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Les sorts des monstres :


Choississez les sorts des monstres que vous désirez voir :

Vircom - Angelus - Gaia - Armaguedon - Pandore - Utopia - T4C Player - Chaos - Xavus


Classez les données à votre façon :

Par en ordre
est à

Nom Effet Durée
Kingsnake Poison Does damage based on your max HP, slow movement 8
Minor Regeneration +1.6% max hp per second 24
Regeneration +10 HP per second 10
Might of the Custodian +100% Attack 17
Stoneskin +17 AC 0
Power Up +25% Water Magic Power, +25% Attack 60
Dark Regeneration +3% Max hp per second 30
Custodians Word +33% All Resists, +33% All Magic Powers, -50% Attack 30
Fairys Night Magic +33% Earth Magic Power, +33% Dark Magic Power 30
Evil Pentagram +33% Int, +33% Attack 30
Rabies +33% Str, -20% Int, -20% Wis, -20% Dodge, -10% Max Hp 10
Stone +50 AC, No movement 20
Manabane -10 mana every second 30
Mana Leak -10% Max mana per second 30
Mudball -20% Attack, -20% Dodge, -20% Archery 11
Armor Melt -25% AC, Damages 5% of you max HP every 3 seconds 30
Aggravation -25% All Resists 35
Desolidification -25% All Resists, +50% Dodge 25
Rat Lice -25% Attack, -25% Archery, -25% Dodge 20
Piercing Worms -45% Int, 50 damage every 10 seconds 2
Unholy Blessing -5% hp, +25% Dodge 60
Armor Weakness -50% AC 1
Rotting Fingers -50% Agi, -50% Attack, -50% Archery 35
Antimagic Shell -50% All Magic Powers 1
Mind Rot -50% Int, -50% Wis 22
Stench -50% Int, -50% Wis 30
No Magic Zone -50% Mana 0
Shadow Whispers -50% mana 0
Gangrene -50% Str, -50% End, -50% Agi 26
Disease -65% End, Damages every 30 seconds 5
Peaceful Night Cancels physical attacks 15
Terror Cancels physical attacks, Cancels spell casting 15
Silence of the Lambs Cancels spell casting 15
Poisonous Bite Damage based on creature's Wis/Int 0
Evil Fire Damage based on the Intelligence of the creature 0
Poison Damage based on your max HP every 5 seconds 2
Blaze of Glory Damage to opponent and user (int based) 0
Throwing Stones Damage, -25 AC 10
Chilling Touch Damage, -45% Str 23
Lethal Sting Does damage based on the Intelligence of the Creature 0
Foul Sickness End is set to 1 1
Makrsh P'Tangh Boulders Hits all targets 0
Makrsh P'Tangh Glacier Hits all targets 0
Makrsh P'Tangh Meteor Hits all targets 0
Makrsh P'Tangh Teleport Hits all targets 0
True Invisibility Invisibility 4
Blink Invisibility at random intervals 5
Hide in Shadows Invisibility until attack is made (detectable by True Sight) 50
Petrification No movement 12
Quicksands No movement 6
Fatigue No movement/physical attack 10
Fire Shield Nothing apparent 10
Firefang Offensive fire shield 15
Complete Dispel Removes most beneficial effects from target 0
Hell Chains Slow movement, 20 damage every second 20
Forest Return to Center Teleports character to 1 of 6 areas in the Forest of No Return 0

Données tirées de la T4C Bible.

Resp. de section :
Black Lemming
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