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Quests Index (Click on your choice to move to the Quest)
 Villain's Skull Quest (Both Paths Good and Evil)
Just outside of Stonecrest (east gate), you will find a NPC called Delnar Steelblade. Say "Villain Skull" to him and he will mention that he collects them. You can find Villain's Skulls from Nightcreepers and Pilferers (you can find them out of the east gate of Stonecrest (near Delnar Steelblade)). Collect some skulls and return to Delnar Steelblade. Say "Villain Skull" and when he asks you if you are turning some in say "Yes". You will be rewarded with a Chaimail part (random) and experience points. You have to tell him "Villain Skull" once only and he takes all the skulls you have in your backpack. He also keeps track of the accumulative total of skulls you've given him. He keeps track because your xp reward raises according to the skulls you have turned in. For almost all skulls you will be rewarded with 10.000 experience points except for the 10th skull (you will receive 25.000 xp), for the 25th (100.000 xp) & for the 100th (500.000 xp). Note: You can do this quest as many times as you want.
NPCs involved: Delnar Steelblade
Quest Reward Synopsis: Chainmail part (random) (80 End), 10.000 or 25.000 or 100.000 or 500.000 experience points (according to the skull you turn in)  Gems Quest (Both Paths Good and Evil)
Various monsters drops Gems (Agate, Moonstone etc, consult the item chart for more information). Go to Thieve's Hideout and find Meltar Winterstorm. Say to him " Sucker" and run away cause he will attack you. Return to him and say " Gems", " Yes". You will be rewarded with some experience points and resistance potions. Gem Rewards : Finely Cut Agate for 20.000 experience points & maybe a Lesser Air potion Finely Cut Amethyst for 20.000 experience points & maybe a Lesser Water potion Finely Cut Aquamarine for 30.000 experience points & maybe a Great Water potion Finely Cut Carnelian for 20.000 experience points & maybe a Lesser Fire potion Finely Cut Diamond for 25.000 experience points & maybe a Partial Air potion Finely Cut Emerald for 25.000 experience points & maybe a Partial Earth potion Finely Cut Garnet for 30.000 experience points & maybe a Greater Fire potion Finely Cut Limestone for 30.000 experience points & maybe a Greater Earth potion Finely Cut Malachite for 20.000 experience points & maybe a Lesser Earth potion Finely Cut Moonstone for 30.000 experience points & maybe a Greater Air potion Finely Cut Ruby for 25.000 experience points & maybe a Partial Fire potion Finely Cut Sapphire for 25.000 experience points & maybe a Partial Water potion Rough Agate for 5.000 experience points & maybe a Lesser Air potion Rough Amethyst for 5.000 experience points & maybe a Lesser Water potion Rough Aquamarine for 15.000 experience points & maybe a Great Water potion Rough Carnelian for 5.000 experience points & maybe a Lesser Fire potion Rough Diamond for 10.000 experience points & maybe a Partial Air potion Rough Emerald for 10.000 experience points & maybe a Partial Earth potion Rough Garnet for 15.000 experience points & maybe a Greater Fire potion Rough Limestone for 15.000 experience points & maybe a Greater Earth potion Rough Malachite for 5.000 experience points & maybe a Lesser Earth potion Rough Moonstone for 15.000 experience points & maybe a Greater Air potion Rough Ruby for 10.000 experience points & maybe a Partial Fire potion Rough Sapphire for 10
.000 expe
rience points & maybe a Partial Water potion
Note: You can do this quest as many time as you want.
NPCs involved: Meltar Winterstorm Quest Reward Synopsis: Various experience points, Various Resistance potions  Collector's Quest (Both Paths Good and Evil)
Take 5 Moon Tug Scalps (dropped by Purple Skraugs), to Wajpoothin Headhunter in the Kahp Leth Skraug Town, for a Skraugbashor Mace. Keywords: "Skraugbashor Mace ", "Yes". You will also be rewarded with 1.000 experience points * your current level.
Take 5 Skraugbashor Maces, to Khan Wulgworth in the Moon Tug Skraug Town, for a Belt of Skraug Strength. Keyword: "Skraugbashor Mace", "Yes". You will also
be rewarded with 1.000 experience points * your current level.
Take 3 Belts of Skraug Strength, to Sheriff Grant Hornkeep in Stonecrest (located in the house south of the town square), for a Collector's Book (also dropped by Deathstalker & Obsidian Assassins). Keyword: "Belt of Skraug Strength", "Yes". You will also
be rewarded with 3000 experience points * your current level.
Take 5 Collector's Books, to King Aedenas Gravesoul (located at Centaurs town), for a Ring of the Lion. Keywords: "Collectors Book", "Yes". You will also
be rewarded with 3.750 experience points * your current level.
(Good Path) Take 2 Rings of the Lion to Sir Beltigan (located at Beltigan's Castle, SW from Stonecrest) for either a Eye of the Tiger or a Crystal Sword of Might. Keyword: "Ring of the Lion", "Yes". You will also
be rewarded with 4.000 experience points * your current level. (Evil Path)
Take 3 Rings of the Lion to Sir Mordenthal (located at Mordenthal's Castle, NE from Stonecrest) for either a Cloak of Armageddon or a Great Axe of the Crow. Keyword: "Ring of the Lion", "Yes". You will also
be rewarded with 6.000 experience points * your current level.
Note: You can do this quest as many times as you want.
NPCs involved: Wajpoothin Headhunter, Khan Wulgworth, Sheriff Grant Hornkeep, King Aedenas Gravesoul, Sir Beltigan (for the Good Path), Sir Mordenthal (for the Evil Path). Quest Reward Synopsis: One of the following choices: a. Skraugbashor Mace (280 Str, 25 Agi, 20 Int, 25 Wis), 1.000 exp * level b. Belt of Skraug Strength (100 End, 20 Int, 25 Wis), 1.000 exp * level c. Ring of the Lion (30 Str, 22 End, 26 Agi, 25 Int, 25 Wis), 3.750 exp * level d. Eye of the Tiger (115 Int, 113 Wis) or Crystal Sword of Might (251 Str, 21 Agi, 53 Int, 50 Wis), 4.000 exp * level for the Good Path only e. Cloak of Armageddon (37 End, 175 Int,70 Wis) or Great Axe of the Crow (242 Str, 43 Agi, 25 Int, 25 Wis), 6.000 exp * level for the Evil Path only
 Ring of Pure Faith (Good Path only)
Search to find an NPC called Theoran Ironfaith (located SE from Stonecrest). Say "Ring of Pure Faith" to him and he will ask for: -
- 1 Ring of Faith (from the Ring of Faith quest)
- 1 Grail of Purity (dropped by Centaur Avenger in Stoneheim)
2 Flasks of Holy Water [mixed by Theoran Ironfaith (for a Flask of Crystal Water) or Brother Thorkas (for a Flask of Crystal Water and 1.000 gold pieces)] (Keyword: "Holy Water", "Yes") Bring the items to him and say "Ring of Pure Faith", "Yes" and he will give you the ring.
Note #1: You can do this quest as many times as you want. Note #2: When you say "Bye" to Theoran Ironfaith he cast a Protective Aura on you. This Aura will raise +20 all resistances and last for 2:30 minutes.
NPCs involved: Theoran Ironfaith, Brother Thorkas (Optional). Quest Reward Synopsis: Ring of Pure Faith (15 Int, 90 Wis) Scroll of Horse Friendship Quest (Both Paths Good and Evil)
At Centaur town search for an NPC called Dionysus Silverstream (located in the house north of the fountains). Say "Skeletal Centaurs" and he will tell you to kill 12 and return to him for a reward. You can find Skeletal Centaurs at Mordenthal's dungeon (located NE from Stonecrest). Kill 12 of them (or more) and return to Dionysus Silverstream. Say "Skeletal Centaurs", "Yes" and he will reward you with a Scroll of Horse Friendship and 1500 experience points * your current level. You can use the Scroll of Horse Friendship for different quests:
1st way: Take Scrolls of Horse Friendship to Malachai Fatebringer (located at Centaur Town) for one of the following items: (Keyword: "Scroll of Horse Friendship") - Grim Blade of War
- Assassin's Blade
- Bow of Centaur Slaying
- Robe of Hell
You will also
be rewarded with 2000 experience points * your current level.
These items can be traded to other NPCs for other items:- Take 2 Assassin's Blades to Daran Lightfoot (located in the Inn of the Adventures at Stonecrest) for a Broken Ethereal Key. Keyword: "Assassin Blade ", "Yes".
You will also
be rewarded with 1.500 experience points * your current level. - Take 3 Robes of Hell to Julian (located at Stonecrest) for a Gloom Staff. Keyword: "Robe of Hell", "Yes". You will also
be rewarded with 2.500 experience points * your current level.
- Take 4 Grim Blade of War to Sir Mordenthal (located at Mordenthal's Castle) for a Dark Gem (also
a small chance for a Dark Gemblade). Keyword: "Grim Blade of War", "Yes". You will also
be rewarded with 1.500 experience points * your current level.
- Take 5 Bows of Centaur Slaying to Resha (located in a house near the east entrance of Stonecrest) for a Cloak of the Archer. Keyword: "Bow of Centaur Slaying", "Yes".You will also
be rewarded with 2.500 experience points * your current level.
2nd way: After you have 10 Scrolls of Horse Friendship search for a wandering NPC called World Wild Horse (yep, you guessed correctly, it's a Horse). Talk to him (Keywords: "Work", "Teleport Locations" and he will offer to teleport you (for a fee of 1 scroll) to one of the following locations: - Lighthaven Bridge
- Arakas Stonehenge
- Annabelle's House
- Arakas Brigands
- Windhowl Entrance
- Blackblood's Castle
- Silversky Castle
- Raven's Dust Stonehenge
- Raven's Dust Desert
- Stonecrest Plaza
He also teleports with you.
Note #1: You can do this quest as many times as you want. Note #2: There is a bug and World Wild Horse doesn't spawn in game.
NPCs involved: Dionysus Silverstream, Malachai Fatebringer/World Wild Horse (Optional), Sir Mordenthal/Daran Lightfoot/Resha/Julian (Optional). Quest Reward Synopsis: One of the follow choices: a. Scroll of Horse Friendship, 1.500 exp * level b. Grim Blade of War (266 Str, 35 Agi, 35 Wis) or Assassin Blade (110 Str, 65 Agi, 15 Int) or Bow of Centaur Slaying (27 Str, 140 Agi) or Robe of Hell (28 End, 123 Int, 85 Wis), 2.000 exp * level c. Broken Ethereal Key, 1.500 exp * level d. Gloom Staff (20 Str, 83 Int, 35 Wis), 2.500 exp * level e. Dark Gem (chance for a Dark Gemblade (242 Str, 53 Int, 43 Wis)), 1.500 exp * level f. Cloak of the Archer (25 Str, 70 Agi, 30 Int, 40 Wis), 2.500 exp * level  Lost Blade of the Dragon Quest (Both Paths Good and Evil)
At Stonecrest town, find the Sheriff Grant Hornkeep. Say "Pilferer" then "Nightcreeper" and he will tell you to kill 8 Pilferers or 9 Nightcreepers and return for a reward. Kill them (you can find a lot of Pilferers and Nightcreepers just outside Stonecrest's east gate) and return to the Sheriff. Say again "Pilferer" or "Nightcreeper" and he will reward you with a Thank You note and 1.500 experience points * your current level (Max 50.000 experience points). After collecting 6 Thank You notes, Talk to Mayor Fairweather (located at Mayor Fairweather Residence at Stonecrest). Say "Thank You Note" to him to and you will be rewarded with a Lost Blade of the Dragon and 3.000 experience points * your current level.
Note: You can do this quest as many time as you want.
NPCs involved: Sheriff Grant Hornkeep, Mayor Fairweather Quest Reward Synopsis: Lost Blade of the Dragon (242 Str), 12.000 experience points * your current level or (300.000 + (3.000 * your current level)) experience points  Lost Helm of the Dragon Quest (Both Paths Good and Evil)
At Stonecrest town, find the Sheriff Grant Hornkeep. Say "Secret Documents" and he will ask you to bring him 5 of them. Go to the following places: First open the chest at Mayor Fairweather's residence. You will find a Shiny Metal Key. Then open the Shiny Metal chest at Gulfrid's Weapon Shop and you should find a Dark Iron Key. Now open the Dark Iron chest at Herewald's Armor Shop and you should find a Chipped Bone Key. And now open the Chipped Bone chest at Mithanna Snowraven's house and you should find a Steel Safe Key. Finally go to Thieve's Hideaway and open the Steel Safe. You should find a Secret Document.
Collect 5 Secret Documents and go to Sheriff Grant Hornkeep. Keyword: "Secret Document", "Y
es" and yo
u will be rewarded with a Certificate of Recognition and 2.500 experience point * your current level and 3.500 gold pieces * your current level.
Collect 6 Certificates of Recognition and go to Mayor Fairweather. Keyword: "Certificate of Recognition" and you will be rewarded with a Lost Helm of the Dragon and 2.000 experience points * your current level and 1.000 gold pieces * your current level.
Note #1: Every time you open a chest, your key crumples to dust. The chests
will not always drop the keys, they may drop something else. If this happened you must start all over cause you don't have the previous keys anymore. If someone else has opened the chests recently, it will take some time (about 30 min) to spawn again. Note #2: You can do this quest as many times as you want.
NPCs involved: Sheriff Grant Hornkeep, Mayor Fairweather Quest Reward Synopsis: Lost Helm of the Dragon (150 End, 30 Int, 46 Wis), 17.000 experience points * your current level, 22.000 gold pieces * current level.  Staff of Hope (Good Path only)
At Centaur Town, find Dionysus Silverstream. Say "Staff of Hope" and he will ask for the following items: -
- 2 Stacks of Demon Tree Wood (dropped by Demon Trees in RD)
- 5 Symbols of Hope (bought from Chryseida Yolangda in Stonecrest for 10.000 gold pieces)
Once done, return to Dionysus Silverstream and say "Staff of Hope", "Yes" and he will give the Staff of Hope. Note #1: You can do this quest as many times as you want. Note #2: You must be "Lightbringer" in order to accomplish this quest.
NPCs Involved: Dionysus Silverstream, Chryseida Yolangda Quest Reward Synopsis: Staff of Hope (110 Str, 23 Int, 131 Wis). Ethereal Key Quest (Both Paths Good and Evil)
Take a Broken Ethereal Key (from Scroll of Horse Friendship quest) to Bastien Milandra in Sir Beltigan's Castle. Talk to him, say in order (you must be a gentleman :-)) " Work" and " Yes" 6 times. Then " Work", " Help", " Help", " Seraph", " Seraph", " Yes", " Ethereal Key", " Yes" and finally he will repair the key. Note: You can do this quest as many times as you want (but you won't need a second key, it never breaks).
NPCs involved: Bastien Milandra Quest Reward Synopsis: Ethereal Key (gain access to Ethereal Realm (Nether Isles))  Lute of Peace (Both Paths Good and Evil)
At Centaur town, talk to Dionysus Silverstream. Say " Quest", " Lute of Peace", " Recharged". He will ask you to recharge his Lute, say " Yes". Take it and search to find the Ethereal Portal (you have to complete the Ethereal Key quest first). Once you find it, enter it and search to find an NPC called Glaenshenmilandira (it's the only one NPC at Nether Isles, located in a big house at a castle, can't miss it). Say " Lute of Peace" to her and she will ask you at least for 6 Magical Lutes (dropped by Death Jester at Silversky Castle dungeon). Find them and return to Glaenshenmilandira. Say again " Lute of Peace", " Yes" and she will recharge the Lute. You will also
be rewarded with 2.000 experience points * your current level. Head back to Dionysus Silverstream and say " Lute of Peace". You will be rewarded with 750 experience points * your current level, 2.000 gold pieces * your current level and if you are lucky, a Robe of Heaven. Note #1: You can do this quest as many time as you want. Note #2: Dynosious Silverstream talks to you about this quest only during the night time. Note #3: At Nether Isles, you will see a monster named Purifier. If you kill him, Glaenshenmilandira will refuse to talk you. She will ask you to kill Neoflares (as many as the Purifiers you have killed). When it's done she will talk to you.
Note #4: Glaenshenmilandira asks for "at least" 6 Magical Lutes to recharge the lute of peace, and only has a 60% chance of succeeding. If she doesn't succeed you don't receive the EXP, and can't return the Lute. For every extra lute you get 5% chance of succeeding. So if you bring 14 lutes you have 100% chance. NPCs involved: Dionysus Silverstream, Bastien Milandra (Optional), Glaenshenmilandira Mini Bosses involved: Death Jester Quest Reward Synopsis: 2.750 experience points * your current level, 2.000 gold pieces * your current level, chance for a Robe of Heaven (28 End, 73 Int, 135 Wis)  Good Seraph Quest (Good Path only)
Talk to Nissus Haloseeker in the Stonecrest temple. Keyword: "Guidance", "Beltigan". He will refer you to Sir Beltigan (located at Beltigan's Castle, southwest of Stonecrest). Talk to Beltigan and say "Lightbringer", "Yes ", "I pledge to serve Artherk" and you will become a Lightbringer. You will also be rewarded with 25.000 experience points. Now say "Task", "Vanquish", "Stronghold", "Oracle", "Key of Artherk", "Heart of Destiny", "Fortress", "Portal", "Chamber of Providence", "Pieces", "Parts" and you will learn about Makrsh P'Tangh and that you must stop him. He will also tell you that the only way to reach Makrsh P'Tangh is through the Oracle. To reach the Oracle Realm you must pass through the Chamber of Providence and through the Heart of Destiny. To enter the Chamber of Providence you need the Key of Artherk. For the Key of Artherk you will need: Soul of Artherk Heart of Artherk Will of Artherk
Now say "Soul of Artherk" and he will tell you that only a pious man, with absolute devotion to our Lord can summon it. Say "Heart of Artherk" and
he will say that he can't help you. Say "Will of Artherk" and he will say that you must first have the other 2 parts (Soul & Heart) and then he will tell you about the Will of Artherk.
Soul of Artherk
Talk to Nissus Haloseeker at Stonecrest Temple. Keyword: "Soul of Artherk". He will ask you for the following items in order to make the Soul of Artherk: 3 Rings of Pure Faith From the Ring of Pure Faith quest.
2 Staves of Hope
From the Staff of Hope quest. 2 Pearls of WisdomGo to Annithae Teardrop. Say "Pearl of Wisdom" and she will send you to Moonrock (located at Lighthaven temple).For One Pearl of Wisdom you must bring her the following items (Keywords: "Pearl of Wisdom", "Yes"): -
1 Tear-Shaped Pearl (bought from Annithae Teardrop for 12.000 gold pieces in Stonecrest)(Keyword: "Tear Shaped Pearl", "Yes") -
- 1 complete set of the Lost Psalms of Artherk (pages 1-5) (dropped by Pilferers just outside Stonecrest)
Take all of the ingredients back to Nissus Haloseeker and he will give you the Soul of Artherk. Keyword: "Soul of Artherk", "Yes". You will be rewarded with 250.000 experience points. Heart of ArtherkTalk to Mithanna Snowraven (located at Stonecrest town). Keyword: "Heart of Artherk". She will ask for the following items in order to make the Heart of Artherk: 2 Gems of CourageFor One Gem of Courage you must take the following to Omar Hald (located at Stonecrest town) (Keyword: "Raw Crystals", "Yes"): -
- 9 Raw Crystals [dropped by Kahp Leth Skraugs (yellow)]
- 50.000 gold pieces
4 Tomes of ValorFor One Tome of Valor you must take the following to Liurn Clar (located at Windhowl mage tower) (Keyword: "Tome of Valor", "Yes"): -
- 1 Blank Magical Tome [dropped by Skraug Mages (yellow & purple)]
1 Magic Scripting Kit (bought from Eldantor for 20.000 gold pieces (located at Stonecrest, outside of temple) (Keyword: "Magic Scripting Kit", "Yes" -
- 1 Chaos Key (dropped by Chaos Spawns)
After giving him the items, you must wait 1 hour before Liurn Clar completes the Tome of Valor. 3 Swords of MajestyGo to Lance Silversmith (Arakas, east from Goblin Camp). Say "Sword of Majesty" and he will send you to Thor Glarefire (located at Centaur Town). For every One Sword of Majesty you must take him the following items (Keyword: "Sword of Majesty, "Yes"): -
- 3 Blades of Heroism (dropped by Skraugs)
- 5 Red Spellbooks [dropped by Skraug Mages (yellow & purple)]
Take all of the ingredients back to Mithanna Snowraven and she will give you the Heart of Artherk. Keyword: "Heart of Artherk", "Yes". You will be rewarded with 250.000 experience points. Will of ArtherkOnce you have both the Heart and the Soul of Artherk, head back to Sir Beltigan. Say "Will of Artherk" and he will tell you to go to King Aedenas Gravesoul (located at Centaur Town). Say "Will of Artherk" to him and he will give you instructions how to get the Fangs of True Resolve. 4 Fangs of True ResolveThe King will tell you to get 4 Fangs of True R
He says to ask the one known as the white crow (a.k.a. Snowraven). Go to Mithanna Snowraven (located in Stonecrest town) and say "Fang of True Resolve". She will ask for: -
- 6 Tarantula Eyes (dropped from tarantulas)
- 1 Jade Ring of Sorcery (dropped by Grott)
Find them and return to Mithanna Snowraven. Say "Fang of True Resolve" and she will send you to Nissus Haloseeker (located at Stonecrest temple). Go and say "Fang of True Resolve" to him. He will ask who told you to make them. Answer "Mithanna". For one Fang of True Resolve he will ask for: -
1 Ruby Dragon Fang (gotten from Dark Fang (the Lighthaven Dragon)) (Keywords: "Ruby Dragon Fang", "Scarlet", "Souvenirs", "Ruby Dragon Fangs") Note: You can take only one Fang from Dark Fang. Once you use it, return to Dark Fang for another. -
2 Candles of Eternity [Samuel at Silversky castle, will give them to you for
5,000 gold pieces and 5 Wasp Wax (dropped by Death Stinger/Wasp Drone/ Colony Sentinel/ Giant Wasp)] Note: Dark Fang will give you the Ruby Dragon Fang, only if you have completed the Tomb Raider quest. If you haven't he will send you to do it. Once you collect them, give them to Nissus Haloseeker (Keyword: "Fangs of True Resolve", "Yes". You must wait 5 minutes, between each Fang of True Resolve. Once you have all 4, head back to King Aedenas Gravesoul. Red-Eyed CentaursBefore he will tell about the next quest you will need to complete for the Will of Artherk, he will mention a problem he is having with Zione Thunderheart. Zione used Mind-Control Talismans to take control of some centaurs (Red-Eyed Centaurs) against the King. (Keywords: "Will of Artherk", "Mind Control Talismans"). Then say to him "Staff of Submission", "Yes" and he will give you a Staff of Submission. With the staff kill 12 Red-Eyed Centaurs (they drop the talismans and give 25.000 exp each). Once you have 12 talismans go back to
the King and say "Mind Control Talismans", "Bond" and he takes the talismans and the staff back. Say "Will of Artherk" and he will tell you to bring back 3 Hammers of Finality. 3 Hammers of FinalityGo to Thor Glarefire (weapon seller at Centaur town). He will warn you that Mordenthal knows about your plans and 2 Shadowstalkers will attack you. Kill them and say again to Thor "Hammer of Finality". He will send you to Lance Silversmith (Arakas, east from Goblin Camp). Go to him and say "Hammer of Finality". For 1 Hammer of Finality you must bring the following to Lance Silversmith: -
- 1 Fine Steel Warhammer (bought from Mark Ttayh at Windhowl for 14.529 gold pieces)
- 1 Scroll of Enchantment (from the Scroll of Enchantment quest)
- 4.000 gold pieces
Once you have them, say to Lance Silversmith "Make Hammer of Finality". Take the hammers and return to King Aedenas Gravesoul. Ring of the Seraph (Optional)King Aedenas Gravesoul will tell you about a distrubing dream he had. In his dream he saw a man named Roen Greenleaf. He suggests that you find Roen Greenleaf and talk to him, but if you want you can go on to the next step. Go southeast from Stonecrest and find Roen Greenleaf and talk to him. He will tell you that he had a dream also, and when he awoke there was a ring next to him. He will offer you the ring, answer "Yes" and you will receive the Ring of Seraph. Once done, head back to King Aedenas Gravesoul. 2 Drums of FateSay "Drum of Fate" to King Aedenas Gravesoul and he will send you to Anrak Brownbark (located at the basement of a house, east from tarantula pond at RD). Go to him and say "Drum of fate". For one Drum of fate he will ask for the following items: 4 Hourglasses of Essence (Menark will trade them for one of the following (Light Heal, Heal Serious, Heal Pot, Mana Pot, Mana Elixir, Crystal Water, Potion of Fury, Scroll of Recall)) - 4 Gems of the Immortal (dropped by Dark Warlords at Mordenthal's dungeon)
- 1 Finely Crafted Drum (found in chest in Thieves Hideout)
- 60.000 gold pieces
Collect them and return to Anrak. Say " Drum of Fate" and some monsters called "Gehenna Reaver" will attack you. Kill them and say " Drum of Fate" again, then " Yes" and head to Aedenas Gravesoul. Making the Will of Artherk
Talk to King Aedenas Gravesoul and he will send you to
the Nether Isles to find Glaenshenmilandira (if you don't have the Ethereal Key, he will give you one, just say "Will of Artherk" to him again). Once you find her, she will make the Will of Artherk (Keyword: " Yes"). You will be rewarded with 250.000 experience points. Key of Artherk
Once you have all 3 parts (Soul, Heart and Will of Artherk) go to Sir Beltigan. Say "Key of Artherk", "Yes" and he will assemble you the Key. Oracle Zone
First you must head to the Chamber of Providence. Go to Sunken Woods (near
Gateway Teacher house) and search for two Monoliths/Spires. Go between them
across a bridge of water. You will end up on a small island with a dungeon (Chamber of Providence). Go down the dungeon and find a portal. Go through the portal and you will end up in the Heart of Destiny (the center of Stoneheim). Search to find a whirlpool and go through it. You will end up at the Oracle Realm. Wander around until you find an ivory chest. In the chest you will find a Ivory Key. Once you have the key go to the Oracle's House and enter it. In this house you will find many puzzles, traps and mazes. Each area is a different puzzle to solve. After you have completed all of the puzzles and challenges you will get to meet the Oracle (NPC). Talk to him, take his final test, pass it and you will become a Seraph. Note #1: Originally, you can do 3 reborns, but lots of servers offer more. On your 1st reborn you must be at least 75 level, 2nd 80 level and 3rd 85 level.
Note #2: At your 1st reborn, your char starts with 25 to all stats and 10 points to
boost your attributes (magic resistances & powers, HP & MP & stats). At your 2nd reborn, your char starts with 30 to all stats and 12 points to
boost your attributes Note #3: The Ring of Seraph disappears once you reborn.
NPCs Involved: Nissus Halosseker, Sir Beltigan Whitesword, Theoran Ironfaith, Brother Thorkas, Dionysus Silverstream, Chryseida Yolangda, Annithae Teardrop, Moonrock, Mithanna Snowraven, Omar Hald, Lance Silversmith, Thor Glarefire, Liurn Clar, Eldantor, King Aedenas Gravesoul, Dark Fang, Samuel, Mark Ttayh, Araknor/Iraltok/Marsac Cred/R'yleth Cth (Optional), Roen Greenleaf (Optional), Anrak Brownbark, Menark, Glaenshenmilandira Quest Reward Synopsis: You can become a Seraph, access to Seraph Areas (Mad House, Forest of No Return and Colosseum), 1.025.000 Experience Points  Evil Seraph Quest (Evil Path only)
At Stonecrest town, search to find an NPC called Julian. Talk to him and say "Work" then "Master". He will send you to Sir Morderthal (located at Sir Mordenthal's castle, NE from Stonecrest). Head to Mordenthal and say "Work", "Dark Knight", "Ogrimar", "Dwindled", "Another", "Dark One", "Makrsh P'Tangh", "Gods", "Followers", "Servants", "Yes", "I Swear Allegiance to Ogrimar".
Now that you have sworn allegiance to Ogrimar, you can take your first quest. Say to Mordenthal "Uphold", "Yes", "Vanquishing", "Stronghold", "Oracle", "Key of Ogrimar", "Heart of Destiny", "Fortress", "Chamber of Providence", "Pieces", "Parts" and you will learn about Makrsh P'Tangh and that you must stop him. He will also tell you that the only way to reach Makrsh P'Tangh is through the Oracle. To reach the Oracle Realm you must pass through the Chamber of Providence and through the Heart of Destiny. To enter the Chamber of Providence you need the Key of Ogrimar. For the Key of Ogrimar you will need: Skull of Ogrimar Blood of Ogrimar Bones of Ogrimar
Now say "Skull of Ogrimar" and he will send you to find Zion Thunderheart (located at Centaur village). Say "Blood of Ogrimar" and he will say to ask his assistant. Say "Assistant" and he says that his assistant is Julian. Now say "Bones of Ogrimar" and he says that you must first have the other 2 parts (Skull & Blood) and then he will tell you about the Bones of Ogrimar.
Skull of Ogrimar
Go to Zion Thunderheart (located at Centaur village). Say "Skull of Ogrimar"
and he will ask who told it to you. Answer "Mordenthal" then again "Skull of Ogrimar", "Cost" and he will ask for the following items: 1 Skull of Evil
For one Skull of Evil you must take the following items to Oogla Thraaglurh (located at Moon Tug Skraug town) (Keyword: "Skull of Evil", "Yes") (Note: DO NOT make skulls for your next Rebirth. Zion Thunderheart will not accept em):
- 2 Villain Skulls (dropped by Pilferers and Nightcreepers just outside of Stonecrest)
2 Scrolls of Hate (purchased from Shaman Weethgwotha (located at Kahp Leth village) for 5 Mandrakes each (you can buy Mandrakes from Chryseida Yolangda for 2.000 gold pieces)) (Keyword:"Scroll of Hate", "Yes") - 15.000 gold pieces
1 Crown of Corruption
For one Crown of Corruption go to Meltar Winterstorm (located at Thieves Hideout) and say " Crown of Corruption", " Insignificants", " Deserve", " Owns", " Renown", " Increase". He will say that you must increase your renown before he will give you the Crown. To increase your renown you must give him gems (see Gems Quest). The amount of the gems that he will take is random (100-400) so pick any gem you found in your way. When he says "Ahh, [chars name]! You honor us with your presence. How may I help you today?" say " Crown of Corruption" and he will give you the crown. 2 Arcane Spellbooks Head to Zhakar (located at Tower of Sorcery, Raven Dust) and say "Arcane Spellbook". Zhakar will ask for: - 10 Arcane Scrolls
- 35.000 gold pieces
Note: It's better to give Zhakar 20 Scrolls (it's the maximum he takes) for each spellbook. I tried with 10 scrolls and we didn't complete the procedure. He said that something went wrong and he had to start over. As many times I tried with 20 scrolls, he
always succeeded to create the Arcane Spellbook. Say "Sweepers" to him and he will summon Sweepers (easy rats) at all levels of his Tower. Kill them and they will drop Arcane Scrolls. When you have enough scrolls, return to Zhakar and say "Arcane Spellbook", "Created", "Yes". You must wait for 15 minutes, until Zhakar completes the Arcane Spellbook.
Take them all back to Zion Thunderheart and just click on him. He will tell you that the Skull of Ogrimar is hidden in a chest at the Temple of Ogrimar (Vargus's castle, N from Stonecrest). ATTENTION: DO NOT TALK TO VARGUS until you
have the Skull, cause if you talk to him he will hide the Skull and you have to return to Zion Thunderheart (He will mention that Vargus hid it and the skull will re-appear in the chest). Go to Temple of Ogrimar, open the chest and you will find the Skull of Ogrimar.
Blood of Ogrimar
Go to Stonecrest and talk to Julian. Say "Blood of Ogrimar" and he will direct you to Vargus. Go to Vargus and say "Blood of Ogrimar", "Choice Items" and he will ask for the following items in order to make you the Blood of Ogrimar: 3 Demonic Bloods
For one Demonic Blood take the following to Kwarlgloth (located at Moon Tug Skraugs village (the manastone seller)) (Keyword: "Demonic Blood", "Yes"): - 3 Sacrificial Daggers of Bleeding (dropped by Pilferers and Nightcreepers just outside of Stonecrest)
- 4 Bloodstone Rings (dropped by Bloodlust or from the Bloodstone Ring quest)
- 20.000 gold pieces
2 Foul Potions
For one Foul Potion take the following to Xanth (Blindman, located in Skeleton Cave at Raven Dust) (Keyword:"Foul Potion", "Yes"): 2 Necromantic Scrolls (purchased from Araknor (located east from Lighthaven temple) for 10.000 gold pieces) (Keyword: "Necromantic Scroll", "Yes", he asks you to wait about 5 minutes (for each scroll) in order to complete the scrolls) - 1 Bloodied Rat Pelt (Xanth has a lot of them, don't need to find any)
- 1 Essence of Bloodlust (dropped by Bloodlust)
- 25.000 gold pieces
5 Nephil Spider Venoms
For One Nephil Spider Venom take the following to Julian (located at Stonecrest town) (Keyword: "Nephil Spider Venom", "Yes"): - 1 Tarantula Fang (dropped by Arachnofiends)
- 3 Spider Venoms (dropped by Giant Black Widows and Necrospiders) Note: NOT the venoms from Arakas
1 Alchemy Kit (bought from Shaman Weethgwotha (located at Kahp Leth Skraug village) for 15.000 gold pieces) (Keyword: "Alchemy Kit", "Yes") Note: You will need only one alchemy kit - 20.000 gold pieces
Once you collect them all return to Vargus. Just click on him and say "Yes" and he will give you the Blood of Ogrimar.
Bones of Ogrimar
Once you have both the Skull and Blood of Ogrimar, return to Sir Mordenthal and say "Bones of Ogrimar". He will tell you that you have only to ask the current holder of the Bones of Ogrimar and he will give them to you. Head to Stonecrest and talk to Julian (Keyword: "Bones of Ogrimar", "Yes", "Cavern", "Entrance"). He will tell you a story about a man named Venadar and that he found the Bones after falling in a hall. He will also tells you that he climbed out of the hall and traced his steps back to a well, which is located near Khimtesar's house (Khimtesar = Gateway teacher). Head to Khimtesar
house and click on the well just outside of the house. Follow the directions (7
steps west, 20 steps north, the "drop spot" to the hall is exactly in front of
the small rock) and you will end up in a small cave. Go down the stairs and head
east. You will end up in another cave with a staircase leading down. Go down the stairs and head as far east as you can go. You will meet an NPC called "A Frightening Beast" (actually is Venadar). Say "Bones of Ogrimar", "Object", "Ring"
and he will tell you that someone stole the Bones from him and that the thief left a ring behind. He
will refuse to give you the ring, so kill him leave the screen and return. He will appear once again. Just click on him and he will give you an Ancient Ring. Go back to Sir Mordenthal
and click on him. He will direct you to Drardos (located at Silversky town) to learn more about the ring. Head to Drardos and say "Ancient Ring ", "Yes" and he will send you to Brother Thorkas (located at Silversky temple). Say "Ancient Ring", "Yes", "Master Jeweler" to Thorkas and he will say that the ring is evil. Head back to Drardos and click on him. He will send you to Xanth (Blindman) in order to learn more about the ring. Head to Xanth and say "Ancient Ring", "Yes" to him and he will ask for: - 1 Essence of Bloodlust (dropped by Bloodlust)
- 1 Bloodstone Ring (dropped by Bloodlust or from the Bloodstone Ring quest)
Find them and return to Xanth. Say "Ancient Ring" and he will tell you that the Ancient Ring belongs to Sir Mordenthal. Head to Mordenthal (or just double click on the ancient ring and you will be teleported to Mordenthal's castle) and say "Ancient Ring", "Give me the Bones"
a few times. He will act as if he doesn't know what you are saying. Once he asks who told you, answer "Xanth" and then say again "Give me the Bones" and he will give them to you.
Key of Ogrimar
Once you have all 3 parts (Skull, Blood and Bones of Ogrimar) go to Sir Mordenthal. Say "Key of Ogrimar", "Yes" and he will assemble you the Key. Oracle Zone
First you must head to the Chamber of Providence. Go to Sunken Woods (near
Gateway Teacher house) and search for two Monoliths/Spires. Go between them
across a bridge of water. You will end up on a small island with a dungeon (Chamber of Providence). Go down the dungeon and find a portal. Go through the portal and you will end up in the Heart of Destiny (the center of Stoneheim). Search to find a whirlpool and go through it. You will end up at the Oracle Realm. Wander around until you find an ivory chest. In the chest you will find a Ivory Key. Once you have the key go to the Oracle's House and enter it. In this house you will find many puzzles, traps and mazes. Each area is a different puzzle to solve. After you have completed all of the puzzles and challenges you will get to meet the Oracle (NPC). Talk to him, take his final test, pass it and you will become a Seraph.
Note #1: Originally, you can do 3 reborns, but lots of servers offer more. On your 1st reborn you must be at least 75 level, 2nd 80 level and 3rd 85 level. Note #2: At your 1st reborn, your char starts with 25 to all stats and 10 points to
boost your different attributes (magic resistances & powers, HP & MP & stats). At your 2nd reborn, your char starts with 30 to all stats and 12 points to
boost your attributes
NPCs Involved: Julian, Sir Mordenthal, Zion Thunderheart, Oogla Thraaglurh, Shaman Weethgwotha, Meltar Winterstorm, Zhakar, Vargus, Kwarlgloth, Greyleaf (Optional), Xanth, Araknor, Drardos, Brother Thorkas Mini Bosses Involved: A Sweeper, Bloodlust, Venadar Quest Reward Synopsis: You can become a Dark Seraph, access to Seraph Areas (Mad House, Forest of No Return and Colosseum).