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Main screen



  1. Name, hp, mp, level
  2. Pending spell
  3. Your character
  4. Chat window
  5. Local chat button, general, private and texte area
  6. Emote button / extra button / group invitation button / refresh the screen button
  7. In-game players button
  8. Game's menu button
  9. Direct macros
  10. Quit the game
  11. Radar

Character menu



  1. Level
  2. Name
  3. Attribute points to spend
  4. Karma
  5. Skill points to spend
  6. Str
  7. End
  8. Dext
  9. Int
  10. Wis
  11. Armor class
  12. Chance
  13. Hp
  14. Mp
  15. Encumbrance
  16. Attack skill
  17. Archery skill
  18. Dodge skill
  19. Equipment points skill
  20. Remainining xp
  21. Total xp
  22. Power/Resist tab



  1. Attribute tab
  2. Air power
  3. Fire power
  4. Water power
  5. Earth power
  6. Necro power
  7. Light power
  8. Air resist
  9. Fire resist
  10. Water resist
  11. Earth resist
  12. Necro resist
  13. Light resist

Inventory menu



  1. Amulet slot
  2. Bracelet slot
  3. Helmet/crown slot
  4. Ring slot
  5. Ring slot
  6. Armor/robe slot
  7. Cape/wing slot
  8. Weapon/right hand slot
  9. Shield/left hand/arrow slot
  10. Gloves slot
  11. Belt slot
  12. Leggings slot
  13. Boots slot
  14. Orb slot
  15. Your inventory
  16. Junk button
  17. Drop button
  18. Trade button
  19. Create a macro
  20. Gold
  21. Your character

Spells menu



  1. Fire spells
  2. Water spells
  3. Air spells
  4. Earth spells
  5. Light spells
  6. Necro spells
  7. Neutral spells
  8. Already learnt spells
  9. Macro creation button

Guild menu



  1. Your guild

Group menu



  1. Your group
  2. Invite a player
  3. Leave the group
  4. Kick a player
  5. Share or not the gold in a fair way

Macros menu



  1. Already assigned item or spell
  2. Already assigned item or spell
  3. Assigned key
  4. Delete a macro
  5. Direct macros




  1. Sound settings
  2. Options
  3. GUI reset
  4. Toggle performance mode
  5. Toggle default mode


Write Action
Hello Local displays of the word Hello
:Hello Displays the word Hello on the Main channel
;Hello Displays the word Hello on the selected channel
/urtho Hello Sends the word Hello to the character Urthoss
Write Action
!afk Displays AFK commands
.dice 10 / .dice 50 Rolls a dice of 10 / 50 visible by players close to you
.dpsreset / .dpsstat Reset dpsstat / displays dpsstat
!fps Displays / hides FPS, drawing and the ping
.house For guild founder, check if we are the owner
.houselist For guild founder, check if any houses are available
.housebuy For guild founder, allows purchasing a house. Example: .housebuy 1
.housesell For guild founder, allows selling a house. Example: .housesell 1
.inv XXXX Allows you to invite a member of your guild to your group, even from a distance. For example, use .inv al to invite the character Alpha
.roll Rolls a dice of 100 (0-99) visible by players close to you
.secure off / .secure on Quickly disconnects your character in the event of a crash and when you reconnect he is placed in the temple of Lighthaven
.xpreset / .xpstat Reset xpstat / displays xpstat
Keyboard Action
alt left+enter Fullscreen / windowed
alt right Enable / disable the WASD for move
esc Shows / hides menus
del Enable / disable automove
tab Shows the minimap
ctrl+ Action
c PVP mode (icon displays on the top right corner of the screen)
d Shows guild
g Shows the group
h Screenshot [ Documents/Reforged/T4CREF/screenshot ]
i Shows the inventory
k Shows the name of all players on the screen
l Shows connected players
m Shows macros
n Shows the name of all units on the screen
o Shows settings
p Shows spells
s Shows the character
t Shows the trade
v Paste the text from the clipboard
w Shows the worlds
x Refresh the screen
Mouse Action
click wheel Recall to Lighthaven if you have activated the option Recall with click wheel - Costs 50k gold


NPCs answer different keywords, here is a list of the most popular:



You can set your sanctuary in the temple of your choice. Setting a sanctuary means that in case of death or use of an item/spell of recall, the character will go in his sanctuary

There are 4 possible choices:
- Lighthaven's temple > Kilhiam for 1 500 gold
- Windhowl's temple > Brother Harforr for 5 000 gold
- Silversky's temple > Brother Thorkas for 15 000 gold
- Stonecrest's temple > Nissus Haloseeker for 25 000 gold

Say the keyword sanctuary and yes to the NPC that suits you to set your sanctuary.

guide.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/07 12:45 by