In this chart you can find all usable potions and their bonuses. If you can't find the potion you are looking for, then it's unusable :-) There are some of them, like the Flask of Crystal Water and Potion of Heroism. Enjoy :-)
Potion Name
| Bonus
| Enc
Potion of Light Healing |
+25 Hit Points |
2 |
Potion of Healing |
+50 Hit Points |
2 |
Potion of Serious Healing |
+100 Hit Points |
2 |
Potion of Critical Healing |
+250 Hit Points |
2 |
Flask of Bluish Liquid |
+100 Hit Points (5 uses) |
2 |
Potion of Deific Healing |
Restores full Hit Points |
3 |
Godly Potion of Healing |
Restores full Hit Points (10 uses) |
25 |
Potion of Regeneration |
Regenerates 1/30 of your max Hit Points per second, for 2 min |
2 |
Potion of Mana |
+25 Mana Points |
2 |
Mana Elixir |
+50 Mana Points |
2 |
Manastone |
+Half your normal Mana Points |
5 |
Mana Prism |
Regenerates 1/30 of your max Mana per second, for 2 min |
5 |
Potion of Fury |
+10 Strength for 5 min |
2 |
Hyper Potion of Fury |
+25% of your base Strength for 5 min (Minimum +50 Strength) |
2 |
Potion of Clear Thought |
+10 Intelligence for 5 min |
2 |
Hyper Potion of Clear Thought |
+25% of your base Intelligence for 5 min (Minimum +50 Intelligence) |
2 |
Potion of Tranquillity |
+10 Wisdom for 5 min |
2 |
Hyper Potion of Tranquillity |
+25% of your base Wisdom for 5 min (Minimum +50 Wisdom) |
2 |
Potion of Nimbleness |
+10 Agility for 5 min |
2 |
Hyper Potion of Nimbleness |
+25% of your base Agility for 5 min (Minimum +50 Agility) |
2 |
Potion of Fortitude |
+10 Endurance for 5 min |
2 |
Hyper Potion of Fortitude |
+25% of your base Endurance for 5 min (Minimum +50 Endurance) |
2 |
Hyper Potion of Violent Rage |
+400% of your base Str & Attack, set dodge and AC to 0 for 1 min |
2 |
Ambrosia |
+250 HP, +10% to all powers, -10% Wis & Int for 20 min |
2 |
Arcane Liquor |
+100 HP, +10% to all resistances, -10% Wis & Int for 10 min |
2 |
Potion of Lesser Protection from Evil |
+25% dark resistance for 4 min |
2 |
Potion of Partial Protection from Evil |
+50% dark resistance for 7 min |
2 |
Potion of Greater Protection from Evil |
+100% dark resistance for 10 min |
2 |
Potion of Lesser Fire Resistance |
+25% fire resistance for 4 min |
2 |
Potion of Partial Fire Resistance |
+50% fire resistance for 7 min |
2 |
Potion of Greater Fire Resistance |
+100% fire resistance for 10 min |
2 |
Potion of Lesser Earth Resistance |
+25% earth resistance for 4 min |
2 |
Potion of Partial Earth Resistance |
+50% earth resistance for 7 min |
2 |
Potion of Greater Earth Resistance |
+100% earth resistance for 10 min |
2 |
Potion of Lesser Air Resistance |
+25% air resistance for 4 min |
2 |
Potion of Partial Air Resistance |
+50% air resistance for 7 min |
2 |
Potion of Greater Air Resistance |
+100% air resistance for 10 min |
2 |
Potion of Lesser Water Resistance |
+25% water resistance for 4 min |
2 |
Potion of Partial Water Resistance |
+50% water resistance for 7 min |
2 |
Potion of Greater Water Resistance |
+100% water resistance for 10 min |
2 |
Potion of Cure Disease |
Cures disease |
1 |
Potion of Cure Poison |
Cures poison |
1 |
Potion of Cure Rabies |
Cures rabies |
1 |
Flask of Goblin Blood |
Cast Surge of Strength |
2 |
Vial of Spider Venom |
Cast Poison, damage 10-36 HP to user |
1 |