[by Pitman LoK RK - Translated by DragonOfMagicSD]
Escolha o Idioma: 
Se for good:
Primeiro arranje 3 Human Feet e va a zona do oracle npc e clique no npc The Beginning, voce sera enviado para A Powerful Wizard npc.
{A Powerful Wizard}: Hello Great Seraph! What brings you here?
Diga: human foot
{A Powerful Wizard}: Well done! I see you completed your task, shall we "proceed"?
Diga: proceed
{A Powerful Wizard}: Yes, I can see you have been reborn 3 times, under the power and knowledge of my friend The Oracle, and you are owner of great strength. Are you looking foward to gain "more power"?
Diga: more power
{A Powerful Wizard}: The Oracle is a great wizard, we went to the same magic school,but I can offer you, under certain "circumstances" the chance to rebirth one more time.
Diga: circumstances
{A Powerful Wizard}: As you gain the strength, after going into the 4th rebirth, you will be able to go "beyond".
Diga: beyond
{A Powerful Wizard}: here is another land, The Ancient Land, which I'm sure you have no clue about. The only ones who can step there are the seraphs that have been reborn 4 times, and the Gods themselves. It is a whole new world for you, you might be big now, and you might be even bigger when you try to reach that land, but once you step in, you will feel small... very "small".
Diga: small
{A Powerful Wizard}: Like I said, it's a new world, something you've never dreamt about, somewhere your deepest fears are "waiting" for you.
Diga: waiting
{A Powerful Wizard}: Going to that land is the chance you have to know about the true powers of the "Gods", both the evil and the good.
Diga: gods
{A Powerful Wizard}: artherk and Ogrimar have been waiting for their servants to come. and this is your time! I won't tell you much about this now, for now you should focus on quest. Shall we "begin"?
Diga: begin
{A Powerful Wizard}: I am A Powerful Wizard, a neutral wizard. I don't serve either the good or the evil, but I am responsible for keeping the balance between them. And I can only do my "work" with both good and evil forces are with me.
Diga: work
{A Powerful Wizard}: Yes, I can give you the chance to rebirth one more time, but you need to "find" me the sources of good and evil, and as you find them, follow the path you're supposed to follow.
Diga: find
{A Powerful Wizard}: The twins! I need you to find me the Majiah Twins. They are locked, some great source of power have stolen the "Keys Of Synndor", and with those he has locked up the twins.
Diga: keys of synndor
{A Powerful Wizard}: his power... which I haven't been able, not even with The Oracle's help, to identify... It has minions that work for him... I know where you can "Locate" them, and fight this powerful entity and his minions.
Diga: locate
{A Powerful Wizard}: Me and The Oracle have found a way to get there, it is a one shot try are you ready to do it? Ya or Na
Diga: ya
--Você será enviado para uma cave
onde terá que encontrar Synndor na área da direita mais abaixo da
cave ao pé de uma fonte, fale com ele. Você precisara apanhar 9
chaves matando Draconas e depois voltar e falar com Synndor de novo e mata-lo.
{Synndor}: Ahh, you puny little Mortal! So you think you can unlock the "truth" from me that easily?
Diga: truth
{Synndor}: Yes my minions have those "keys" of truth and you shall never be able to get them!
Diga: keys
{Synndor}: I have all 9 keys hidden very safely from your kind! Be gone now, be gone!
{Synndor}: Ahh, you puny little Mortal! So you think you can unlock the "truth" from me that easily?
Diga: truth
{Synndor}: Ahh, you puny little Mortal! So you think you can unlock the "truth" from me that easily? How dare you slay my minions and collect my keys! Now your deal is with me! You shall die now!
Depois de o matar, volte de novo ao A Powerful Wizard.
{A Powerful Wizard}: Hello Great Seraph! What brings you here?Hail great one! I must congratulate you on your success. Your task is not completly done, now is the time you choose your path. As for the evil path you should go to "Niltsiar Majiah", As for the good path you should go to "Nomarac Majiah".
Diga: nomarac majiah
Você será enviado para uma
área com relva e precisara se deslocar para a secção mais
abaixo dessa área para encontrar o npc e falar com ele sem morrer devido
aos Invisable Warriors(true sight não os detecta).
{Nomarac Majiah}: Hello Great Seraph, are you here under The Powerful Wizard's request to help me find my brother?
Diga: yes
{Nomarac Majiah}: As you know, to reach the ancient land, evil and good must be at neutral point, thats why you must help me find my "brother"!
Diga: brother
{Nomarac Majiah}: The wizard informed me he was lost here so i came here to find him but found nothing!!! If you could help me find him... or find his essence!!! the "Evil Essence" that is a way we can find my brother, will you help me? "ya or na"
Diga: ya
{Nomarac Majiah}: please wander thru the land fight these creatures and find the good essence.
Mate o npc seraph nessa área e reze
para que ele deixe cair a essence, quando isto acontecer leve-a de volta ao A
Powerful Wizard e você estará pronto para a 4x.
{A Powerful Wizard}: Hello Great Seraph! What brings you here?Hail great one! I must congratulate you on your success. Your task is not completly done, now is the time you choose your path. As for the evil path you should go to "Niltsiar Majiah", As for the good path you should go to "Nomarac Majiah".Welcome back Great One, you are now ready to attain the 4th rebirth, you have united these powers with such great Knowledge that the Oracle himself can now rebirth you.
Agora vá ao npc Nomarac Majiah, fale
com ele e depois pode ir ao oracle npc para que ele o torne 4x seraph=)
Se for evil a quest
é igual, excepto que em vez de se dirigir das vezes que
necessário ao npc Nomarac Majiah tem que se dirigir ao npc Niltsiar