






Monster Charts

Monster Chart Index (click on your choice to move to the relevant section)

A. Monster Chart/Level/EXP/Spells/Damage/HP
B. Colosseum Monsters
C. Monster Spells

A. Monster Name/Level/EXP/Spells/Damage/HP

Black: Arakas Monsters
Teal: Raven Dust Monsters
Light Blue: Stoneheim Monsters
Orange: Seraph Monsters
Violet: Add-on Monsters
Red: Beta Monsters (Summon from GM only)
Italic: Mini Bosses

Click here for the Graphical Representation of all monsters.
Click here for the Monster Elemental Weakness Chart.

Note: The monster damage that we list, is the melee monster damage. Monster spells does different damages.

Monster Name Lvl XP +1 XP +50 XP +100 Spells/Abilities Min Dmg Max Dmg HP
A Powerful Hunter 75 23562 23562 21600 - 98 211 2086
A Sentry 100 44485 44485 44485 - 135 306 32590
A Skraug Guard 100 44485 44485 44485 - 135 306 32590
A Skraug Sentry 100 44485 44485 44485 - 135 306 32590
A Sweeper 1 45 42 42 - 2 5 27
A Timeless Guardian 125 70986 70986 70986 - 177 373 4677
Aaron Brownbark 70 40640 40640 38542 Stone Shard, Lightning Bolt, Heal Serious 85 192 3758
Acid Slime 36 4997 4350 3930 Poison Arrow 36 82 737
Acid Zombie 60 14611 13925 12664 Poison Arrow, Drain Life, Foul Sickness 70 159 1497
An Undead Guardian 150 104974 104974 104974 Freeze 203 460 6334
An Undead Sentinel 140 90351 90351 90351 Freeze* 189 429 5641
Animated Corpse 14 904 687 645 - 12 27 235
Antelope 20 0 0 0 - 0 0 353
Anthor the Mad 100 ~100000 Random - 153 306 6500
Apparition 55 12185 12185 10356 - 63 143 1321
Arachnofiend 60 14613 14613 12665 Poison, Poison Arrow, Petrification 70 159 1497
Araf Kul 25 4861 4051 3646 Fire Bolt, Fire Shield 22 50 926
Arch Drake 1000 0 0 0 Fireball 1353 3067 206623
Assassin 14 905 687 645 - 12 27 235
Assassin 1 0 0 0 - 5 14 27
Atrocity 5 231 161 157 - 5 12 84
B'thastan 100 44489 44489 44489 Fireball, Fire Bolt, Fire Shield, Mana Leak 110 281 3259
B'thonian 120 65137 65137 65137 Fireball, Fire Bolt, Fire Shield, Mana Leak 132 338 4373
B'thurkhan 125 70982 70982 70982 Fireball, Fire Bolt, Fire Shield, Mana Leak 124 338 4677
Balork [+karma] 15 2025 1553 1452 - 13 29 508
Bandaged Horror 44 7722 7413 6280 - 42 109 966
Bane Blackblood 80 56462 56462 52698 Fire Bolt, Fireball, Poison Arrow, Ice Shard, Lightning Bolt, Stone Shard, Heal Serious, Drain Life 224 472 4602
Bat 1 42 37 32 - 2 5 27
Bend Hayjes the Rotten 38 11238 10330 8907 Freeze, Drain Life, Lightning Bolt 39 87 1620
Berserker Rat 62 15670 15670 13684 Firefang, Rabies, Rat Lice 73 166 1571
Blaarg Toemangler 38 11189 10294 8877 Ice Shard, Lightning Bolt, Heal Serious 38 87 1584
Black Prophet 100 46321 46009 44837 Chilling Touch, Stone, Heal Serious, Drain Life, Aggravation, (Spawn monster Mad Berserker Demon) 39 275 3259
Blackguard 23 2099 1721 1560 - 20 46 418
Blood Hound 48 9445 9047 7810 Drain Life, Rabies, Regeneration 56 126 1090
Bloodlust 100 44293 44293 44293 - 135 280 3329
Bone Demon 62 15669 14064 13686 Ice Shard, Poison Arrow, Aggravation 73 166 1571
Bonedead 18 2721 2141 1978 Ice Shard, Drain Life 15 35 626
Brigand 7 337 240 232 - 6 15 116
Brigand 20 1629 1302 1194 - 17 39 353
Broken One 41 6609 6254 5309 Ice Shard, Drain Life 43 98 876
Brown Rat 1 45 42 42 - 2 5 27
Bugar Pouchsnatcher 28 6043 5156 4592 Heal Serious 25 58 1066
Bulldaoza 42 13992 13246 11288 - 45 102 1812
Burly Jailkeeper 30 3460 2998 2652 - 28 63 581
Carrion Crawler 68 19098 18317 17063 Lightning Bolt, Shadow whispers, Drain Life, Petrification 82 187 1801
Cave Dweller 52 10840 10642 9106 Fireball, Power Up, Mudball, Stone Shard, Throwing Stones 59 133 1219
Celestial Cobra 90 35826 35826 34631 Poison, Petrification 13 273 2761
Centaur Avenger 60 14611 14611 12663 - 71 157 1497
Centaur Champion 75 23557 23557 21594 - 102 209 2086
Centaur Manaweaver 70 20323 20323 18290 Fire Bolt, Armor Weakness, Heal Serious 87 177 1879
Centaur Sentinel 55 12185 12185 10356 - 64 142 1321
Centaur Tracker 40 6272 5703 5019 - 42 91 847
Chaos Demon 60 14607 14607 12658 - 70 159 1497
Chaos Spawn 55 12182 12182 10356 Fire Bolt, Call Lightning, Armor Weakness, Aggravation 63 143 1321
Cobra 33 4168 3612 3237 Poison Arrow 42 71 657
Colony Sentinel 47 8996 8562 7406 Poison Arrow, Petrification 54 122 1058
Commander Mordred 80 28229 28229 26346 (Spawn monster Obsidian Conclave Knight) 126 261 2301
Commander Owain 15 0 0 0 - 13 28 254
Corrupt Adept 23 2096 1718 1557 - 20 46 418
Corrupt Follower 25 2430 2025 1822 - 22 50 463
Corrupted Goblin 15 1011 775 724 - 13 29 254
Count Hemogoblin 30 6921 5998 5305 Ice Shard, Freeze, Drain Life 28 63 1162
Crazed Nurse 18 1360 1055 988 - 17 35 313
Creeper 52 10842 9107 9107 - 59 133 1219
Creeping Sludge 58 13622 13622 11716 Stench, Mudball, Quicksands, Drain Life 67 153 1426
Crypt Custodian 65 17330 17330 15308 Might of the Custodian, Stone Shard, Peaceful Night, Silence of the Lambs, Custodian's Word, Throwing Stones 78 166 1684
Crypt Stalker 43 7315 6974 5925 - 46 105 936
Cursed Being 12 706 527 499 - 10 23 199
Dark Axe 48 18897 18645 15622 - 56 126 2180
Dark Cleric 90 37787 37787 36508 Mudball, Heal Serious, Drain Life, Aggravation 36 268 2761
Dark Custodian 50 10291 9978 8573 Stone Shard, Stoneskin, Forest Return to Center 60 135 1153
Dark Noble 85 32463 31908 29731 Drain Life, Unholy Blessing, Antimagic Shell 31 232 2527
Dark Spider 11 628 465 442 - 9 22 181
Dark Warlord 75 24135 22248 21599 Armor Melt, Hell chains, Evil fire, Drain Life, Mana Leak 93 211 2086
Darkness Demon 60 14607 14607 12658 - 70 159 1497
Dead Bolt 55 24373 24373 20716 Lightning Bolt, Drain Life 63 143 2642
Death Chosen 40 6274 5856 5020 Drain Life 42 94 847
Death Jester 39 11874 11003 9458 Ice Shard, Drain Life 40 91 1642
Death Stinger 33 4178 3704 3244 Poison Arrow 31 71 657
Deathstalker 70 20321 20321 18288 Firefang, Fire Shield, Unholy Blessing, Complete Dispel, Aggravation 85 194 1879
Decaying Zombie 3 108 93 92 - 4 8 55
Deep One 32 3935 3463 3043 - 30 69 631
Deep One (Boss) 42 13992 13246 11288 Stone Shard, Drain Life 46 101 1812
Defiler 19 1489 1181 1087 Corruption, Drain Life 16 37 334
Delwobble (Mad Sumoner) 35 9454 8509 7406 Stone Shard, Drain Life, (Spawn monsters Death Stinger & Acid Slime 34 78 1420
Demon Tree 22 1924 1565 1424 Poison Arrow, Lightning Bolt 19 43 396
Deranged Orderly 22 1723 1538 1424 - 19 43 396
Desperate Prisoner 24 2274 1876 1692 - 21 48 440
Doktor Spine 30 3388 2935 2651 Fire Bolt, Ice Shard, Stone Shard, Lightning Bolt, Heal Serious, Terror, Drain Life 13 71 581
Doom Guard 30 3460 2998 2652 Ice Shard, Drain Life 28 63 581
Doppelganger 100 0 0 0 - 10-16% HP 5000
Dorken Rotsmell [+karma] 15 2025 1553 1452 Fire Bolt 13 29 508
Dr. Von Pyre 30 3388 2935 2651 Drain Life, Mind Rot 11 76 581
Draconis Knight 72 21589 21589 19574 - 88 201 1961
Draconis Magus 72 21589 21589 19574 Fireball, Entangle, Ice Shard, Lightning Bolt 88 201 1961
Drain Rat 30 3162 2674 2415 No Magic Zone 28 43 631
Drain Spider 50 10390 10075 8660 Poison Arrow, Poisonous Bite, Fatigue, Forest Return to Center 60 135 1153
Dune Raider 24 2263 1870 1689 - 21 48 440
Dungeon Bat 2 75 69 68 - 3 7 41
Dwarthon Stoneface 45 16252 15711 13273 (Spawn monster Nightblade) 50 113 1992
Edgar Gimplestratten [-karma] 5 193 156 153 - 5 12 84
Ethereal Guardian 125 69998 69998 69998 Firebolt, Mana Leak, Oracle Teleport 129 346 4677
Eye-Patched Qardos 30 6938 6012 5318 Heal Serious 28 63 1162
Failed Summon 35 4697 4227 3679 - 34 78 710
Fake Griroesh 35 0 0 0 Fireball 34 78 10
Fake Illusion Weaver 34 0 0 0 Stone Shard, Drain Life 33 74 10
Fallen Warrior 21 1770 1427 1303 - 18 41 374
Fenrir 100 75000-150000 Random - 136 298 6500
Fenris Wolf 80 28438 28227 26345 Stone Shard, Terror, Evil Fire, Rabies, Drain Life 108 245 2301
Fiend of the Pale 85 31908 31908 30310 Firefang, Armor Weakness, Petrification, Evil Fire, Shadow Whispers, Aggravation 115 260 2527
Flesh Eater 29 3214 2763 2452 Drain Life 26 60 558
Flesh Golem 95 80064 80064 79958 Fireball, Fire Bolt, Ice Shard, Lightning Bolt, Stone Shard, Heal Serious, Drain Life 51 289 6012
Forest Guardian 100 0 0 0 Poison Arrow, Lightning Bolt 135 306 3259
Foul Fiend 82 30376 29625 27848 Freeze, Ice Shard, Petrification, Disease 110 251 2390
Foul Muck 55 12182 12182 10356 Armor Melt, Poison Arrow, Mudball, Quicksands, Desolidification 63 143 1321
Fugar the Smelly 20 3260 2608 2391 - 17 39 706
Gabriel Archonis 150 0 0 0 - 186 189  
Gaeven Elthorn 150 0 0 0 - 186 189  
Gangrene Carrier 80 28784 28227 26796 Freeze, Piercing Worms, Disease, Drain Life, Gangrene, Rotting Fingers 108 245 2301
Gauze Corpse 95 40033 40033 39829 Chilling Touch, Shadow Whispers, Gangrene, Mind Rot, Drain Life 37 290 3006
Gehenna Reaver 55 12184 12184 10357 - 62 143 1321
Ghundarg Rumblefoot 62 31343 31343 27372 Fire Bolt, Poison Arrow, Stone Shard, Drain Life, (Spawn monsters Poisonous Snake & Failed Summon) 73 165 3142
Giant Bat 3 107 94 93 - 4 8 55
Giant Black Widow 75 23560 23560 21596 Poison Arrow, Foul Sickness, Petrification 41 207 2086
Giant Scorpion 27 2799 2370 2118 Poison Arrow 24 55 510
Giant Spider 4 146 124 122 - 4 10 69
Giant Wasp 12 709 529 501 Poison Arrow 10 23 199
Gluriurl 150 50000 50000 50000 Makrsh P'Tangh Boulders, Makrsh P'Tangh Glacier, Makrsh P'Tangh Meteor, Minor Regeneration 222 458 25400
Goblin 5 192 161 157 - 5 12 84
Goblin Bomberman 15 1012 776 725 Kamikaze Bomb 13 29 254
Goblin Chieftain 18 1360 1070 988 - 15 35 313
Goblin Scout 8 379 292 281 - 7 17 132
Goblin Subchief 15 1012 776 725 - 13 29 254
Goblin Warchief 19 1484 1176 1082 - 16 37 334
Goblin Warlord 20 1630 1304 1195 - 17 39 353
Goblin Warrior 12 706 527 499 - 10 23 199
Gorben the Mad 30 8775 7604 6726 Ice Shard 50 77 1676
Gorlok Bloodaxe 25 2430 2025 1822 - 22 50 463
Graax 12 1413 1055 999 - 10 23 398
Great Wolf 65 17329 17329 15308 Disease, Rabies 78 176 1684
Greater Drake 500 0 0 0 Fireball, Heal Serious 676 1533 54943
Green Slime 2 74 69 68 - 3 7 41
Gremlin 57 13160 13160 11482 True Invisibility, Fairys Night Magic, Drain Life, Throwing Stones, Shadow Whispers 66 150 1391
Greyleaf the Daemon Tree 38 11189 10294 8877 (Spawn monster Demon Tree) 38 86 1584
Grimish 45 8126 7855 6636 Fireball, Heal Serious 50 111 996
Griroesh 35 4412 4254 3703 Fireball 34 78 710
Grott 40 12525 11690 10020 Ice Shard, Lightning Bolt, Heal Serious 40 95 1694
Grudish Earchewer 35 9454 8509 7406 - 34 78 1420
Guurk 12 1379 1029 974 Ice Shard, Lightning Bolt 8 23 398
Haden 55 12208 12208 10376 - 64 143 1321
Harvester of Life 150 34954 34954 34954 Makrsh P'Tangh Boulders, Makrsh P'Tangh Glacier, Makrsh P'Tangh Meteor, Minor Regeneration 212 459 12700
Headsmasher 40 12549 11712 10040 - 42 94 1694
Hel 100 75000-150000 Random - 136 298 6500
Heretic Warrior 90 37502 37053 35721 Antimagic, Ice Shard, Drain Life, Unholy Blessing 49 264 2761
Hive Defender 55 12182 12182 10356 True Invisibility, Poison Arrow, Poison 63 143 1321
Hoofcrusher 41 13218 12425 10618 - 43 98 1752
Howling Terror 52 10840 10642 9106 Poison Arrow, Chilling Touch, Drain Life, Shadow Whispers, Throwing Stones, Rotting Fingers 59 133 1219
Hurbag Nailripper 42 13970 13224 11267 Heal Serious, Fire Shield, Fire Bolt, Ice Shard, Lightning Bolt 45 102 1808
Iago Caballero 40 6314 5856 5020 - 42 94 847
Illusion Weaver 34 5406 4972 4469 Stone Shard, Drain Life, (Spawn monsters Fake Illusion Weaver & Fake Griroesh) 34 74 916
Jade Kingsnake 30 3476 2949 2665 Kingsnake Poison 41 50 581
Jarko the Necromancer [+karma] 32 7860 6916 6067 Fireball, Fire Bolt, Poison Arrow, Ice Shard, Freeze, Drain Life, (Spawn monster Skeleton Warrior) 29 47 1262
Jormungand 100 75000-150000 Random - 136 298 6500
Kraanian Flyer 17 1239 966 905 Poison Arrow 14 33 293
Kraanian Milipede 18 1360 1070 988 - 15 35 313
Kraanian Plague 65 17338 17338 15316 - 78 176 1684
Kraanian Reaper 68 19106 19106 17066 - 82 187 1801
Kraanian Stomper 67 18502 18502 16466 - 81 183 1762
Kraanian Worker 14 904 687 645 Poison Arrow 12 27 235
Large Rat 2 74 69 68 - 3 7 41
Leprechaun 55 12186 12186 10620 True Invisibility, Fairys Night Magic, Drain Life, Throwing Stones 63 143 1321
Lesser Drake 250 0 0 0 Fireball, Heal Serious 338 766 15385
Lich 100 0 0 0 - 1 10 10000
Liedric Throatcutter 37 10559 9644 8342 Ice Shard, Lightning Bolt, Heal Serious, Stone Shard 35 84 1534
Lighthaven Ranger 40 0 0 0 - 42 94 847
Loon 17 1038 946 889 Invisibility (before first attack) 14 33 293
Lord Stonecrest 90 36458 36458 34632 Freeze, Terror, Chilling Touch, (Spawn monster Skeleton Warder) 66 128 2761
Mad Berserker Demon 110 54217 54217 54217 Armor Melt, Hell Chains, Manabane, Evil Pentagram, Evil Fire 100 335 3797
Mad Madrigan 35 4727 4153 3875 Fire Bolt, Stone Shard, Heal Serious, Drain Life, Piercing Worms, Mind Rot, Invisibility (before first attack) 25 68 710
Mad Patient 15 832 765 675 Mind Rot 13 29 254
Madman 25 2252 1988 1822 - 12 46 463
Makrsh P'tangh 200     ~9000000 Makrsh P'Tangh Meteor, Makrsh P'Tangh Glacier, Makrsh P'Tangh Boulders, Makrsh P'Tangh Teleport, Minor Regeneration, (Spawns monsters An Undead Sentinel & An Undead Guardian) 272 606 51875
Mercenary 7 337 240 232 - 6 15 116
Mercenary Leader 15 1458 1245 1200 - 24 132 450
Mercenary Lieutenant 9 757 628 614 - 8 18 300
Minotaur Chieftain 35 4727 4254 3703 Ice Shard, Drain Life 34 78 710
Minotaur Shaman 38 5594 5147 4429 Fire Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Ice Shard 38 87 792
Minotaur Warrior 30 3460 2998 2661 - 28 63 581
Mhorgwloth [-karma] 30 6921 5998 5305 - 28 62 581
Morlokk 59 14119 14119 12189 True Invisibility, Stone Shard, Stone, Mudball, Healing, Mana Leak 69 156 1462
Mortal Wombat 90 28228 28228 27287 Firefang, Firebolt, Invisibility, Drain Life 108 245 2301
Mrish Yellowblood 18 2721 2141 1978 - 15 35 626
Mummy 4 139 124 122 - 4 10 69
Mysticist 75 17838 17838 16352 Stone Shard, Fatigue 30 90 3011
Necrospider 65 17993 17329 15472 Poison, Drain Life, Terror, Desolidification 78 166 1684
Nemesis 80 28227 28227 26346 Power Up, Poison Arrow, Lethal Sting, Poison, Terror 108 245 2301
Neoflare 110 54218 54218 54218 Fire Shield, Fireball, Armor Melt, Antimagic Shell 94 234 3797
Night Hunter 50 11010 10245 8649 Armor Melt, Chilling Touch, Drain Life 60 135 1153
Nightblade 35 4727 4254 3703 Fire Bolt, Ice Shard, Heal Serious 34 78 710
Nightbreed 24 2276 1882 1700 Lightning Bolt, Stone Shard 21 48 440
Nightcreeper 40 6273 5704 5019 True Invisibility, Stone Shard, Shadow Whispers 42 94 847
Obsidian Assassin 90 35824 35824 34631 Poison, Freeze, Armor Weakness, Shadow Whispers, Manabane 121 276 2761
Obsidian Conclave Knight 68 19099 19099 17061 - 83 187 1801
Olin Haad 100 0 0 0 Makrsh P'Tangh Boulders, Makrsh P'Tangh Glacier, Makrsh P'Tangh Meteor, Minor Regeneration 70 157  
Olin Haad Elite Guard 10 0 0 0 - 15 19  
Olin Haad Guard 3 93 93 93 - 4 8 55
Olin Haad Guard 4 178 123 121 - 4 10 69
Olin Haad Guard 5 231 161 157 - 5 12 84
Olin Haad Private Guard 25 2430 2025 1822 - 22 50 463
Olin Haad Sentry 30 3459 2998 2651 - 28 63 581
Olin Haad Soldier 10 551 403 385 - 9 20 164
Olin Haad Soldier 12 705 526 498 - 10 23 199
Oracle Gatekeeper 130 77062 77062 77062 - 125 348 4988
Orc Battlemage 34 4441 3967 3464 Ice Shard, Lightning Bolt, Heal Serious 33 74 684
Orc Berserker 32 3935 3463 3043 - 30 69 631
Orc Deserter 21 1771 1428 1304 - 18 41 374
Orc Guardian 40 6274 5856 5020 - 42 94 847
Orc Scout 9 430 341 327 - 8 18 148
Orc Shaman 15 1012 776 725 Lightning Bolt, Stone Shard 13 29 254
Orc Warrior 12 706 527 499 - 10 23 199
Orcish Arch Mage 42 13992 13246 11288 Ice Shard, Poison Arrow, Firebolt, Drain Life 46 101 1812
Organic Waste 8 360 291 280 - 7 17 132
Pack Wolf 40 6272 5302 5019 - 42 94 847
Pilferer 45 8125 7632 6634 Stone Shard 50 113 996
Pig 10 0 0 0 - 0 0 300
Plague Rat 14 909 690 648 - 12 27 235
PM Theisser 45 8125 7632 6634 - 59 113 996
Poisonous Snake 10 520 403 385 - 9 20 164
Purifier 100 44483 44483 44483 Armor Melt, Call Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Stone, Heal Serious, Manabane 85 160 3259
Putrid Beast 82 30808 30808 28935 Stench, Lightning Bolt, Drain Life, Mind Rot, Rotting Fingers 112 254 2435
Quelet Hon The Thirsty 35 10442 8309 7405 Freeze, Lightning Bolt, Drain Life 34 78 1420
Quentin Tarantula 95 41095 41095 39899 Terror  (Spawn monster Giant Black Widow) 131 290 3006
Raider 16 1129 873 813 - 14 31 274
Ratsputin the Wererat 40 12577 11736 10061 Fire Bolt 42 94 847
Raving Lunatic 20 1425 1283 1195 - 17 36 353
Red-Eyed Centaur 55 25000 25000 25000 - 63 143  
Renegade Orc Leader [-karma] 25 4851 4043 3636 - 32 50 926
Ribbon Fiend 50 10389 10389 8922 Poison Arrow, Mind Rot, Drain Life, Rotting Fingers 60 135 1153
Roaming Cadaver 46 8648 8409 7029 - 54 122 996
Roaming Corpse 45 8124 7853 6634 - 50 113 996
Rogue Mage 23 2099 1721 1560 Fire Bolt, Stone Shard 20 46 418
Roshnak Tul 23 4050 3322 3012 Fire Bolt, Fire Shield, Ice Shard 20 40 842
Ruk the Miner 15 2026 1553 1452 Ice Shard, Stone Shard, Lightning Bolt, Heal Serious 13 29 508
Runaway Patient 22 1723 1539 1424 - 19 43 396
Sand Worm 28 3013 2520 2290 - 25 58 533
Sandlord 40 12549 11712 10040 - 42 94 1694
Scar-Face Razek 13 1601 1205 1136 - 11 25 434
Scavenger Bat 11 572 460 442 - 9 22 181
Shadeen 60 1000 1000 1000 - 71 155  
Shadeen's Masked Assassins 30 3459 2934 2652 - 29 61 581
Shadow Demon 100 44485 44485 44485 Weakness, Evil Fire, Evil Pentagram, Hell Chains, Aggravation 135 306 3259
Shadowfiend 60 14612 14612 12663 Fire Bolt, Chilling Touch, True Invisibility, Manabane, Shadow Whispers, Complete Dispel 70 159 1497
Shadowstalker 45 8124 7631 6635 - 53 113 996
Shrieker Rodent 88 34234 34234 32867 Rat Lice, Rabies, (Spawn monster Shrieker Rodent, Gauze Corpse and Purifier) 131 267 2667
Shrieking Horror 44 7728 7419 6286 Fire Bolt, Ice Shard, Drain Life, Lightning Bolt 48 109 967
Skeletal Centaur 70 20774 19411 18287 Fire Bolt, Drain Life, Shadow Whispers, Mind Rot 85 194 1879
Skeleton 4 139 124 122 - 4 10 69
Skeleton Guardian 13 1012 602 567 Ice Shard 11 25 217
Skeleton Warder 75 23559 23559 21595 - 93 211 2086
Skeleton Warlock 46 8579 8350 7035 Freeze, Lightning Bolt, Drain Life, Stone Shard 52 118 1027
Skeleton Warrior 15 1012 776 716 - 13 29 254
Skraug Bigbruddalbashah 79 27481 27481 25558 - 114 224 2259
Skraug Bigworviktor 80 28226 28226 26346 - 108 245 2301
Skraug Bludfightor 68 19099 19099 17061 - 87 187 1801
Skraug Clangbangah 66 17910 17910 15883 - 80 171 1723
Skraug Grubbringah 42 6994 6444 5642 - 66 102 906
Skraug Madlimbmanglor 74 22900 22900 20915 - 93 205 2044
Skraug Meanheaddrummah 76 25447 25447 23412 - 105 228 2129
Skraug Moonfiredansah 75 23559 23559 21594 Fire Bolt, Mudball, Heal Serious, Disease, Aggravation 77 212 2086
Skraug Munchhuntor 44 7721 7207 6280 - 56 103 966
Skraug Protekterritor 58 13621 13621 11715 - 71 152 1426
Skraug Standanbonkah 60 14613 14613 12662 - 73 143 1497
Skraug Totemherbdoktor 75 23560 23560 21595 Fire Bolt, Mudball, Heal Serious, Disease, Aggravation 88 210 2086
Skrull 37 10603 9684 8385 Fire Bolt, Ice Shard 37 84 765
Skullfire 56 25265 25265 21558 Fire Bolt, Drain Life 64 106 1356
Spectral Knight 64 17162 16783 14770 Freeze, Chilling Touch, Drain Life, Dark Regeneration 76 173 1646
Stinkbreath 42 13992 13246 11288 Fire Bolt, Poison Arrow 45 93 1812
T-Bone 30 6921 5998 5305 Ice Shard, Drain Life 28 63 1162
Taintscale 17 1230 959 889 Drain Life, Corruption 14 33 293
Tarantula 31 3707 3237 2854 - 29 66 606
Taunting Horror 30 3460 2998 2652 - 28 63 581
Terror Demon 60 14607 14607 12658 - 70 159 1497
Thadoss the Moaner 39 11874 11003 9458 Freeze, Lightning Bolt, Drain Life 40 91 1642
Thief 8 0 0 0 - 7 17 132
Time Elemental 120 57632 57632 57632 Entangle, Drain Life, Blaze of Glory, Mana Leak 127 333 4373
Time Guardian 140 90352 90352 90352 - 149 389 5641
Time Protector 150 104868 104868 104868 Lightning Bolt 0 0 6334
Toll Troll 85 31906 31906 30311 Stone Shard, Petrification 115 260 2527
Tomb Raider 8 710 586 584 - 7 17 264
Trish Yellowblood 19 2983 2367 2178 - 16 37 668
Undead Bat 3 94 93 93 - 4 8 55
Unseen Bat 50 10390 10075 8659 Fire Bolt, Disease, Shadow Whispers, Hide in Shadows, Mana Leak 60 135 1153
Vampire Bat 38 5629 5170 4458 Drain Life 38 87 792
Venadar 100 0 0 0 -     1879
Vicar Asgoth 60 14607 14607 12658 Fire Bolt, Fireball, Ice Shard, Stone Shard, Lightning Bolt, Heal Serious, Drain Life, (Spawn monsters Roaming Cadaver & Roaming Corpse) 92 197 1499
Vicar Kervian 60 14607 14607 12658 Fire Bolt, Fireball, Ice Shard, Stone Shard, Lightning Bolt, Heal Serious, Drain Life, (Spawn monsters Roaming Cadaver & Roaming Corpse) 92 197 1499
Vicar Ramiel 60 14607 14607 12658 Fire Bolt, Fireball, Ice Shard, Stone Shard, Lightning Bolt, Heal Serious, Drain Life, (Spawn monsters Roaming Cadaver & Roaming Corpse) 92 197 1499
Vicar Vharmes 60 14607 14607 12658 Fire Bolt, Fireball, Ice Shard, Stone Shard, Lightning Bolt, Heal Serious, Drain Life, (Spawn monsters Roaming Cadaver & Roaming Corpse) 92 197 1499
Wandering Orc 8 354 292 281 - 7 17 132
Warg 56 12630 12630 10776 Rabies, Regeneration 64 146 1356
Wasp Drone 40 6213 5703 5018 Poison Arrow 42 94 847
Wererat 35 4749 4274 3720 - 34 78 710
Widow Hatchling 35 20319 20319 18288 Poison, Power Up 85 194 1879
Wild Horse 20 0 0 0 - 0 0 353
Wizard Mummy 13 800 602 567 Lightning Bolt 11 25 217
Wolfhound 45 9446 9047 7809 - 56 126 1090
Woodstalker 75 23559 23559 21595 - 93 211 2086
Worshipper 55 12185 12185 10357 Stone Shard 63 143 1321
Wraith Bat 65 18776 18029 16074 Drain Life, Disease, Armor Weakness 78 176 1684
Yoggoth Worm 60 14598 14598 12650 Poison Arrow, Terror 70 159 1497
Zzartgax 55 16249 16249 12592 Poison Arrow, Drain Life 63 143 1321

* Monster Undead Sentinel doesn't cast spell Freeze, however the spell exist in his spellbook.

B. Colosseum Monsters

Note:The difficulty is equal to the monster level.
Dif. Monster Name EXP Monster Spells Damage HP
40 Warbat 1254 - 44-93 847
50 Battlerat 2596 - 60-132 1153
60 Battleworm 4382 - 72-155 1497
70 Warslime 7114 - 88-194 1879
80 Warskeleton 11290 Icebolt, Life Steal 43-244 2301
90 Battlespider 16128 Lightning Bolt, Stone 51-276 2761
100 Battlesnake 22247 Stone, Firebolt 88-304 3259
110 Warzombie 27114 Life Steal, Icebolt 79-335 3797
120 Battlewasp 32571 Mass Lightning 65-367 4373
130 Warmummy 38537 Mass Drain 71-397 4988
140 Wargoblin 45172 Fireball 103-423 5641
150 Battleorc 52432 Mass Shatter 98-460 6334
160 Wartarantula 63251 Lightning Bolt, Stone, Heal Serious 93-489 7065
170 Battlescorpion 106624 Stone, Firebolt, Heal Serious 143-494 7834
180 Battlewolf 159844 Firebolt, Icebolt, Heal Serious 166-548 8643
190 Darkbattler 224009 Icebolt, Life Steal, Heal Serious 111-542 9490
200 Shadowgoblin 300213 Mass Lightning, Mass Drain 108-608 10375
225 Nightfeeder 551278 Fireball, Mass Shatter 147-669 12761
250 Darkflyer 903534 Mass Lightning, Mass Shatter 131-748 15385
275 Darkcrawler 1378015 Fireball, Mass Drain 202-792 18255
300 Darkfiend 1996275 Icebolt, Mass Drain, Healing 154-896 21361
325 Darkbrawler 2781103 Stone, Mass Shatter, Healing 206-987 24716
350 Bloodbattler 3757615 Lightning Bolt, Mass Lightning, Healing 203-1051 28306
375 Bloodfiend 4953688 Firebolt, Fireball, Healing 299-1116 32144
400 Shadowterror 6396077 Mass Lightning, Life Steal, Healing 205-1222 36217
425 Holydefender 8113191 Glacier, Ice Bolt, Healing 440-1285 40540
450 Swiftstabber 10138310 Stone, Boulders, Healing, Arena Teleport 374-1365 45097
475 Darkimpaler 12501070 Firebolt, Ice Bolt, Glacier, Stone, Boulders, Healing, Arena Teleport 410-1457 49903
500 Drake 15236180 Glacier, Meteor, Boulders, Healing, Arena Teleport 468-1477 54943

C. Monster Spells

*Most of this Info is courtesy of GM-Munky*

Spell Name Effect Duration
Aggravation -25% All Resists 35 seconds
Antimagic Shell -50% All Magic Powers 1 minute
Armor Melt -25% AC, Damages 5% of you max HP every 3 seconds 30 seconds
Armor Weakness -50% AC 1 minute
Blaze of Glory Damage to opponent and user (int based) Instant
Blink Invisibility at random intervals 5 minutes
Chilling Touch Damage, -45% Str 23 seconds
Complete Dispel Removes most beneficial effects from target Instant
Corruption Lowers the target's HP until it reaches 1/3 of its max HP 60 seconds
Custodians Word +33% All Resists, +33% All Magic Powers, -50% Attack 30 seconds
Dark Regeneration +3% Max hp per second 30 seconds
Desolidification -25% All Resists, +50% Dodge 25 seconds
Disease -66,6% End, Damages every 30 seconds 5 minutes
Evil Fire Damage based on the Intelligence of the creature Instant
Evil Pentagram +33% Int, +33% Attack 30 seconds
Fairys Night Magic +33% Earth Magic Power, +33% Dark Magic Power 30 seconds
Fatigue No movement/physical attack 10 seconds
Firefang Offensive fire shield 15 seconds
Fire Shield Nothing apparent 10 minutes
Forest Return to Center Teleports character to 1 of 6 areas in the Forest of No Return Instant
Foul Sickness End is set to 1 1 minute
Gangrene -50% Str, -50% End, -50% Agi 26 seconds
Hell Chains Slow movement, 20 damage every second 20 seconds
Hide in Shadows Invisibility until attack is made (detectable by True Sight) 50 seconds
Kamikaze Bomb Monster suicide :) Instant
Kingsnake Poison Does damage based on your max HP, slow movement 8 min. 21 seconds
Lethal Sting Does damage based on the Intelligence of the Creature Instant
Makrsh P'Tangh Boulders Hits all targets Instant
Makrsh P'Tangh Glacier Hits all targets Instant
Makrsh P'Tangh Meteor Hits all targets Instant
Makrsh P'Tangh Teleport Hits all targets Instant
Manabane -10 mana every second 30 seconds
Mana Leak -10% Max mana per second 30 seconds
Might of the Custodian +100% Attack 17 seconds
Mind Rot -50% Int, -50% Wis 22 seconds
Minor Regeneration +1.666% max hp per second 24 hours (real time)
Mudball -20% Attack, -20% Dodge, -20% Archery 11 seconds
No Magic Zone -50% Mana Instant
Oracle Teleport Teleports character to 1 of 4 areas in the Chamber of Illusions Instant
Peaceful Night Cancels physical attacks 15 seconds
Petrification No movement 12 seconds
Piercing Worms -45% Int, 50 damage every 10 seconds 2 minutes
Poison Damage based on your max HP every 5 seconds 2 minutes
Poisonous Bite Damage based on creature's Wis/Int Instant
Power Up +25% Water Magic Power, +25% Attack 60 seconds
Quicksands No movement 6 seconds
Rabies +33% Str, -20% Int, -20% Wis, -20% Dodge, -10% Max Hp 10 minutes
Rat Lice -25% Attack, -25% Archery, -25% Dodge 20 seconds
Regeneration +10 HP per second 10 minutes
Rotting Fingers -50% Agi, -50% Attack, -50% Archery 35 seconds
Shadow Whispers -50% mana Instant
Silence of the Lambs Cancels spell casting 15 seconds
Stench -50% Int, -50% Wis 30 seconds
Stone +50 AC, No movement 20 seconds
Stoneskin +17 AC Instant
Terror Cancels physical attacks, Cancels spell casting 15 seconds
Throwing Stones Damage, -25 AC 10 seconds
True Invisibility Invisibility 4 minutes 10 seconds
Unholy Blessing -5% hp, +25% Dodge 60 seconds

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