






Spells Charts

Section A3: Spells List - Sorted by Location

Note #1: For a long time now we wanted to find an accurate and acceptable way of measuring spells' damage. We gave some thought on the different possibilities and we think that we finally managed to find the most acceptable and accurate way. Check the introductory note on the Spell Output Chart for more information.

Note #2: Here you can find a study on Power/Intelligence/Resistance ratios, along with mathematical equations and such. The study was made by Hawk, a player of our very own DigiCon server and updated according to our discoveries about the subject.

Spells Chart Index (click on your choice to move to the relevant section)
A. Spells List - Sorted by Level Requirement (loads on separate page)
A1. Spells List - Sorted by Spell Name (loads on separate page)
A2. Spells List - Sorted by Teacher (loads on separate page)
A3. Spells List - Sorted by Location
A4. Spells List - Sorted by Elemental School (loads on separate page)
B. Spell Description
C. Spells Output Chart (loads on separate page)

A3. Spells List - Sorted by Location

The alternating (blue & red) colored borders indicate different Teachers. The table is alphabetically sorted by Location and then Teacher name.

Black: AR Spells
Teal: RD Spells
Light Blue: SH Spells
Violet: Add-On Spells (v1.25 and above)

Note: Click on spell name to move to the spell description

Teacher Spell Name Lvl Wis Int MP Prerequisites Pts Gold
AR Druids-Earthsong Yrian Heal Critical 27 55 17 7 Heal Serious 21 29457
AR Druids-Hornwind Dunikus Lightning Bolt 15 30 30 4 Dust Devil 10 10425
AR Druids-Hornwind Dunikus Call Lightning 26 41 42 7 Lightning Bolt 13 27058
LH-Araknor Lesser Drain 12 15 50 3 - 13 7152
LH Dungeon lvl 1-Shovanis Dust Devil 6 21 21 2 - 7 2388
LH Dungeon lvl 1-Shovanis Curse 20 16 74 5 - 17 17200
LH Dungeon lvl 1-Shovanis Word of Recall 21 36 36 100 - 12 18753
LH Mage Tower-Iraltok Fire Dart 2 15 21 1 - 5 532
LH Mage Tower-Iraltok Flaming Arrow 10 15 44 3 Fire Dart 8 5300
LH Mage Tower-Lothan Poison 7 18 30 2 - 7 3017
LH Mage Tower-Lothan Ice Shard 9 19 34 3 - 8 4473
LH Mage Tower-Lothan Poison Arrow 17 23 51 5 Poison 10 12937
LH Mage Tower-Uranos Stone Shard 4 20 17 2 - 6 1328
LH Mage Tower-Uranos Shatter 18 37 26 5 Stone Shard 11 14292
LH Temple-Kilhiam Light 2 15 18 10 - 5 233
LH Temple-Moonrock Heal Light 3 19 15 2 - 9 897
LH Temple-Moonrock Cure Poison 5 17 26 2 - 9 1825
LH Temple-Moonrock Protection 8 25 20 9 - 7 3712
LH Temple-Moonrock Heal Serious 13 34 16 4 Heal Light 14 8177
RD Castle-Bishop Crowbanner Sanctuary 52 91 18 120 Mana Shield & Stone Skin 33 99632
RD Castle-Bishop Crowbanner Healing 55 96 18 13 Heal Critical 35 110825
RD Castle-Starbolt Aloysious Detect Hidden 35 15 118 90 - 16 47425
RD Castle-Starbolt Aloysious Flame Wave 40 16 133 10 Fireball 18 60800
RD Castle-Starbolt Aloysious Resist Ice 46 15 150 11 Mana Shield 20 79028
RD Castle-Starbolt Aloysious Detect Invisibility 50 16 162 60 - 21 92500
RD Druids-Riverbane Kederic Barrier 21 24 59 10 - 12 18753
RD Druids-Riverbane Kederic Clear Thought 28 28 74 21 - 14 31472
RD Druids-Waterbreeze Celestina Resist Fire 43 34 105 10 Mana Shield 19 69617
RD Druids-Waterbreeze Celestina Ice Ball 45 35 110 11 Ice Bolt 20 75825
RD Library-Filandrius Firestorm 76 17 238 18 Flare 30 205808
RD Library-Filandrius Tornado 79 93 96 18 Vortex of Air 31 221753
RD Library-Filandrius Avalanche 82 52 187 19 Blizzard 32 238292
RD Library-Filandrius Inferno 83 17 259 19 Flare 32 243937
RD Library-Filandrius Ice Shield 84 53 191 100 - 33 249648
RD Library-Filandrius Hurricane 88 102 105 20 Tornado 34 273152
RD Library-Filandrius Druid' Point Portal 92 106 109 Full Druid's Point Gateway 10 297712
RD Library-Filandrius Lighthaven Portal 92 106 109 Full Lighthaven Gateway 10 297712
RD Library-Filandrius Silversky Portal 92 106 109 Full Silversky Gateway 10 297712
RD Library-Filandrius Stonecrest Portal 92 106 109 Full Stonecrest Gateway 10 297712
RD Library-Filandrius Sunken WoodsPortal 92 106 109 Full Sunken Woods Gateway 10 297712
RD Library-Filandrius Windhowl Portal 92 106 109 Full Windhowl Gateway 10 297712
RD Library-Filandrius Wizard's Vale Portal 92 106 109 Full Wizard's Vale Gateway 10 297712
RD Library-Filandrius Tsunami 96 58 217 22 Avalanche 37 323328
RD Library-Filandrius Meteor 100 18 309 23 Firestorm & Inferno 38 350000
RD Temple-Brother Giamas Earthen Strength 23 43 29 30 - 12 22057
RD Temple-Brother Giamas Stone Skin 37 59 37 45 Protection 17 52577
RD Temple-Brother Giamas Earthquake 47 71 43 11 Shatter 20 82297
RD Temple-Brother Thorkas Turn Undead 19 43 16 5 - 17 15713
RD Temple-Brother Thorkas Tranquility 38 71 17 45 Heal Critical 26 55252
RD Tower Of Sorcery-Zhakar Chain Lightning 30 45 46 7 Call Lightning 15 35700
RD Tower Of Sorcery-Zhakar Vortex of Air 40 55 56 10 Chain Lightning 18 60800
RD Tower Of Sorcery-Zhakar Nimbleness 44 59 60 11 - 19 72688
RD Woods-Etheanan Mana Shield 29 28 76 14 Protection & Barrier 14 33553
RD Woods-Etheanan Fire Shield 48 16 156 22 Flame Wave 22 85632
RD Woods-Etheanan Electric Shield 49 64 65 24 Chain Lightning 21 89033
RD Woods-Etheanan Rain of Fire 53 17 171 12 Flame Wave 22 103297
RD Woods-Etheanan Mana Surge 54 17 174 39 - 23 107028
RD Woods-Etheanan Glacier 55 40 130 13 Ice Ball 23 110825
RD Skeleton Cave-Blind Man Drain Life 23 16 83 6 Lesser Drain 19 22057
RD Skeleton Cave-Blind Man Plague Spell 33 16 112 40 - 24 42537
RD Skeleton Cave-Blind Man Greater Drain 41 16 136 10 Drain Life 28 63673
SC Temple-Nissus Haloseeker Bless 59 102 19 140 - 37 126673
SC Temple-Nissus Haloseeker Mass Healing 63 108 19 15 Healing 39 143557
SC Temple-Nissus Haloseeker Healing Mist 75 125 20 17 Mass Healing 45 200625
SC-Mithanna Snowraven Ice Storm 65 44 152 15 Glacier & Freeze 26 152425
SC-Mithanna Snowraven Blizzard 74 48 170 17 Ice Storm 29 195508
SH Kahp Leth Village-Shaman Weethgwotha Entangle 31 52 34 10 - 15 37319
SH Kahp Leth Village-Shaman Weethgwotha Boulders 67 95 55 16 Earthquake 27 161537
SH Kahp Leth Village-Shaman Weethgwotha True Sight 69 98 56 80 - 28 170913
SH Mordenthal's Castle-Sir Mordenthal Soulsteal 68 17 215 16 Greater Drain 41 166192
SH Sunken Woods-Healthy Looking Old Man Druid's Point Gateway 70 84 86 * Word of Recall 5 175700
SH Sunken Woods-Healthy Looking Old Man Lighthaven Gateway 70 84 86 * Word of Recall 5 175700
SH Sunken Woods-Healthy Looking Old Man Silversky Gateway 70 84 86 * Word of Recall 5 175700
SH Sunken Woods-Healthy Looking Old Man Windhowl Gateway 70 84 86 * Word of Recall 5 175700
SH Sunken Woods-Healthy Looking Old Man Wizard's Vale Gateway 70 84 86 * Word of Recall 5 175700
SH-Invisible Man Dispel 56 57 99 13 - 28 170913
SH-Invisible Man Invisibility 58 72 74 70 - 24 122612
SH-Invisible Man Flare 60 17 191 14 Rain of Fire 25 130300
SH-Invisible Man Major Combat Sense 66 64 114 15 Minor Combat Sense 27 156948
SS Town-Blackrose Elysana Minor Combat Sense 24 31 55 6 - 13 23808
SS Town-Blackrose Elysana Mana Burst 32 39 63 8 - 15 40192
WH Mage Tower-Clar Liurn Fire Bolt 22 16 80 6 Flaming Arrow 12 20372
WH Mage Tower-Clar Liurn Fireball 27 16 94 7 Fire Bolt 14 29457
WH Mage Tower-Marsac Cred Freeze 20 24 57 5 Ice Shard 11 17200
WH Mage Tower-Marsac Cred Ice Bolt 25 26 68 6 Ice Shard 13 25625

* Mana cost for the Gateway spell is always the full mana points of your character.

B. Spell Description


Official Description: Sends a huge cascade of snow and ice towards the target. This spell has a large area of effect
Use: The strongest water (ice) spell available, useful in all water-vulnerable monsters!
Target: Area of Effect Spell (Around target point).
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 19

Official Description: Increases the target's armor class.
Use: Among the most wanted spells for protection, it is good for every character with the required stats. The amount of gained AC is subject mainly to user's Wis and secondary Int.
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Physical
Duration: 2:00
Mana: 10

Official Description: Increases the target's max HP, attack and archery skills
Use: One of the best spells in the game. The HPs, archery and attack raise is very useful and all characters will benefit from this "bless". It's a must for priests and paladins. The increase is wisdom dependant.
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Physical
Duration: 30:00
Mana: 140

Official Description: Creates a severe snowstorm centered on the target. This spell has a large area of effect
Use: Very powerful water spell, useful for a lot of monsters.
Target: Area of Effect Spell (Around target point).
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 17

Official Description: Drops several fair-sized boulders on the target. This spell has a small area of effect
Use: One of the best spells for easy leveling. Note that very few monsters are earth spell resistant! This could be considered as earthquake's evolution. Limited area of effect but very nice damage. Wisdom dependent.
Target: Area of Effect Spell (Around target point).
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 16

Call Lightning
Official Description: Conjures forth a great bolt of lightning from atop the target's head and sends it crashing down upon it
Use: Very useful spell against winged creatures (Giant Wasp, Death Stinger, Taunting Horrors and all kind of Drakes).
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 7

Chain Lightning
Official Description: Sends a great bolt of lightning through the target. This spell has a moderately large area of effect
Use: Same with Call Lightning but with area of effect
Target: Area of Effect Spell (Around target point).
Type: Mental
Duration: 100ms
Mana: 7

Clear Thought
Official Description: Increases the caster's intelligence
Use: +25% Intelligence. One of the best spells for every spell caster. Useful, when casted, for improved damage in offensive spells and improved protection in defensive spells. Also when using Meditate skill, it helps raising MPs with a faster rate.
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 3:00
Mana: 21

Cure Poison
Official Description: Removes all poisons from the target's bloodstream
Use: Quite useful at the Forest of No Return (RD), spider field (SH), Nether Isles etc
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 2

Official Description: Greatly hinders the target's ability to use light-based spells, including healing spells.
Note: Spell doesn't affect healing effects of ring of the healer/priest, bluestone and aura.
Use: Not a favorable spell for xping, finds use at PVPs and Colosseum. Decreases light power by 2/3
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: 00:30
Mana: 5

Detect Invisible
Official Description: Allows the caster to see invisible monsters and player characters
Use: Useful especially in PVPs where the presence of every hostile player must be known in advance :-)
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 5:00
Mana: 60

Detect Hidden
Official Description: Allows the caster to see hidden monsters, objects and player characters
Use: Not a very useful spell as players prefer invisibility over hide. Nevertheless, it has its uses!
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 10:00
Mana: 90

Official Description: Negates most harmful effects that are anchored on the target
Use: Along with bless it's the best accessory spell of the game. It dispels most spells monsters can cast on you. Useful in nearly all areas of Stoneheim. Try it in Oracle, the Nether isles or Sir Mordenthal's dungeon and you will be amazed by the results :-). The following spells won't be dispelled by it: Disease, Entangle, Petrification, Terror, Quicksands, Peaceful Night, Silence of the Lambs, Stone, Hell Chains and Ice Chains.
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 13

Drain Life
Official Description: Drains health from the target and heals the caster by the same amount
Use: Advanced Necromancy spell (Drains HPs from the opponent, adding them to your own HPs). It's the second of the series. Useful against every living creature. Don't try it on undead :-)
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 6

Dust Devil
Official Description: Creates a swirling mass of dust and air and sends it flying towards the target
Use: Low-level Spell useful for the first battles against Arakas wasps.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 2

Earthen Strength
Official Description: Increases the target's strength
Use: Very useful spell when buying potions especially for mages that don't have enough base strength. Also very useful for every character because it is known that weapon damage increases with strength. The raise is wisdom dependant
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Physical
Duration: 5:00
Mana: 30

Official Description: Earth Spell with wide area of effect.
Use: Must-get spell. An invaluable xp tool for every owner.
Target: Area of effect spell (around caster, maybe its area of effect is wisdom or level dependent).
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant.
Mana: 11

Electric Shield
Official Description: Protective shield that counters every physical attack with a small jolt of energy
Use: Quite useful in every situation. NOTE: it doesn't raise the caster's air resistance.
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 2:00
Mana: 24

Official Description: Temporarily reduces the target's capacity to move and dodge attacks
Use: One of the most wanted spells before version 1.20. It prohibits any movement of the target for a short amount of time. Also it reduces dodge by 75%. A must-spell for PVP's.
Target: Any single friendly or enemy target.
Type: Physical
Duration: see the spells output chart
Mana: 10

Fire Bolt
Official Description: Sends a concentrated bolt of fire towards the target
Use: Very good spell during the last levels of Arakas and the first levels of RD. Very powerful against all kind of undead.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 6

Fire Dart
Official Description: Sends a small flaming projectile towards the target
Use: Hehehe...This is where it all begins.... Fire Dart the one and only spell during your early adventures into the depths of the LH Temple dungeon...
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 1

Fire Shield
Official Description: Protective shield that counters every physical attack with a small burst of fire
Use: Useful in every situation. NOTE: it doesn't raise the caster's fire resistance
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 2:00
Mana: 22

Official Description: Hurls a ball of fire at the target. This spell has a medium-sized area of effect
Use: Version 1.20 changed this spell so much that mages use this spell nearly in every situation. It's a must-spell for every spell caster.
Target: Area of Effect Spell (Around target).
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 7

Official Description: Creates a blazing firestorm around the target. This spell has a large area of effect
Use: Fire spell, second to the end. Very nice damage but a bit costly
Target: Area of Effect Spell (Around target).
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 18

Flame Wave
Official Description: Sends out a powerful wave of fire in a circular area around the caster. This spell has a moderately large area of effect
Use: Quite useful spell until Earthquake time :-). Try it out in Tara's Pond!
Target: Area of Effect Spell (Around Caster).
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 10

Flaming Arrow
Official Description: Sends a small flaming projectile towards the target
Use: The transition between fire dart and fire bolt.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 3

Official Description: Incinerates the target from the inside out
Use: Quite powerful spell against nearly all creatures but especially undead. Also very useful during PVPs.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 14

Official Description: Drastically drops the temperature around the target
Use: One of the early spells, not so useful.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 5

Official Description: Teleport Spell. Teleports caster to seven specific destination-stonehenges.

1) Lighthaven Gateway - Lighthaven Stonehenge
2) Windhowl Gateway - Windhowl Stonehenge
3) Druid's Point Gateway - Arakas Druid Camp
4) Wizard's Vale Gateway - Raven Dust near Zhakar Tower
5) Silversky Gateway - Silversky Stonehenge
6) Stonecrest Gateway- Stonecrest Stonehenge
7) Sunken Woods Gateway - Stoneheim Sunken Woods near Gateway Teacher

Use: It is not damaging the caster as long as he casts it from inside a temple or a stonehenge. Otherwise it is very damaging. Very nice spell that decreases the distance the location to a macro :-)
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 00:09
Mana: Mana cost for the Gateway spell is always the full mana points of your character.

Official Description: Creates a huge glacier and hurls it down on the target
Use: Quite powerful spell but not from the most popular. Limited use to specific creatures e.g. Dune Raiders.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 13

Greater Drain
Official Description: Drains health from the target and heals the caster by the same amount
Use: See Drain Life. The amount of "drained" HPs is bigger.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 10

Heal Critical
Official Description: Restores health to the target
Use: Obvious use :-)
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 7

Heal Light
Official Description: Restores health to the target
Use: Obvious use :-)
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 2

Heal Serious
Official Description: Restores health to the target
Use: Obvious use :-)
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 4

Official Description: Restores health to the target
Use: This is the last really useful healing spell. The other two (mass healing & healing mist) in the series are a little "luxury" for some users when comparing the stats required and the effect that they have at HPs.
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 13

Healing Mist
Official Description: Restores health to the target and all group members in the vicinity. This spell has an extremely large area of effect
Use: Healing spell, heals the caster, plus any other player that they are grouped with.
Target: Any self and close friendly target (mass effect).
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 17

Official Description: Assaults the target with gale-like winds and lightning. This spell has an extremely large area of effect
Use: Very powerful air spell with a large area of effect. A bit slow at first but its damage is satisfying
Target: Area of Effect Spell (Around target)
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 20

Ice Ball
Official Description: Sends a projectile of densely packed ice crashing down into the target
Use: Not very popular spell, just a transition for the more advanced of the series.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 11

Ice Bolt
Official Description: Sends a small bolt of ice towards the target
Use: See above.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 6

Ice Shard
Official Description: Sends a small shard of ice streaking towards the target
Use: See above.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 3

Ice Shield
Official Description: Protective shield that counters every physical attack with a freezing cloud of ice
Use: As all other shield spells. NOTE: it doesn't raise the caster's water resistance!
Target: Caster Only
Type: Physical
Duration: 5:00
Mana: 100

Ice Storm
Official Description: Creates a tempest of ice shards and sends them towards the target. This spell has a large area of effect
Use: Powerful but slow.
Target: Area of Effect Spell (Around target point).
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 15

Official Description: Covers the target in an all-consuming blaze of fire
Use: Very powerful. A very potent fire spell!
Target: Single enemy target
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 19

Official Description: Renders the target completely invisible
Use: Invisibility is only for the players' benefit, as monsters can see you.
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Physical
Duration: 5:00
Mana: 70

Lesser Drain
Official Description: Drains health from the target and heals the caster by the same amount
Use: First of the Drain series of spells. As with greater drain, explained above, remember that drain spells "work" better against human opponents e.g. Assassins, Raiders, etc.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 3

Official Description: Enables all within the vicinity of the caster to see clearly even in darkness
Use: Obvious use even for barbarians :p
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 10:00
Mana: 10

Lightning Bolt
Official Description: Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target
Use: Useful only for the first levels and first battles.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 4

Major Combat Sense
Official Description: Greatly increases the target's strength, attack, dodge and archery skills
Use: +33% dodge, +50% attack, archery skills raise and +25% strength. Its only drawback is its duration.
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Physical
Duration: 00:30
Mana: 15

Mana Burst
Official Description: Sends a bolt of pure mana towards the target. Because of its special nature, this spell can be cast much faster than other spells
Use: The ultimate spell for PVP. It is not inhibited by AC or any kind of resistance of the target.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 8

Mana Shield
Official Description: Increases the target's elemental resistances
Use: Must-spell for obvious reasons, useful in every situation you face any kind of spell :-) Gives +33% to all magic resistances except light.
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Physical
Duration: 2:00
Mana: 14

Mana Surge
Official Description: Increases the target's elemental powers
Use: Very good spell because it enhances the damage done by any kind of offensive spell, both wisdom and intelligent dependent ones. Grants a bonus of +33% to light, air, water, earth ,fire magic powers and +25% dark magic power.
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Physical
Duration: 03:00
Mana: 39

Mass Healing
Official Description: Restores health to the target and all group members in the vicinity. This spell has a moderately large area of effect
Use: Healing spell, heals the caster, plus players that are grouped with him
Target: Any self and close friendly target (mass effect).
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 15

Official Description: Hurls a small fragment of a meteor down from the heavens, devastating the target on impact. This spell has a small area of effect
Use: The ultimate damage spell. The top of the tops :-)
Target: Area of Effect Spell (Around target).
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 23

Minor Combat Sense
Official Description: Increases the target's attack, dodge and archery skills
Use: +25% dodge, +33% attack and archery skills raise.
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Physical
Duration: 1:00
Mana: 6

Official Description: Greatly increases the caster's agility and dodge skill
Use: Helpful avoiding melee and ranged weapon attacks. Raises agility by 25% and dodge by 50%.
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 1:00
Mana: 11

Official Description: Plague: The plague spell lowers the target's max HP and ability to cast Light spells, as well as periodically dealing a small amount of damage.
Use: Useful mainly in PVP's, but it's also very useful for high hp's monsters (e.g. Colosseum monsters). Decreases target's max HPs by 25%, target's light power by 2%, and inflicts some damage over time
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Physical
Duration: 5:00
Mana: 40

Official Description: Gradually drains the target's HP over an extended period of time
Use: One of the worst spell of the game. When killing a target with this spell you don't get maximum gold and xp from the kill. AVOID!
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: 00:20
Mana: 2

Poison Arrow
Official Description: Hurls a small projectile made of a poisonous substance at the target
Use: The second worst spell of the game. When killing a target with this spell you don't get maximum gold and xp from the kill. AVOID
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Physical
Duration: 501ms
Mana: 5

Official Description: Summons a portal that can be used to teleport to the relevant location
Use: This v1.25 goodie has made travelling much easier!
Target: Special (summoning)
Type: None
Mana: Full

Official Description: Increases the target's armor class
Use: Must spell nearly for all classes. It is mainly wisdom dependent.
Target: Self or single friendly target.
Type: Physical
Duration: 3:00
Mana: 9

Rain of Fire
Official Description: Rains fire down from the heavens to consume the target. This spell has a moderately large area of effect.
Use: Must-spell for a good mage. Mass dmg with a wide area of effect. Its only drawback is its slow casting rate.
Target: Mass area of effect spell.
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 12

Resist Fire
Official Description: Increases the caster's resistance to fire-based attacks
Use: Raises the fire resistance of the caster by 100% of base fire resistance.
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 1:00
Mana: 10

Resist Ice
Official Description: Increases the caster's resistance to water-based attacks
Use: Raises the water resistance of the caster by 100% of base water resistance.
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 1:00
Mana: 11

Official Description: Protects the caster from all bodily harm for a short period of time.
Use: It raises the caster's AC (+9.000) and resists (+50.000) for 1 min. Note that during this min and for another 1 min the caster cannot cast any kind of spell or perform any kind of attack. Virtually an "escape" spell.
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 1:00
Mana: 120

Official Description: Hits the target with enough force to shatter it to pieces
Use: Quite useful spell for goblins, and bugs.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 5

Official Description: Drains health from the target and heals the caster by the same amount
Use: See above. The amount of "drained" HPs is the maximum of all in its class. Must-spell for the good mage. Quite effective in PVP too
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 16

Stone Shard
Official Description: Sends a small shard of stone flying towards the target.
Use: One of the first weapons for the epic battles near LH :-)
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 2

Stone Skin
Official Description: Protection spell. Temporarily increases caster's AC.
Use: Must spell for everyone that can afford its requirements. Base AC raise is approximately 20. It is wisdom dependent.
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 5:00
Mana: 45

Official Description: Envelops the target with a swirling mass of condensed air. This spell has a large area of effect
Use: Very powerful but slow.
Target: Area of Effect Spell (Around target point)
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 18

Official Description: Increases the caster's wisdom
Use: +33% Wisdom. Very useful spell because the wisdom raise affects both offensive spells dmg and defensive spells' AC (for the wisdom dependent spells).
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 5:00
Mana: 45

True Sight
Official Description: Allows the caster to see everything that is hidden or invisible
Use: Must-spell. It combines both the properties of Detect Invisible and Detect Hidden spells.
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: 5:00
Mana: 80

Official Description: Sends a giant tidal wave crashing down upon the target
Use: Good but a bit slow at first
Target: Single enemy target
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 37

Turn Undead
Official Description: Assaults an undead target with powerful righteous words of banishment
Use: A very useful spell for undead monsters. Especially with 'tons" of wisdom :-) Popular for undeads and Makrsh P'Tangh himself.
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 5

Vortex of Air
Official Description: Sends a swirling mass of compressed air towards the target
Use: A good solid mental spell. Good for air-vulnerable enemies!
Target: Single enemy target.
Type: Mental
Duration: Instant
Mana: 10

Word of Recall
Official Description: Magically transports the caster back to his or her sanctuary.
Use: Obvious use :-) a life-saver
Target: Caster only.
Type: Physical
Duration: Instant
Mana: 100

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