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How to play?

To sign up for the game you must use T4C Reforged. You can fill up the following form:

The account will be activated immediately.

How to connect on the website?

To connect on the website you can click on body shaped icon on the top left of the wesite:

Forgotten account?

You can get your account information back by using Recovery form.

A new password will be sent to you by email.

How to download the game?

There are two ways to download the game. From the website's main page:

Or by using The game's page of the website, at the bottom you'll find:

How to install the game?

Once you've downloaded the executable reforged.exe. You must then install it on the directory of your choice.

Then launch the game from the shortcut on your Desktop T4C Reforged.

Why does my antivirus notify me?

Every time you launch it the game will check if there is any update available. Some antiviruses can interpret this as false positive.

In this case you must confirm to your antivirus that everything is OK.

The game closes on its own?

If the game quits without warning, it is possible that your antivirus is causing this. To correct this action, you can open your security software and set the T4CReforged game folder to a no-scan/no-check rule (exclusion rule).

Thanks to the exclusion rule, your antivirus will no longer interfere with the game.

This kind of problem can also be caused by software occupying the use of the Documents folder, such as synchronization software. Please note that the Reforged folder is not synchronized.

Software that can cause these problems are for example OneDrive, Google Drive, DAEMON Tools, Avast, ..

The game doesn't launch?

If the game doesn't launch you can use Microsoft_Visual_C++_2015_2022_Redistributable.exe softwares that can be found in the game's redistributable directory.

After an update, the following message may appear:

Windows cannot access the specified devise, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.

In this case, you must open your security software and put the T4CReforged folder as an exception. The error is common for Avast users.

Black screen?

If the game opens on a black screen, it could be because your Windows screen is set to extended display mode.

Breakdowns on the internet?

The game server is hosted by OVH US on the east coast of the United States in Virginia.
It can happen that one or more failures on the internet make the game unstable if you are in Europe.

Why is there an update's error?

Install Microsoft_Visual_C++_2015_2022_Redistributable that can be found in the game's redistributable directory.

You can manually get the updated executable using this link

How to modify the game's settings?

In the game's directory you can use the t4crconfig.exe's executable. You then have access to several options.

You can use the T4CR Config's executable on your Desktop.

Settings do not save?

This kind of problem can be caused by software occupying the use of the Documents folder, such as synchronization software. Please note that the Reforged folder is not synchronized.

Software that can cause these problems are for example OneDrive, Google Drive, DAEMON Tools, Avast, ..

How to modify my account?

Once connected, the following buttons appear:

By clicking on the body shaped button the following menu is displayed:

A page appears and allows you to modify several settings of your account like the language of the website, the level's visibility of your characters, wether or not you activate your character's profile sharing, personal bar and many other things like your email or password's modification.

How to buy Ecu?

Once connected on the website the following buttons appear:

By clicking on the cart you'll be able to choose a character that will receive the purchased Ecu.

Saved accounts?

The game client allows you to save multiple accounts.

This record is made in the file Connect.txt (Reforged folder that is in your Documents folder).

You can easily clean this file by opening the game, selecting an account and pressing the Clear button.

Modify the accounts file?

The Connect.txt file is located in the Reforged folder which is located in your Documents folder.

You can open this file with any text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++.

If you wish to modify this file, please respect the structure presented below:

Messages no longer appear?

Go to the menu which displays the list of connected people then press the Reset ignore* button. Then restart the game.

faq.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/04 20:03 by