






Hints & Tips

In this section we post some useful T4C hints & tips. If you have a tip that we miss, please it to us.

Windows XP mouse lag problem
Before Upgrading tip
Black Screens tip
Attack training
Macros lost in rename
Invisible doors or portals
Log off bug
Macros lost on seraphing
Direction tip
Mumbling tip
Windows 2000 mouse lag problem
Desktop's Crashing & Mouse Lockups
Runed Stone Tablet macro
Speed up T4C
Use macros on 2 or more PCs
Use Any Font in the Chat Interface
Disable All Sound in the Game
Disable the "Paging" Sound
Change the T4C Client Language

  • Windows XP mouse lag problem
    On Windows XP, using ALT TAB to desktop and then back to game, causes the mouse to have lag problems. It can be easily resolved using the Windows XP compatibility mode. (Start All Programs (or Programs) Accessories Compatibility Wizard Select T4C.EXE and "run as WIN98 or ME").

  • Before Upgrading tip
    Backup your T4C folder often. Zip it with WinZip or any other zip program. It will help you to avoid re-downloading it on a PC crash or any problem when downloading a new version. Also before installing a new patch, check your t4c folder for read only files (Right click Properties Attributes). If any, unselect them and hit apply.

  • Black Screens tip
    Try to log-off from game in a peaceful place. Monsters and spell graphics can cause black screens in log-on. If you keep on getting black screens, use recall spell with your macro key. It may be helpful. It also works if u rapidly press your armlet of flames macro. Start hitting it as soon as the load screen appears.

  • Attack training
    If you train your attack skill (and you have a plus weapon equipped (+1, +2, +3)) remove your weapon and re-equip it in order to gain the extra bonus from your new train.

  • Macros lost in rename (Tip by Tarek Acoma and FoG)
    In case of name change all macros will be lost. You don't need to re-do them, just open the windows registry (Start Run type regedit and hit enter) and rename the old char name to the new one. User name is stored under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Vircom/T4C/(Acountname)/(Charname).

  • Invisible doors or portals (Tip by FoG)
    Sometime doors and portals disappear (video lag). To make them reappear just walk until the door is out of the screen and then return back. The object will reappear.

  • Log off bug (Tip by Nosferatus SoS)
    DON'T quit the game when you are OVER a door... that will cause a bug and the door will be useless until the next server reset.

  • Macros lost on seraphing (Tip by Jax111)
    Saving your registry keys BEFORE remorting will prevent them from being deleted. Once you get back to Lighthaven, just reapply them.

  • Direction tip (Tip by Nosferatus SoS)
    When walking press mouse button to a direction, keyboard arrows to the same direction and shift. Release the mouse button, then the arrows and the shift. The mouse will be blocked in a "walking mode". It's useful to walk and talk at the same time ;) In order to get back to the normal mode just click the mouse button.

  • Mumbling tip (Tip by Kadal)
    To write over the head in 2 or more lines use the <>, with a space before and after.
    For example type:
    my name is <> Frodo
    you will get
    my name is

  • Windows 2000 mouse lag problem (Tip by Martin & Hadak)
    For all those running Win2k Pro and who are having mouse lag problems, follow the instructions below:

    Click your start button and click Run
    Type in:
    regsvr32 %systemroot%\apppatch\slayerui.dll and press Enter
    A dialog box will appear saying that the operation was successful. If it says the operation wasn't successful, then you typed something wrong.

    Now you have the ability to run things in compatibility mode.
    Simply right-click the shortcut to T4C and click properties. There you will see a tab for Compatibility - click it.
    Check the "Run in compatibility" box and select Windows 98 from the dropdown menu. Click OK.
    Now you will be able to run T4C and be able to alt tab as many times as you want without getting any more mouse lag.

    Note: You need to have at least SP2 to fix the mouse lag problem in Win2k.

  • Desktop's Crashing & Mouse Lockups (Tip by ThE TaZ-Pk)
    This has been a problem for me (a lot) and for some people I know who have also had this problem. When you go to log in, and just before the "Loading" Screen comes up, instead your desktop gets set to 640x480 resolution, and your mouse freezes. Ever had this happen to you? Would you like to fix it? Read on

    Well to be more technical, after some small research I found that Rundll32 causes page faults in the GDI.exe. For anyone who doesn't know, basically its used for 16bit & 32bit graphics. The error comes from running your desktop at 32bit color, and having to switch back to 16bit color. I don't know why the GDI does this, as I do not have the resources to fully test & expect it. I believe this to be an error in Vircom's programming, but it could be one of many Microsoft faults as well. But I never had this happen in ver. 1.23 either... Started with 1.24.

    So in short, to fix this problem for now, Right click your desktop, click Properties, select Settings & set your colors to 16bit. Click Apply & Ok

  • Runed Stone Tablet macro (Tip by Gugus SoS)
    As you have notice, you cannot macro your Runed Stone Tablet. Until Vircom correct this bug, follow the steps below:

    - First, close your T4C
    - Run your Windows Registry ("Start Menu" "Run..." and then type "regedit" and press enter)
    - Search for "Vircom" (Pressing CTRL+F)
    - Now browse in "Vircom" for the char in the respective account
    - Then in the Folder "Item Macros", count the number of macros you've got
    Tip: Count the number of MacroName.
    In case you didn't noticed, they are sequential :) (I will suppose there's 8 occurrences/macros)
    - Now add a new "String Value" named "MacroName9" and then double click it.
    - In the "Value Data", insert whatever you wanna name it! (Ex: Runed Stone Tablet)
    - Then create a "DWORD Value", named "MacroId9", with the value "a370" (hexadecimal)
    - Finally, create another "DWORD Value" named "MacroIcon9", with the value "f1" (hexadecimal)
    Note: "f1" is the icon of the Healing pot ;) you can choose another, like "1f4" (hexadecimal) is the icon of a gem.

  • Speed up T4C (Tip by HaDAk)
    Speed up t4c by tweaking the registry (actually, it speeds up your filesystem...idk if it works with all versions of windows, but it should. i'm using 2k pro.) Anyway, you'd edit this key:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SessionManager\Memory Management] change the key "IoPageLockLimit" to a decimal value of 32768. This will change the default 8k io to 32meg, speeding up your filesystem quite a bit. (note: restart required.)

    Also, in an NT based system (2k, and xp...i dont think we have anyone using nt4 cause of the sound issue) you can hit ctrl-shift-esc and hit the processes tab. from there, choose t4c.exe and right click. Change the priority level from high to realtime, and that will increase framerate, but it might make your computer a little unstable.

  • Use macros on 2 or more PCs (Tip by Mat MTX)
    This is for people who play T4c on more than one PC and want to keep their macros and inventory items synchronized.
    The easiest way to do this is with a floppy disk but you can use any removable media.
    To do this first run the registry editor on the PC you've just finished playing on, Click START RUN and type regedit in the command line.
    The registry editor will start, Now you must find the Vircom folder, The path should be HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Vircom (Or use ctrl+f to find the folder) Click on this folder and now click Registry Export Registry File as shown in the picture below.

    A dialog box will open asking where to Export the file to, choose your floppy drive "A:" or whatever media you want to save the file to. Name the file what you want, as you can see I have named my file T4c in the picture below.

    Now the first part is done, You have on your disk all the settings the game saves in the registry. All we need to do is Import them on the 2nd PC you play on.
    Here is how we do that, Run regedit on the 2nd PC click Registry > Import Registry file, as you can see in the picture below.

    A dialog box will open asking where to import the file from, choose the device you are using (make sure your media is inserted) after the device reads the media click on the registry file you saved and click open, as seen in the picture below.

    Well if all went well you should get a notice like in the picture below and that's it, You can do this every time you switch PC's.. Please see the notes below for a couple more tips.

    Note: You can save the file with a (.txt) extension so you can view and edit it if necessary

    Tip : If you change your name you will lose all macro and inventory as well as CC settings to avoid this simply find the folder with the old char's name and rename it.

    Tip : You can also use E-Mail to swap this file :o)

  • Use Any Font in the Chat Interface (Tip by Martin)
    This tip will allow you to use any font in the chat interface in the game. Just to be clear, the chat interface is the ctrl+L screen etc, not the text you see in the regular game view. I hope you can have fun with this and make your T4C game a bit more personalized.

    Click your Start Button and go to run. Type "regedit" (without the quotes) and hit enter. Your registry editor will now pop up on your screen. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_User Software Vircom T4C. Right click somewhere in the right side of the window and click new String Value. A new value will appear and flash because you need to give it a name. Name it "SmallFont" (without quotes). Now double-click it and for the value, type in the EXACT name of the font you wish to see in your chat windows (font must be installed on your computer .. duh). Now, we must specify the size of the font. Right click again to make a new value. Chose new DWORD. Again, a new value will appear and flash because it needs a name. Name this one "SmallFontSize" (without quotes). Double click it and type in the size you want your font to be in game (16 for example).

    That's it! If you have done it properly, you will see your new font when you open the chat interface in the game. You can edit these values anytime to change the font, the size, or both. To go back to using the default game font, simply right click the values and delete them.

  • Disable All Sound in the Game (and skip sound decompression) (Tip by Martin)
    This tip is useful if you find yourself turning the volume of the music or sounds in the ctrl+O screen down, especially when you are on a slower computer and turn the sounds off to speed up the game. Doing this also skips the music decompression part of running safemode.exe or reinstalling the game (the music decompression takes forever on slow machines!)

    Click your Start Button and go to run. Type "regedit" (without the quotes) and hit enter. Your registry editor will now pop up on your screen. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_User Software Vircom T4C. Right click somewhere in the right side of the window and click new DWORD. A new value will appear and flash because you need to give it a name. Name it "NoMusic" (without quotes). Now double-click it and set the value to 1 (does not matter if it is decimal or hexadecimal values).

    That's it, you are done! To re-enable the sound in the game, simply change the value to 0 or right click and delete.

  • Disable the "Paging" Sound (Tip by Martin)
    This is a useful tip for those that find the sound the game makes when you send/receive pages is annoying.

    Click your Start Button and go to run. Type "regedit" (without the quotes) and hit enter. Your registry editor will now pop up on your screen. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_User Software Vircom T4C. Notice the DWORD value on the right side of the window called "PageSound". Double Click it and change the value to 0.

    That's it, you're done! To re-enable the sound, simply change the value back to 1.

  • Change the T4C Client Language between French and English (Tip by Martin)
    Go to your start menu and click run, type in regedit and hit enter. Your registry editor will pop up on screen. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Vircom T4C .. on the right side you will see a String value called "Language" .. when you double click that you can change the client from french to english or vise-versa by changing the value to either "French" or "English".

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    The "4" logo is a trademark of Dialsoft, Inc.
    T4C (engine, contents, graphics and music) is ©1999 Dialsoft, Inc. All rights reserved."
    Screenshots and all Dialsoft-owned T4C graphics are © 1999, Dialsoft,Inc.
    Maps or other images composed from screenshots are © 1999, Dialsoft,Inc. and Mainline Information.

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