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The houses

You must be the guild founder to purchase a house!

Houses are located in the Stonecrest Bay.

A portal located in the Shop and the basement of the Stonecrest temple also allows you to access your house.

If a guild acquires a house, all members can enter the house. It may be necessary to log out and log back in for this to take effect.

In a house, you will find: a personal chest, a guild chest, a target dummy, and access to the guild arena.

The target has 100 in AC and Magic Resistance. It allows you to test the damage of your equipment.

Check your status

The command .house allows you to check if you own a house.

Check the houses

The command .houselist allows you to see the available houses.

Buy a house

The command .housebuy allows you to buy a house after purchasing a property certificate from the notary for 60 Ecu.

For example: .housebuy 1

Sell a house

The command .housesell allows you to sell your house and return to the notary to collect 30 Ecu.

For example: .housesell 1

the-houses.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/05 21:27 by