[by Raven Mib from Realmud]
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There are three basic character classes in T4C: Warriors, Archers and Mages. However, there are a lot of sub-classes around, and here is a simple list of them, with their pros and cons.
Warrior Class
Warriors are
players who prefer close range, hand-to-hand-combat. This class wield daggers,
swords and axes, while wearing heavy armor and shields. They have Attack as
their main skill, to improve their chances of hitting the target.
Pure Warrior: The pure warriors
are those who invest on nothing else then STR and END, and a little AGI for the
Armor Penetration skill. They usually go for 300 END (so they can wear Ancient
Platemail) and then pump STR to carry stronger weapons.
Pros: Pure
Warriors are one of the most deadly PvP characters, since melee weapons do BIG
damage. Not to mention that they have a huge AC and HP.
Cons: Warriors
can only attack on melee, and they are vulnerable to Mental ranged spells
(Flare, Inferno), which ignores AC.
Paladin Warrior: Paladins are
basically warriors, but they also invest on WIS to wield blunt weapons (such as Maces and Flails). Since they invest on WIS, they can learn protection spells, along with earth and light based spells (Boulders, turn Undead), making them a very powerful class.
Pros: Paladins have HUGE AC. Many of them go for Ancient Platemail, which altogether with protections spells make him an almost unbeatable player. Also, WIS spells like Boulders and Turn Undead are great monster killing spells, making XP a lot easier for paladins.
Cons: Blunt weapons are a little more
powerful then conventional weapons. However, they are capped at the Ancient
Morningstar +3 (247 – 359 damage), while an Ancient Two-handed Sword +3 will do
432 – 638 damage.
Battle Mages: This class is
becoming very rare, since it’s very hard to make one. Basically, it’s a
counterpart from Paladins, since battle mages invest on INT, so they can use
Fire-based spells to level.
Pros: Fire spells are very good for PvM,
and when they run out of mana, they can rely on their melee weapon.
Cons: Battle mages are not good at PvP. Like Paladins, they don’t wield heavier
weapons like warriors and their spells are less powerful then pure mages
Mage Class
Mages are players who will invest mainly
on INT or WIS. They prefer using spells rather then weapons, and wear magical
robes instead of body armor. Since spells don’t use all skill points, mages
invest on the Dodge skill to avoid physical attacks from warriors and archers.
Fire Mages: Fire Mage is a classic mage build. There has been fire mages ever
since T4C was created. They invest mainly on INT, and the only offensive spells
they learn are the fire-based spells, using the remaining skill points on
Dodge. Now they are even more powerful, because of the new fire spells from
version 1.25b.
Pros: Fire spells are probably the most
powerful spells around, making the mages of this elemental school great
characters for PvM and PvP.
Cons: Since fire mages rely only on
fire-based spells, they will do little damage to monsters and players with high
fire resistance, leaving them no choice but find another place to level, or
return to temple.
Ice Mages: Ice mages are very similar to fire mages, but they are rare, since
water-based spells are less powerful then fire spells, and there aren’t many +water
power items around. However, some people are making ice mages, since no
player really cares about water resistance, and the new water spells from 1.25b
patch are quite powerful.
Pros: No player really cares about water
resistance, making Ice Mages an interesting PvP class. Also, water spells are
great against monsters.
Cons: There aren’t many items that
increase water power, making it hard for Ice Mages to improve the damage of his
Dark Mages: Dark mages, or necromancers, are INT based mages just like Fire and
Ice mages, and use mostly the drain spells. There are many items that improve
dark power, and a high level necromancer is very tough to beat.
Pros: Plague reduces target’s HP, drain
spells are very powerful and while damaging the target, heals the caster,
making the Dark Mage an excellent PvP class.
Cons: Dark spells are not good at PvM
(not to mention that dark spells doesn’t work on the undead), and necromancers
must rely on fire spells to level. Also, there were no new dark spells with
1.25b patch, and the most powerful drain spell is still the Soulsteal.
Air Mages: This build is a very peculiar one. Air spells need both INT and WIS, almost equally. Air mages are quite
good to level; they have good WIS and INT, which improve offensive and defensive power.
Pros: The new Air spells from 1.25b are
quite powerful, and air resistance items are not common. Also, good XP monsters
like drakes are vulnerable to air spells.
Cons: Investing on both INT and WIS is expensive and difficult. The Air
mages will find it hard to wear good armor.
Earth Mages: Also known as Priests, these clerics rely mainly on WIS and earth-based spells. A classic and
very common build, it’s probably the best character class at PvM, since
protections spells are heavily affected by WIS and monsters are very vulnerable to earth-spells like Boulders.
Pros: High AC and powerful spells makes
earth mages a very reliable class. Very easy to level, it is most likely to
find them amongst the Top 10 players at your realm. Also, their high WIS makes them the perfect team players,
since their power-up spells are powerful and helpful to other character
Cons: There are no powerful Mental type
earth spells, making it hard for a priest to kill anyone with high AC. For PvP
they need to use Mana Burst, not as powerful as Flare or Inferno.
Light Mages: A little variation from the Earth Priest, the Light Priest invests
their seraph points on light power. These priests have no powerful offensive spells
but you won’t find any better Bless then theirs. Better team player then the
Earth Priest, the Light Priest have even more powerful power-up spells, making
him an indispensable class on your group.
Pros: They have the best power-up spells
such as Bless, making them the perfect support players. Also, Turn Undead is a
great PvM spell against the undead (did I hear P’tangh?).
Cons: The only offensive light spell is
Turn Undead, which only works on the undead. Although useful against P’tangh
and his minions, no living being such as other players can be damaged with it,
making the Light Priest useless at PvP (well, except when spelling fighters
Tank Mages: These are not a specific class. Tank mages are those who,
independent from their elemental school, pump their END to 300. They do this
not only to wear Ancient Platemail, but also to improve their HP.
Pros: Tank mages, specially the Tank
Priests, have an unbelievable AC, together with a large amount of HP.
Cons: Having the END pumped to 300, makes
these Tanks to have less WIS or
INT, lessening their offensive power.
Archer Class
Archers are characters that prefer ranged
weapons rather then entering in a melee combat. They wield bows and their main
stats are STR and AGI. Although all archers wield bows (o_O) and have archery
as their main skill, there are several sub-types of them.
Naked Archers: Considered by some as Pure Archers,
these archers invest their stat points only on STR and AGI. It is easy to
identify them because they will probably be wearing just a Leather Armor, or
even naked. Naked archers traded defense for offensive power, while choosing to
wield a powerful bow instead of a good body armor.
Pros: Naked archers wield powerful bows
earlier then other archers, and do big damage.
Cons: They have very little AC and HP,
making it difficult for them to level. Also, it’s almost impossible for them to
pass trough the Oracle Realm. Their PvP capabilities are controversial.
Although they can inflict heavy damage, they cannot resist a blow from a
warrior or flares from a good mage.
Classic Archers: Also known as Fake Archers, these bowmen also invest points on END
to wear better armor. The most common builds uses 160 END (for Dwarven
Platemail) or 180 (for Dragonscale). This subclass is more balanced then the
naked archer.
Pros: They have more AC, HP and
resistances than the naked archers, making it easier for them to level.
Cons: Although having better defense
stats, they don’t have enough AC to withstand a blow from a good warrior, and
they can only wield the best Composite bows at high levels.
Bluestone Archer: Pretty much like the Classic archers, the BS archers differ only
for the fact that they early invest their STR to 150, to wear Gleaming
Bluestone Platemail.
Pros: Bluestone armor grants a good AC
and resistances, and the 150 of strength improves the bow damage.
Cons: It’s a little difficult to pump STR
to 150, leaving the best bows for the high levels.
Rangers: These bowmen are quite peculiar. Instead of investing their stat
points on the basic archer stats, they also invest on WIS and INT, so they can use protections spells. There are two types of
rangers: the basic rangers doesn’t invest on endurance, making the protections
spells main source of AC; there is also the Azure ranger, that invest their END
up to 100 to wear Azure Platemail.
Pros: Rangers usually have high AC and
resistances, due to their protection spells.
Cons: To learn protection spells, the
ranger must invest lots of stat points on INT and WIS, leaving the best bows only for the higher levels. Since rangers
spend skill points on spells, they will have less archery then other archer
Tank Archers: Also known as AP archer, these players invest on END up to 300 to
wear Ancient Platemail, and then go for better bows.
Pros: Very high AC, HP and resistances
makes the tank archer a tough player to beat.
Cons: Leveling to 300 END with an Ashwood
Reflex Bow is pretty hard, not to mention that an AP archer will only get their
hands on Composite bows at high levels.