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- Skill -

Rapid healing

To learn

NPC: Trugg, Mhorgwloth the troll

To train

NPC: Trugg, Mhorgwloth the troll

Influenced by

Your skill points and your endurance.


The calculation of the formula is done with statistics and skills boosted character.

The regeneration effect occurs every 2 seconds with a success rate of 60%. The value varies between 0 and the max result of the formula.

(END / 40) + 1 = regeneration A
(rapid healing + 25 ) / 25 = regeneration B
A * B = regeneration max
Example with a character who has 300 END and 125 Rapid healing : ((300 / 40) + 1) * ((125 + 25 ) / 25) = 51 regeneration max

The NPC The fanatic allows you to obtain information on the regeneration of your skill.

rapid-healing.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/04 19:31 (external edit)