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The houses
Houses are located in the Stonecrest Bay.
You must be the founder of a guild to have access to commands related to houses.
If a guild acquires a house, all members can enter the house. It may be necessary to log out and log back in for this to take effect.
In a house, you will find: a personal chest, a guild chest, a target dummy, and access to the guild arena.
Vérifier son statut
The command .house allows you to check if you own a house.
Check the houses
The command .houselist allows you to see the available houses.
Buy a house
The command .housebuy allows you to buy a house after purchasing a property certificate from the notary.
For example: .housebuy 1
Sell a house
The command .housesell allows you to sell your house and return to the notary to collect 30 Ecu.
For example: .housesell 1