Class
agi: Agility
agil: Agility
AP: Armor Penetration
att: Attack
def.: Defense
end: Endurance
exp.: Experience
GM: Game Master
GP: Gold Pieces
HP: Hit Points
IMP: Implementor (GM in training)
int: Intelligence
lvl: Level
med: Meditate
MP: Mana Points
PB: Powerful Blow
PK: Person Kill
PVM: Person Versus Monster
PVP: Person Versus Person
RH: Rapid Healing
SB: Stun Blow
SP: Skill Points
str: Strength
tnl: experience need to level
wis: Wisdom
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