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Les sorts des monstres :


Choississez les sorts des monstres que vous désirez voir :

Vircom - Angelus - Gaia - Armaguedon - Pandore - Utopia - T4C Player - Chaos - Xavus


Classez les données à votre façon :

Par en ordre
est à

Nom Effet Durée
Aggravation -25% All Resists 35
Antimagic Shell -50% All Magic Powers 1
Armor Melt -25% AC, Damages 5% of you max HP every 3 seconds 30
Armor Weakness -50% AC 1
Blaze of Glory Damage to opponent and user (int based) 0
Blink Invisibility at random intervals 5
Chilling Touch Damage, -45% Str 23
Complete Dispel Removes most beneficial effects from target 0
Custodians Word +33% All Resists, +33% All Magic Powers, -50% Attack 30
Dark Regeneration +3% Max hp per second 30
Desolidification -25% All Resists, +50% Dodge 25
Disease -65% End, Damages every 30 seconds 5
Evil Fire Damage based on the Intelligence of the creature 0
Evil Pentagram +33% Int, +33% Attack 30
Fairys Night Magic +33% Earth Magic Power, +33% Dark Magic Power 30
Fatigue No movement/physical attack 10
Fire Shield Nothing apparent 10
Firefang Offensive fire shield 15
Forest Return to Center Teleports character to 1 of 6 areas in the Forest of No Return 0
Foul Sickness End is set to 1 1
Gangrene -50% Str, -50% End, -50% Agi 26
Hell Chains Slow movement, 20 damage every second 20
Hide in Shadows Invisibility until attack is made (detectable by True Sight) 50
Kingsnake Poison Does damage based on your max HP, slow movement 8
Lethal Sting Does damage based on the Intelligence of the Creature 0
Makrsh P'Tangh Boulders Hits all targets 0
Makrsh P'Tangh Glacier Hits all targets 0
Makrsh P'Tangh Meteor Hits all targets 0
Makrsh P'Tangh Teleport Hits all targets 0
Mana Leak -10% Max mana per second 30
Manabane -10 mana every second 30
Might of the Custodian +100% Attack 17
Mind Rot -50% Int, -50% Wis 22
Minor Regeneration +1.6% max hp per second 24
Mudball -20% Attack, -20% Dodge, -20% Archery 11
No Magic Zone -50% Mana 0
Peaceful Night Cancels physical attacks 15
Petrification No movement 12
Piercing Worms -45% Int, 50 damage every 10 seconds 2
Poison Damage based on your max HP every 5 seconds 2
Poisonous Bite Damage based on creature's Wis/Int 0
Power Up +25% Water Magic Power, +25% Attack 60
Quicksands No movement 6
Rabies +33% Str, -20% Int, -20% Wis, -20% Dodge, -10% Max Hp 10
Rat Lice -25% Attack, -25% Archery, -25% Dodge 20
Regeneration +10 HP per second 10
Rotting Fingers -50% Agi, -50% Attack, -50% Archery 35
Shadow Whispers -50% mana 0
Silence of the Lambs Cancels spell casting 15
Stench -50% Int, -50% Wis 30
Stone +50 AC, No movement 20
Stoneskin +17 AC 0
Terror Cancels physical attacks, Cancels spell casting 15
Throwing Stones Damage, -25 AC 10
True Invisibility Invisibility 4
Unholy Blessing -5% hp, +25% Dodge 60

Données tirées de la T4C Bible.

Resp. de section :
Black Lemming
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