






Traders Chart

In this page you can find all in game armor and weapon traders, their goods and in what prices they sell/buy em. Use this follow links to view the Armor traders chart or the Weapon traders chart.

Click here to view the Armors Traders Chart.
Click here to view the Weapon Traders Chart.

Armor Traders

Trader's Index (Click on trader's name to view his goods)
Trader's name Location
Rolph Arakas, Lighthaven Town
Gwen Arakas, Windhowl Town
Ttayh Mark Arakas, Windhowl Town (Black Market)
Nafuhr Bloodhammer Raven's Dust, Silversky Town
Taliron Raven's Dust, Silversky Town
Herewald Ironbender Stoneheim, Stonecrest Town
Lord of the Shops Stoneheim, shows up in random locations and remains invisible (only if you go over him with the cursor he will show up). He stays for about 1 minute or until you say "bye" and then disappears.

Rolph (Arakas, Lighthaven Town)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Cloth Pants 15 0
Cloth Vest 15 0
Leather Armor 607 202
Leather Belt 212 70
Leather Boots 245 82
Leather Gloves 248 83
Leather Helmet 261 87
Leather Pants 269 90
Studded Leather Armor 4.538 1.513
Studded Leather Belt 1.086 362
Studded Leather Boots 1.372 457
Studded Leather Gloves 1.402 467
Studded Leather Helmet 1.510 503
Studded Leather Leggings 1.579 526
Wooden Shield 3.355 1.118
Red Cape 700 233

Gwen (Arakas, Windhowl Town)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Cloth Pants 15 0
Cloth Vest 15 0
Leather Armor 607 202
Leather Belt 212 70
Leather Boots 245 82
Leather Gloves 248 83
Leather Helmet 261 87
Leather Pants 269 90
Studded Leather Armor 4.538 1.513
Studded Leather Belt 1.086 362
Studded Leather Boots 1.372 457
Studded Leather Gloves 1.402 467
Studded Leather Helmet 1.510 503
Studded Leather Leggings 1.579 526
Ringmail Armor 10.039 3.346
Ringmail Boots 2.949 983
Ringmail Gauntlets 3.015 1.005
Ringmail Girdle 2.308 769
Ringmail Helmet 3.258 1.086
Ringmail Leggings 3.413 1.138
Wooden Shield 3.355 1.118
Round Shield 7.389 2.463
Red Cape 700 233

Ttayh Mark (Arakas, Windhowl Town (Black Market))
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Buckle of Lockpicks 609 140
Leather Belt of Survival 609 140

Nafuhr Bloodhammer (Raven's Dust, Silversky Town)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Studded Leather Armor 4.538 1.513
Studded Leather Belt 1.086 362
Studded Leather Boots 1.372 457
Studded Leather Gloves 1.402 467
Studded Leather Helmet 1.510 503
Studded Leather Leggings 1.579 526
Ringmail Armor 10.039 3.346
Ringmail Boots 2.949 983
Ringmail Gauntlets 3.015 1.005
Ringmail Girdle 2.308 769
Ringmail Helmet 3.258 1.086
Ringmail Leggings 3.413 1.138
Chainmail Armor 20.777 6.926
Chainmail Boots 6.072 2.009
Chainmail Gauntlets 6.165 2.055
Chainmail Girdle 4.694 1.564
Chainmail Helmet 6.670 2.223
Chainmail Leggings 6.692 2.331
Round Shield 7.389 2.463
Large Shield 25.990 8.663
Red Cape 700 233

Taliron (Raven's Dust, Silversky Town)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Studded Leather Armor 4.538 1.513
Studded Leather Belt 1.086 362
Studded Leather Boots 1.372 457
Studded Leather Gloves 1.402 467
Studded Leather Helmet 1.510 503
Studded Leather Leggings 1.579 526
Ringmail Armor 10.039 3.346
Ringmail Boots 2.949 983
Ringmail Gauntlets 3.015 1.005
Ringmail Girdle 2.308 769
Ringmail Helmet 3.258 1.086
Ringmail Leggings 3.413 1.138
Chainmail Armor 20.777 6.926
Chainmail Boots 6.072 2.009
Chainmail Gauntlets 6.165 2.055
Chainmail Girdle 4.694 1.564
Chainmail Helmet 6.670 2.223
Chainmail Leggings 6.692 2.331
Round Shield 7.389 2.463
Large Shield 25.990 8.663
Red Cape 700 233

Herewald Ironbender (Stoneheim, Stonecrest Town)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Chainmail Armor 20.777 6.926
Chainmail Boots 6.072 2.009
Chainmail Gauntlets 6.165 2.055
Chainmail Girdle 4.694 1.564
Chainmail Helmet 6.670 2.223
Chainmail Leggings 6.692 2.331
Scalemail Armor 35.404 11.801
Scalemail Boots 10.220 3.407
Scalemail Gloves 10.456 3.485
Scalemail Helmet 11.319 3.773
Scalemail Leggings 11.868 3.596
Scalemail Protector 7.945 2.648
Large Shield 25.990 8.663
Tower Shield 43.408 14.469

Lord of the Shops (Stoneheim, Random Locations)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Adamantite Plate Protector 50.140 16.713
Adamantite Platemail Armor 225.282 75.094
Adamantite Platemail Boots 64.652 21.551
Adamantite Platemail Gauntlets 66.153 22.051
Adamantite Platemail Helmet 71.658 23.886
Adamantite Platemail Leggings 75.160 25.053
Mithril Shield 65.248 21.761
Gothic Shield 97.417 32.472
Adamantite Shield 165.234 55.078

Weapon Traders

Click here to view the Armors Traders Chart.
Click here to view the Weapon Traders Chart.

Trader's Index (Click on trader's name to view his goods)
Trader's name Location
Sigfried Arakas, Lighthaven Town
Ttayh Mark Arakas, Windhowl Town
Karahn Arakas, near the druid camp Stonehenge, go south and across the bridge. The trader is in the center of the island, west of the two mountains amidst the trees (west from Mad House).
Seban Forgelot Arakas, after the two bridges above the Goblin Camp, go west, following the river.
Rhodar Heatforge Raven's Dust, Silversky Town
Kiadus Raven's Dust, Silversky Town
Rawlin Raven's Dust, from the north gate of SS, follow the walls east and then head north.
Dafyd Raven's Dust, between the entrance for the Deep Ones cave and the desert, a bit north from the trail.
Gulfrid Steelhammer Stoneheim, Stonecrest Town
Thor Glarefire Stoneheim, Centaur Town at the weapon shop (try outside it if he is not inside).
Lord of the Shops Stoneheim, shows up in random locations and remains invisible (only if you go over him with the cursor will he show up). He stays for about 1 minute or until you say "bye" and then disappears.

Sigfried (Arakas, Lighthaven Town)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Rusted Short Sword 29 9
Rusted Long Sword 605 201
Rusted Hand Axe 2.361 787
Rusted Dirk 29 9
Rusted Dagger 605 201
Wooden Club 29 9
Steel-Reinforced Club 2.361 787
Wooden Staff 29 9
Iron Staff 392 130
Ashwood Flatbow 29 9
Ashwood Longbow 605 201
Ashwood Reflex Bow 2.361 787
Wooden Arrows 100 33

Ttayh Mark (Arakas, Windhowl Town)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Polished Short Sword 5.266 1.755
Polished Long Sword 9.323 3.107
Polished Broadsword 14.529 4.843
Polished Hand Axe 20.887 6.962
Polished Dirk 5.266 1.755
Polished Dagger 9.323 3.107
Steel-Reinforced Warhammer 5.266 1.755
Fine Steel Warhammer 14.529 4.843
Quarterstaff 1.169 389
Staff of Thorns 2.361 787
Elm Flatbow 5.266 1.755
Elm Longbow 9.323 3.107
Elm Reflex Bow 14.529 4.843
Elm Recurve Bow 20.887 6.962
Pinpoint Arrows 1500 500
Black Market Only
Silver Axe 14.894 3.424
Staff of Thorns +1 6.874 1.574

Karahn (Arakas, west from Mad House)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Rusted Short Sword +1 87 19
Rusted Long Sword +1 1.815 403
Polished Short Sword +1 15.798 3.510
Polished Long Sword +1 27.969 6.215
Polished Broadsword +1 43.587 9.686
Rusted Hand Axe +1 7.083 1.574
Polished Hand Axe +1 62.661 13.924
Rusted Dirk +1 87 19
Rusted Dagger +1 1.815 403
Polished Dirk +1 15.789 3.510
Polished Dagger +1 27.969 6.215
Wooden Club +1 87 19
Steel-Reinforced Club +1 7.083 1.574
Steel-Reinforced Warhammer +1 15.798 3.510
Fine Steel Warhammer +1 43.587 9.686
Wooden Staff +1 87 19
Iron Staff +1 1.176 261
Quarterstaff +1 3.507 779
Staff of Thorns +1 7.083 1.574
Ashwood Flatbow +1 1.815 403
Ashwood Reflex Bow +1 7.083 1.574
Elm Flatbow +1 15.798 3.510
Elm Longbow +1 27.969 6.215
Elm Reflex Bow +1 43.587 9.686
Elm Recurve Bow +1 62.661 13.924

Seban Forgelot (Arakas, west from Orc Camp)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Rusted Short Sword +2 290 29
Rusted Long Sword +2 6.050 605
Polished Short Sword +2 52.660 5.266
Polished Long Sword +2 93.230 9.323
Polished Broadsword +2 145.290 14.529
Rusted Hand Axe +2 23.610 2.361
Polished Hand Axe +2 208.870 20.887
Rusted Dirk +2 290 29
Rusted Dagger +2 6.050 605
Polished Dirk +2 52.660 5.266
Polished Dagger +2 93.230 9.323
Wooden Club +2 290 29
Steel-Reinforced Club +2 23.610 2.361
Steel-Reinforced Warhammer +2 52.660 5.266
Fine Steel Warhammer +2 145.290 14.529
Wooden Staff +2 290 29
Iron Staff +2 3.920 392
Quarterstaff +2 11.690 1.169
Staff of Thorns +2 23.610 2.361
Ashwood Flatbow +2 290 29
Ashwood Longbow +2 6.050 605
Ashwood Reflex Bow +2 23.610 2.361
Elm Flatbow +2 52.660 5.266
Elm Longbow +2 93.230 9.323
Elm Reflex Bow +2 145.290 14.529
Elm Recurve Bow +2 208.870 20.887

Rhodar Heatforge (Raven's Dust, Silversky Town)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Fine Steel Short Sword 28.394 9.464
Fine Steel Long Sword 37.053 12.351
Fine Steel Broadsword 46.861 15.620
Fine Steel Scimitar 57.821 19.273
High-Metal Short Sword 83.191 27.730
Fine Steel Hand Axe 57.821 19.273
Fine Steel Battle Axe 83.191 27.730
Fine Steel Dagger 20.887 6.962
High-Metal Dagger 37.053 12.351
Hickory Flatbow 37.053 12.351
Hickory Longbow 46.861 15.620
Hickory Reflex Bow 57.821 19.273
Hickory Recurve Bow 69.930 23.310
Hickory Compound Bow 83.191 27.730
Bone-Tipped Arrows 15.000 5.000

Kiadus (Raven's Dust, Silversky Town)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Fine Steel Mace 37.053 12.351
High-Metal Mace 57.821 19.273
High-Metal Flail 97.601 32.533
Bo 3.966 1.322
Rang-Kwan 5.985 1.995
Tetsubo 9.323 3.107

Rawlin (Raven's Dust, east from Silversky)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Fine Steel Short Sword +1 85.182 18.929
Fine Steel Long Sword +1 111.159 24.702
Fine Steel Broadsword +1 140.583 31.240
Fine Steel Scimitar +1 173.463 38.587
High-Metal Short Sword +1 249.573 55.460
Fine Steel Hand Axe +1 173.463 38.547
Fine Steel Battle Axe +1 249.573 55.460
Fine Steel Dagger +1 62.661 13.924
High-Metal Dagger +1 111.159 24.702
Fine Steel Mace +1 111.159 24.702
High-Metal Mace +1 173.463 38.587
High-Metal Flail +1 292.803 32.533
Bo +1 11.898 2.644
Rang-Kwan +1 17.955 3.990
Tetsubo +1 27.969 6.215
Hickory Flatbow +1 111.159 24.702
Hickory Longbow +1 140.583 31.240
Hickory Reflex Bow +1 173.463 38.547
Hickory Recurve Bow +1 209.790 46.620
Hickory Compound Bow +1 249.573 55.640

Dafyd (Raven's Dust, in the mountains over desert)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Fine Steel Short Sword +2 283.940 28.394
Fine Steel Long Sword +2 370.530 37.053
Fine Steel Broadsword +2 468.610 46.861
Fine Steel Scimitar +2 578.210 57.821
High-Metal Short Sword +2 831.910 83.191
Fine Steel Hand Axe +2 578.210 57.821
Fine Steel Battle Axe +2 831.910 83.191
Fine Steel Dagger +2 208.870 20.887
High-Metal Dagger +2 370.530 37.053
Fine Steel Mace +2 370.530 37.053
High-Metal Mace +2 578.210 57.821
High-Metal Flail +2 976.010 97.601
Bo +2 39.660 3.966
Rang-Kwan +2 59.850 9.985
Tetsubo +2 93.230 9.323
Hickory Flatbow +2 370.530 37.053
Hickory Longbow +2 468.810 64.881
Hickory Reflex Bow +2 578.210 57.821
Hickory Recurve Bow +2 699.300 69.930
Hickory Compound Bow +2 831.910 83.191

Gulfrid Steelhammer (Stoneheim, Stonecrest Town)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
High-Metal Long Sword 97.601 32.553
High-Metal Broad Sword 113.163 37.721
High-Metal Scimitar 129.874 43.921
High-Metal Bastard Sword 147.737 49.245
High-Metal Hand Axe 147.737 49.245
High-Metal Battle Axe 186.913 62.304
Mithril Dagger 57.821 19.273
Mithril Blade 83.191 27.730
Mithril Flail 147.737 49.245
Oak Flatbow 113.163 37.721
Oak Longbow 129.874 43.921
Oak Reflex Bow 147.737 49.245
Oak Recurve Bow 166.749 55.583
Oak Compound Bow 186.913 62.304
Oak Composite Bow 208.226 69.442
Flight Arrows 75.000 25.000

Thor Glarefire (Stoneheim, Centaur Town)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Mithril Dagger +1 173.463 38.547
Mithril Blade +1 249.573 55.460
Mithril Flail +1 443.211 98.491
High-Metal Longsword +1 292.803 65.067
High-Metal Broadsword +1 339.489 75.442
High-Metal Scimitar +1 389.682 86.582
High-Metal Bastard Sword +1 443.211 98.491
High-Metal Hand Axe +1 443.211 98.491
High-Metal Battle Axe +1 560.739 124.608
High-Metal Longsword +2 976.010 97.601
High-Metal Broadsword +2 1.131.630 113.163
High-Metal Scimitar +2 1.298.740 129.874
High-Metal Bastard Sword +2 1.477.370 147.737
High-Metal Hand Axe +2 1.477.370 147.737
High-Metal Battle Axe +2 1.869.130 186.913
Mithril Dagger +2 578.210 57.821
Mithril Blade +2 831.910 83.191
Mithril Flail +2 1.477.370 147.737
Oak Flatbow +1 339.489 75.442
Oak Longbow +1 389.622 86.582
Oak Reflex Bow +1 443.211 98.491
Oak Recurve Bow +1 508.247 -
Oak Compound Bow +1 560.739 -
Oak Composite Bow +1 624.678 -
Oak Flatbow +2 1.131.630 -
Oak Longbow +2 1.298.740 -
Oak Reflex Bow +2 1.477.370 -
Oak Recurve Bow +2 1.667.490 -
Oak Compound Bow +2 1.869.130 -
Oak Composite Bow +2 2.082.260 -

Lord of the Shops (Stoneheim, Random Locations)
Item Buy Price Sell Price
Mithril Morningstar 230.691 76.897
Mithril Morningstar +1 692.073 -
Mithril Morningstar +2 2.306.910 -
Mithril Morningstar +3 9.227.640 -
Ancient Morningstar 360.269 -
Ancient Morningstar +1 1.080.807 -
Ancient Morningstar +2 3.602.690 -
High-Metal Broad Axe 230.691 76.897
High-Metal Broad Axe +1 692.073 -
High-Metal Broad Axe +2 2.306.910 -
High-Metal Broad Axe +3 9.227.640 -
Mithril Battle Axe 332.053 -
Mithril Battle Axe +1 996.159 -
Mithril Battle Axe +2 3.320.530 -
Mithril Broad Axe 451.823 -
Mithril Broad Axe +1 1.355.469 -
Mithril Broad Axe +2 4.518.230 -
Mithril Broad Axe +3 18.072.920 -
Ancient Broad Axe 921.581 -
Ancient Broad Axe +1 2.764.743 -
Ancient Broad Axe +2 9.215.810 -
Mithril Long Sword 186.913 62.304
Mithril Long Sword +1 560.739 -
Mithril Long Sword +2 1.869.130 -
Mithril Broadsword 208.226 69.408
Mithril Broadsword +1 624.678 -
Mithril Broadsword +2 2.082.260 -
Mithril Scimitar 230.691 76.897
Mithril Scimitar +1 692.073 -
Mithril Scimitar +2 2.306.910 -
Mithril Bastard Sword 254.305 -
Mithril Bastard Sword +1 792.915 -
Mithril Bastard Sword +2 2.543.050 -
Mithril Two-Handed Sword 279.071 -
Mithril Two-Handed Sword +1 837.213 -
Mithril Two-Handed Sword +2 2.790.710 -
Mithril Two-Handed Sword +3 11.162.840 -
Adamantite Broadsword 332.053 -
Adamantite Broadsword +1 996.159 -
Adamantite Broadsword +2 3.320.530 -
Adamantite Scimitar 360.269 -
Adamantite Scimitar +1 1.080.807 -
Adamantite Scimitar +2 3.602.690 -
Adamantite Bastard Sword 389.637 -
Adamantite Bastard Sword +1 1.168.911 -
Adamantite Bastard Sword +2 3.896.370 -
Adamantite Two-Handed Sword 420.154 -
Adamantite Two-Handed Sword +1 1.260.462 -
Adamantite Two-Handed Sword +2 4.201.540 -
Adamantite Two-Handed Sword +3 16.806.160 -
Ancient Scimitar 553.730 -
Ancient Scimitar +1 1.661.190 -
Ancient Scimitar +2 5.537.300 -
Ancient Bastard Sword 746.587 -
Ancient Bastard Sword +1 2.239.761 -
Ancient Bastard Sword +2 7.465.870 -
Ancient Two-Handed Sword 921.581 -
Ancient Two-Handed Sword +1 2.764.743 -
Ancient Two-Handed Sword +2 9.215.810 -
Adamantite Blade 147.737 49.245
Adamantite Blade +1 443.211 98.491
Adamantite Blade +2 1.477.370 -
Adamantite Blade +3 5.909.480 -
Ancient Blade 230.691 76.897
Ancient Blade +1 692.073 -
Ancient Blade +2 2.306.910 -
Ancient Blade +3 9.227.640 -
Cedar Longbow 254.304 84.768
Cedar Longbow +1 762.915 -
Cedar Longbow +2 2.543.050 -
Cedar Reflex Bow 279.071 93.023
Cedar Reflex Bow +1 837.213 -
Cedar Reflex Bow +2 2.790.710 -
Cedar Recurve Bow 304.986 -
Cedar Recurve Bow +1 914.958 -
Cedar Recurve Bow +2 3.049.860 -
Cedar Compound Bow 332.053 -
Cedar Compound Bow +1 996.159 -
Cedar Compound Bow +2 3.320.530 -
Cedar Composite Bow 360.269 -
Cedar Composite Bow +1 1.080.807 -
Cedar Composite Bow +2 3.602.690 -
Cedar Composite Bow +3 14.410.760 -
Lancewood Reflex Bow 420.154 -
Lancewood Reflex Bow +1 1.260.462 -
Lancewood Reflex Bow +2 4.201.540 -
Lancewood Recurve Bow 451.823 -
Lancewood Recurve Bow +1 1.355.469 -
Lancewood Recurve Bow +2 4.518.230 -
Lancewood Compound Bow 484.641 -
Lancewood Compound Bow +1 1.453.923 -
Lancewood Compound Bow +2 4.846.410 -
Lancewood Composite Bow 518.611 -
Lancewood Composite Bow +1 1.555.833 -
Lancewood Composite Bow +2 5.186.110 -
Lancewood Composite Bow +3 20.744.440 -
Black Locust Recurve Bow 665.993 -
Black Locust Recurve Bow +1 1.997.979 -
Black Locust Recurve Bow +2 6.659.930 -
Black Locust Compound Bow 788.609 -
Black Locust Compound Bow +1 2.365.827 -
Black Locust Compound Bow +2 7.886.090 -
Black Locust Composite Bow 921.581 -
Black Locust Composite Bow +1 2.764.743 -
Black Locust Composite Bow +2 9.215.810 -

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