Graphical Representation - Armor, Page 1
This page shows how the items will be in-game. You have to know what you are getting :-). For faster loading times, we have split the page into 2 parts.
Colour Coding |
Red: GM Items
Black: AR Items
Teal: RD Items
Light Blue:
SH Items
Orange: Seraph Items
Violet: Add-on Items
Please keep in mind that the "Graphic Name" Column is how we like to name the graphics for easier reference. They are not official in any way. Thanks to seePyou for his contribution to these charts.
A. Armor Sets & Special Armor
1) Chest Pieces
Armour Type/Name |
Graphic |
Graphic Name |
Cloth Vest, Straight Jacket +1 |
Cloth Vest |
Leather Armor, Hardened Leather Armor, Goblin Leather Armor, Armor of Cowardice, Armor of Selfishness, Elven Leather Armor |
Leather Armor |
Studded Leather Armor |
Studded Leather Armor |
Ringmail Armor, Chainmail Armor, Blessed Chainmail Armor, Scalemail Armor, Elven Chainmail Armor, Mithril Chainmail Armor, Dragonscale Armor, Drachenplate |
Ring & Chain Armor |
Azure Platemail Armor, Platemail Armor, Gleaming Bluestone Chestplate, Dwarven Platemail Armor, Adamantite Platemail Armor, Ancient Platemail Armor, Ancient Celestial Plate |
Metal Armor |
2) Leggings
Armour Type/Name |
Graphic |
Graphic Name |
Cloth Pants |
Cloth Pants |
Leather Leggings, Elven Leather Leggings |
Leather Leggings |
Studded Leather Leggings |
Studded Leather Leggings |
Ringmail Leggings, Chainmail Leggings, Scalemail Leggings, Elven Chainmail Leggings, Mithril Chainmail Leggings, Dragonscale Leggings |
Ring & Chain Leggings |
Azure Platemail Leggings, Platemail Leggings, Gleaming Bluestone Legplates, Dwarven Platemail Leggings, Adamantite Platemail Leggings, Ancient Platemail Leggings |
Metal Leggings |
3) Boots (Note: Boot's of Speed has lost their graph, since 1.14 version (if we remember correct the version))
Armour Type/Name |
Graphic |
Graphic Name |
Leather Boots, Studded Leather Boots, Elven Leather Boots |
Leather Boots |
Ringmail Boots, Black Lizardskin Boots, Chainmail Boots, Scalemail Boots, Elven Chainmail Boots, Mithril Chainmail Boots, Dragonscale Boots, Jander's Padded Boots |
Ring & Chain Boots |
Azure Platemail Boots, Platemail Boots, Gleaming Bluestone Sabatons, Dwarven Platemail Boots, Adamantite Platemail Boots, Ancient Platemail Boots |
Metal Boots |
4) Head Pieces
Armour Type/Name |
Graphic |
Graphic Name |
Leather Helmet, Studded Leather Helmet, Elven Leather Helmet
Leather Helmet |
Ringmail Helmet, Chainmail Helmet, Scalemail Helmet, Elven Chainmail Helmet, Mithril Chainmail Helmet, Dragonscale Helmet |
Ring & Chain Helmet |
Azure Platemail Helmet, Platemail Helmet, Gleaming Bluestone Headgear, Dwarven Platemail Helmet, Adamantite Platemail Helmet, Ancient Platemail Helmet |
Metal Helmet |
Arcane Circlet of Power, Crown of the Death Jester, Crown of the Visionary, Golden-Emerald Encrusted Tiara, Mystic Headband of the Wind, Runed Malachite Diadem |
Crown/Circlet |
Drachenhelm |
Drachen Helmet |
Helmet of the Clairvoyant, Helmet of the Healer, Lost Helm of the Dragon, Spectral Helm, Screaming Helm of Ogrimar |
Horned Helm |
Elven Hat, Madrigan's hat of Camouflage |
Elven Hat |
Skeleton Helm |
Pointed Helm |
5) Gloves
Armour Type/Name |
Graphic |
Graphic Name |
Leather Gloves, Studded Leather Gloves, Ringmail Gauntlets, Chainmail Gauntlets, Elven Leather Gloves, Scalemail Gloves, Elven Chainmail Gauntlets, Mithril Chainmail Gauntlets, Dragonscale Gauntlets, Gloves of the Duelist, Gloves of Thieving, Jander's Gloves of Thievery |
Leather/Chain Gauntlets |
Azure Platemail Gauntlets, Platemail Gauntlets, Gleaming Bluestone Gauntlets, Dwarven Platemail Gauntlets, Adamantite Platemail Gauntlets, Ancient Platemail Gauntlets, Gauntlets of Shocking |
Metal Gloves |
6) Belts
Armour Type/Name |
Graphic |
Graphic Name |
Leather Belt, Studded Leather Belt, Elven Leather Belt, Ringmail Girdle, Chainmail Girdle, Scalemail Protector, Elven Chainmail Protector, Mithril Chainmail Girdle, Dragonscale Protector, Azure Platemail Protector, Plate Protector, Gleaming Bluestone Protector, Dwarven Platemail Protector, Adamantite Platemail Protector, Ancient Platemail Protector, Belt of Skraug Strength, Belt of Unstable Protection, Buckle of Lockpicks, Chastity Belt, Cord of Treachery, Girdle of Courage, Girdle of Insight, Girdle of Protection, Girdle of Strength, Leather Belt of Survival, Monk's White Sash, Scarab Protector |
Standard Belt |
7) Capes
Armour Type/Name |
Graphic |
Graphic Name |
Cape of Fire Resistance, Cape of the Ancient Assassin, Midnight Shroud, Red Cape, Warder's Cloak |
Cape |
B. Shields
Armour Type/Name |
Graphic |
Graphic Name |
Silver Spoon of the Prophet |
Spoon |
Emerald Power Focus |
Green Gem |
Diamond Power Focus |
Yellow Gem |
Sapphire Power Focus |
Sapphire Gem |
Ruby Power Focus |
Purple Gem |
Eye of the Tiger |
Eye |
Wooden Shield, Round Shield, Orcish Shield, Shield of the Damned |
Wooden Shield |
Windhowl Shield, Coral Shield |
Large Shield |
Large Shield, Tower Shield |
Tower Shield |
Drachenshield |
Drachen Shield |
Mithril Shield |
Mithril Shield |
Gothic Shield |
Gothic Shield |
Darkwood Shield |
Darkwood Shield |
Adamantite Shield |
Adamantite Shield |
All With Honor Shield, Shield of the Ages |
Shield of the Ages |
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