Although the game does not offer a preconceived character class, it is possible to push your avatar in a specific direction.
In relation to the content of the game, 9 main classes can be played. There is the Priest light, Priest air, Priest earth, Necromancer, Mage water, Mage fire, Archer, Warrior and the Paladin !
Throughout the evolution of your character you must increase his attributes (strength, endurance, agility, intelligence, wisdom), skills (attack, dodge, archery, …) and teach him spells (light, air, earth, …). All this combined makes your avatar more able to produce this or that action.
Also take into consideration the maximum level which is 199 to obtain 5 attribute points and 15 skill points at each Level up!.
A human character starts with 20 points in each of his attributes while a seraph I starts with 25 points in each of his attributes! The seraph II, 30 points in each of its attributes.
The website offers a calculator that can anticipate the level required for the character of your dreams.
As you can see, nothing prevents you from creating a Warrior character with the spells of a fire mage!
If you are new to the game, it may be worth planning a character with a lot of endurance. Like 180 endurance.